At this time, Xin Xiaomeng said softly: "Captain, Ye Chong...Ye Chong...he...he can come here in time, right?"

I don't know why, but when he heard what Xin Xiaomeng said, Bao Sihai's heart ached, as if his chest was pressed by the hill, and he couldn't breathe.


With a sudden swing of the alloy mace in Bao Sihai's hand, an S1-level mutant caracal that rushed up was beaten to the point of exploding its head and dying on the spot.

Only then did he grin and say:


Of course, Crazy Ye will arrive here in time, join us and the support team, and break out of the siege.

Therefore, everyone must be vigilant, not to be injured, but also to conserve energy and wait for our comrades to arrive. "


There was a burst of cheers at the scene.

All the mutant beasts around were also stunned, and the attack rhythm slowed down. Bao Sihai and the team members finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But then came the next moment.


All the S2 mutant beasts on standby in the northeast direction roared wildly, and immediately, the S1 mutant beasts gave way one after another, dodging a passage.


There were nearly a hundred S2-level mutant beasts walking towards the podium unhurriedly.

"not good!"

Bao Sihai yelled secretly, and then looked at the members of the Sihai team who also looked terrified. His face was full of indescribable guilt.

"Captain, what should we do?" Zhou Fa approached and asked anxiously.

"According to the plan, stay on standby." Bao Sihai said with his lips tightly pressed together.

"Yes, Captain." Zhou Fa nodded vigorously, his eyes sparkling.

Bao Sihai understood very well.

The rostrum here is condescending, and it is the only barrier that the Four Seas team can rely on. If they lose this place, they will have no place to speak of.

and also.

If you run away in a hurry now, you won't be able to escape at all, and you will be divided and surrounded by a group of beasts in an instant, watching the team members be completely wiped out.

At that time, even if he escapes by himself, what's the use?

I am afraid that I will carry a heavy burden for a lifetime, and it will be difficult to untie the knot in my heart.


Warrior heart?

It is not to make warriors cold-blooded and ruthless, but to let warriors distinguish priorities, distinguish right from wrong, know what to choose, what is the priority, and make the most reasonable judgment and choice.

Therefore, he can only make a decision, relying on the geographical advantage, to allow the team members to live longer.

Otherwise, is there a better option?

Everything is hopeless, but as the captain and mentor, he must not give up the last glimmer of hope.

But the problem is...

Will the last glimmer of hopeless fantasy really come true?

At this moment, Bao Sihai, seeing the S2 level mutant beast approaching leisurely, seemed to be bleeding continuously in his heart.

If he could make a new choice, he would rather choose to die in battle than watch the young members of the Four Seas Squad come here and wait for death in despair.

But now...

He could only face the arrival of the last moment bitterly.

At the same time, the faces of the ten members of the Four Seas team also became very ugly.

There is no way not to be ugly.

Nearly a hundred S2-level mutant beasts are approaching here, and obviously, the S2-level monsters only account for a small part, while the S2-level peak monsters account for more than half, and there is no need to sense the opponent's blood. , It can be seen clearly only from the brightness and thickness of the eye crystal.

What does it mean for a mutated herd mainly composed of peak S2 monsters?

There is no doubt that this means that they have the strength to approach S3 level monsters.

But what is strange is that in front of such a powerful enemy, only five of the ten members of the Four Seas team stared nervously at the slowly approaching S2-level mutant beast.

The other five people, namely Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, Tong Ya, Zhang Dong and Zhou Fa, were looking around at the dark night, not knowing what they were looking for or looking forward to.

Especially Xin Xiaomeng, her eye circles were red, and the teardrops trembled slightly in the eye sockets. When she blinked her eyes, she burst into tears, silently, but it made people suddenly feel more intense sadness and desolation.

When Bao Sihai saw this scene, he couldn't help feeling bitter.

"Are you...are you waiting for the support team, or Ye Chong?

It's just a pity...

No matter which one it is, there is no waiting.

Before the final moment comes, let's enjoy this beautiful world again.

I hope that all of us can leave with a good memory instead of bloody and brutal killings.


All members of the Four Seas team.

Ye Chong is already waiting for us.

And I will also walk with you.

When we went there, we were still a four-sea team advancing together and retreating together. Since then, we have never been separated. "


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

The footsteps of the S2 mutant beasts were getting closer, and the halazi at the corners of their mouths could already be seen fluttering in the wind.



All the S2 level mutant beasts seemed to have been ordered, they changed their unhurried rhythm, and rushed towards the rostrum frantically.

Ka Ka Ka!

Bao Sihai and the ten members of the Sihai team all brandished their weapons to face the berserk S2 level mutant beast.

Almost at the same time.

Ye Chong and Walter White quietly approached the outer area of ​​the mutant beast from west to east.


Dozens of S1-level mutant beasts nearby spotted them at the same time, and rushed towards them with roars.

no way.

For mutant beasts, the taste of life is really full of unimaginable temptations, especially in the downwind, you don't need to look, but just smell it, and you will know what is approaching.

Swish swish!

The blade of the starry sky in Ye Chong's hand swept across, knocking all three S3 mutant beasts to the ground, and at the next moment, the blade of the starry sky slashed left and right with thorns and slashed to the right, and knocked down five S1 mutant beasts on the spot. kill.

"Mr. White, follow me closely!" Ye Chong swung the blade of the starry sky to kill, and turned his head to look at the old yellow hair, "Especially be careful behind you, their claws are knives, swords, and guns. When it pops out, the short is half a foot, and the long is one foot, very powerful."

"Get out of the way." The old yellow-haired Walter White's voice came over, "Get behind me."

"..." After Ye Chong knocked over an S1-level mutant mandrill, he glanced at Old Huangmao in a dazed manner. He saw that the opponent clenched his fists, his eyes were wide open, and he didn't look scared at all.

"Hurry up!" The old yellow-haired Walter White half-raised his head, looking a little impatient, "Hide behind me and follow me closely."


Ye Chong didn't tense up all of a sudden, and couldn't help shaking his body, so that he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"A horse-rider.

Where did the old yellow hair sing?

Unarmed and weak, let me hide behind him?

What do you mean?

Did he want to use his big belly to feed the mutant beast first, and then... stop eating me?

Or...he wanted to scare away these S1 mutant beasts?


I believe that this old yellow hair has gone completely crazy. "

Ye Chong thought so in his heart, but he didn't say that out of his mouth. Instead, he lifted the Starry Sky Blade upside down and dodged it, and really hid behind the old Huang Mao.

no way.

In case of any danger, he would still be able to save his life by sticking close to this guy.

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