The old yellow-haired Walter White grinned and opened his arms, as if he really wanted to scare the mutant beast in front of him.


They are not livestock that have grown up on a vegetarian diet, let alone cats and dogs that have been frightened, but monsters that drink blood.


The first five or six S1-level mutant beasts were obviously irritated by the old yellow hair, and they rushed over with a roar.

Ye Chong frowned, and was about to start it.

Also at this time.


Lao Huangmao waved his left hand forward, and the air was filled with powdery smoke, which suddenly smelled a little sweet.


Ye Chongzheng thought it was a strange kung fu. After smelling the smell of powdery smoke, the S1 level mutant beast that rushed over suddenly wailed, turned around and ran away, pissed off, and was in a panic, as if it had encountered the most terrible thing.


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, thinking, "I didn't expect it, this is really interesting."

Then at the next moment, while the old yellow hair was striding forward, he waved his right hand forward, and another burst of sweet powder smoke flew in the air.


Thousands of beasts galloped, trampled on each other, and became a mess.

"Hehe, I forgot that Mr. White is a biochemical expert." Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, "However, I can't figure it out. Since you have this ability, why did you hide it at the beginning?" What about suffering in the water tank?"

"This is the first-class animal repellent powder I developed based on the poisonous gas of the dragon sucking the miasma. The quantity is limited, and it is only effective for S1-level mutant beasts." Grabbed two handfuls of powder, shook it and said:

"There are a lot of S2-level mutant beasts in West Town, and there are even S3-level and above monsters, you know, Falk, they are not afraid of the first-level animal exorcism fans at all.

Oh man, you better not call me a biochemist or a biochemist.

I don't like the damn name, it reminds me of human warmongers.

You can still call me a toxicologist or a toxicologist. Of course, it is better to just call me Walter or White.

By the way, buddy, what's your name? "

"Ye Chong." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I am a student of the Martial Arts Department of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy."

"Oh, my God, it's great. The famous Nine Martial Arts Academy student is really extraordinary." The old yellow-haired Walter White nodded with his eyes shining, "A student with such great strength can almost compete with Magic warriors contend."

"What? Mo Wu Zhe?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "Who is that?"

"..." The old yellow-haired Walter-White shrugged his shoulders, strode forward, and sprinkled a lot of powder smoke, "You don't even know this, well, come on, this is really great , you are very surprising, but of course, well, well, you can understand the magic warriors as western warriors, and you warriors as eastern warriors, I say this, do you understand, Chong? "

"..." Ye Chong followed the old Huangmao's footsteps, nodded half-understood, "Hehe, Mr. White, call me by my full name, or call me Ye, come out of your mouth, Chong. I'm...not used to it yet."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, I respect your opinion." The old yellow-haired Walter-White shrugged indifferently, and then threw it into the air, powder and dust filled the air, "I think we should hurry up, your friend seems to have met trouble."

"Wait, why did you throw it so close?" Ye Chong frowned, slapped his face with his hand, and subconsciously moved away from the old yellow-haired Walter White, "Is it okay for people to suck these ghost things? "

"Of course it's okay." The old yellow-haired Walter White shrugged, "Well, buddy, let me tell you, these poisonous powders are fragrances to human beings, they will liquefy immediately after entering the nasal cavity, and will not harm any organs of the human body. "

"I'll go! No wonder!" Ye Chong rubbed his nose, and then said: "Then you are having fun here, I have to hurry to save people."

"No, I can't, I'll be with you." Seeing Ye Chong flash past, Lao Huangmao suddenly accelerated his speed, and immediately followed him, "The first-level beast-repelling powder is not good for S2-level mutant beasts." , if you are targeted by them, it will be over."

Ye Chong and the old yellow-haired Walter-White walked forward quickly. It was a long story and it took a very short time. After a short time, they came to less than [-] meters away from the rostrum of the square.

When I first entered the group of mutated beasts, because the monsters were tall and blocked my view, I couldn’t see the situation on the rostrum clearly. At this position, the S1-level mutated beasts were driven away by the first-level beast-repelling fans, leaving a large space , and then looked at the rostrum, even if it was shrouded in darkness, it was less than a hundred meters away, and it could be seen more clearly.

"Not good! Dangerous!"

Ye Chong's face changed suddenly, he turned around, and rushed towards the rostrum like lightning.

The old yellow-haired Walter White didn't talk too much, he swung his long legs and rushed forward.

From a distance, it seemed that two people were sprinting for a hundred meters, but the speed was too fast, which was unbelievably fast.

at the same time.

on the rostrum.

The most violent attack of the S2-level mutant beast is on the east side steps. Bao Sihai has already changed his position here. The low-level high-grade warrior weapon in his hand - the alloy mace is flying up and down, and he can kill wildly with only one person's strength. With the onslaught of monsters.

From a distance, he looks like Thor, the god of thunder, standing proudly, killing all directions, and would rather die than retreat half a step.

no way.

One step back is death.

he died.

Those behind him will die too.

Zhang Dong, Zhou Fa and other 5 people are on the western steps where the attack of transposition monsters is relatively weak.

At this moment, everyone is suffering from severe or minor injuries, especially Zhou Fa, who was injured on his body before being stabbed in the right chest by the sharp claws of an S2 monster. Seeing it is about to fall to the ground.

However, there is no way, you have to carry it hard.

In fact, everyone understands it very well.

If you close your eyes at this time, you will never be able to open them again.

If you fall down at this time, you will never have a chance to stand up again.

Ka Ka Ka!

Zhang Dong, Zhou Fa and other five people were all gritted their teeth and fought bloodily, their eyes were red and their blood was boiling.

Speaking of it, Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, Tong Ya and the other two male players looked relatively relaxed, but in fact they were the most dangerous.

You must know that in terms of physical data, the S2-level mutant beast is roughly equivalent to an intermediate martial arts fighter of the human race, but because it does not practice martial arts skills and combat skills, and does not have the aid of a warrior's weapon, its overall strength is significantly better than that of an intermediate martial arts fighter of the human race. It is much worse, but compared to Xin Xiaomeng and the others who have not yet broken through to become warriors, even with the help of warrior weapons, they have practiced simplified martial arts and combat skills, but their overall combat power is still the same. Obviously a level stronger.

The most important thing is that the S2-level mutant beast has a strong body and strong vitality. Whether it is jumping, speed or flexibility, it is much higher than the S1-level mutant beast.

Speaking of which, the four-meter-high rostrum looks like a small dining table in front of them.

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