Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 296 The Strongest Background

In the process of beheading the S3-level mutant beast, Ye Chong also became more proficient in using the method of surging energy and blood.

Not long ago, when he slashed at the target face-to-face, he could only use the Qi and Blood Surge Method twice in a row, that is to say, the first strike that hit the target was equivalent to twice the power of the basic Qi and Blood Surge.

But now, facing the same target, he can easily use the Qi and Blood Surge Method three times, that is to say, the first strike that hits the target is equivalent to three times the power of the basic Qi and Blood Surge.

"It's not just the first cut.


The speed at which my qi and blood surge now is 50% faster than before.

As long as my qi and blood are not exhausted, I can continue to increase the attack power. The longer the attack stroke, the greater the superimposed force and power, and the greater the amount of qi and blood consumed.

The issue is……

Do I really need to worry about blood consumption?

Don't forget, I have combat points.

According to the experience of being chased and killed by a SS1-level mutant bear not long ago, 1 combat achievement point can restore 100 points of my vitality.

My current blood limit is 127.

In other words, it doesn't take two battle points at all, and my blood will become completely full.

As for my current combat achievements...

My goodness!

It has reached 145 points!

An SS1-level mutant bear contributed a full 100 combat points to me.

There are also S2-level mutant beasts killed, each of which can contribute 1 point of combat merit.

With so many combat points, do I still need to worry about whether I have enough blood?

Do not!

No need!

What I need to worry about is not whether there is enough energy and blood, but how to make better use of these combat points.


Since I don't have to worry about qi and blood consumption, what else can I worry about?

kill! "





The blade of the starry sky flew up and down, each time getting faster and stronger, and the seven S3-level mutant beasts were soon decapitated and died violently on the spot.

The last S3-level mutant beast is the peak S3-level mutant silverback, which is several circles larger than ordinary silverback gorillas. It is more than three meters tall, with broad arms and a round waist. From a distance, it looks a bit like Tarzan.


Bang bang!

Seeing the death of his companions one after another, and the human race in front of him pressing harder and harder, the S3-level mutant silverback couldn't help but punch his chest, raised his head and let out a roar to the sky, and then the light in the beast's eyes flickered, as if Something is about to explode.

"Not good! This guy is going crazy!"

Ye Chong was startled secretly, and looked back at the high platform, only to see that the beasts charging there had already become a mess. At this time, it was night again, with lightning and thunder, and no one looked here at all.


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

The S3-level mutated silver-backed, blood-red eyes, bulging figure, walked forward step by step, as if a hill was approaching.

The sudden soaring coercion made Ye Chong take three steps back.


He touched back with his left hand, took out something, and then moved forward.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three small red arrows shot out.

Puff puff!

Amid thunder and lightning, the S3 mutant silverbacks were shot one after another before they had time to react.


The completely enraged S3-level mutant silverback rushed forward. Ye Chong raised his mouth and turned his body around, clinging to the opponent's body and turning behind it.

The S3-level mutated silverback was stunned, and suddenly turned around, but before it could attack, Ye Chong turned around again, and turned to its back.


Amidst the rage, the S3 mutant silverback was completely insane.


It may not even be aware that its body is expanding and shrinking, changing constantly. At the same time, its speed, strength and reaction are all slowing down, weakening and dulling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The little red arrow works!

Then go to hell!

The blade of the starry sky accelerated three times in a row, and instantly passed the neck of the S3-level mutant silverback. With a sound of swish, its huge head rolled down.


Amidst the lightning and thunder, the blood-red fountain exudes a strange light in the night sky.


Ye Chong let out a long breath.

Then he turned his head to look at the high platform.

The battle there is no longer as fierce as before. Bao Sihai, Walter White and the members of the Sihai team gathered together to kill the S2-level mutant beasts that charged up here and there. It seems that the situation has completely disappeared. Controlled by them.


Ye Chong took out his dagger, and began to collect the trophies of S3-level mutant beasts. Of course, they were mainly beast eyes, but he also collected some better materials such as sharp claws.

These are all points, and there is a little villain waiting at home, if you can bring more points, you will naturally bring more points back.

Ye Chong frowned while collecting monster materials.

"Speaking of which, in this bloody battle on the high platform, I have not only further proficient and improved the method of surging energy and blood, but also my body skills, the progress is also obvious.

I used to focus on avoiding danger in a tight and tight environment by taking the shortest possible time, the smallest possible space, and the fastest possible response. Although this is very practical, it is also very passive, at least lacking in initiative.

However, after observing the movement of the middle-aged gray-clothed man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, it touched me a lot. My mind and eyes are connected, thoughts follow my mind, and my body follows my thoughts, which has significantly improved my movement initiative.

Especially in this battle with the S3-level mutant beast, my actual combat skills have been fully tested.

It should be said that one of my major strengths now is body skills.

Secondly, my Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique is not bad either.

In addition, my real physical data is much stronger than that of people of the same level, especially my physique, which makes my body more defensive and has greater potential.

However, the above are not my strongest advantages, or my real background.

That's right.

Victory points.

Only combat merit points are worthy of the word strongest background.

Its effect is simply too great.

Not only can it help me achieve a breakthrough when I am stuck in a bottleneck, but it can also go beyond cultivation and forcibly increase the number of physical data points, and it can also make up for the shortfall when the body is not in the best condition.


I suspect that it will bring me even greater surprises in the future, and behind all this, it is inseparable from that bear thing.


Then let time tell me all. "

When Ye Chong collected the spoils alone, the bloody battle on the high platform had come to an end.

God seemed to be adding to the fun, and it seemed to be crying. Amidst lightning and thunder, heavy rain poured down.

Endless blood flowed, as if to erase everything that happened in Dragon's Suck.

"S3-level mutant beasts... were all killed by Madman Ye?

How can this be?

In such a short period of time, killing eight S3-level mutant beasts is a bit unbelievable for a junior martial arts fighter, right? !

However, he is a lunatic.


Some things are impossible for others, but everything that happens to him is possible. "

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