"Don't worry, I'm not afraid of death," the old man patted his chest weakly, "People in the White family are not afraid of death, and I'm Walter White, what haven't I seen? I've never been afraid what."

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, "Since you are not afraid of anything, let you stay in the water tank, what are you... afraid of?"

"It's different, sir." Walter White's eyes widened. "I'm a human defender and a human warrior. I would give my life for freedom, but I would never stay in a place full of shit." In the stinking bucket of urine and urine, become living maggots."

Ye Chong looked at the righteous and dignified sample of the old yellow hair, and couldn't help being angry and funny, but in the end he still couldn't hold him back, so he could only agree to the other party's request.

But in this way, you can no longer slide down from the drain pipe, so you have to choose to leave through the stairway.

Fortunately, after the mopping up of the SS1-level mutant bears not long ago, there was no sign of any mutant beasts in the entire stair passage, and it is not known whether they were scared away by the SS1-level mutant bears, or whether they all participated in the east countdown. Went to the battle a hundred meters away.

The old yellow hair was weak, he stopped and walked, and took a breath from time to time, as if he might fall to the ground at any time.

"Why don't you rest here?" Ye Chong frowned, "There should be no mutant beasts here, and I will come to pick you up soon."

"No, no, no, I need to fight, I can't stay here." The old yellow hair swallowed, and then he didn't know what to think of, and retched a few times, "Dude, do you still have something to eat? Starve to death me."

"Yes, but there is nothing delicious, only canned food." Ye Chong took out a metal box of canned beef from his backpack with his backhand, "I don't know if you like it?"

"Okay, I like it." Walter White's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand to take it, pulled the buckle very skillfully, opened the can, then folded the top cover in half, used it as a spoon, and gorged on it all at once.

"Did you make the noise on purpose in the water tank just now, or did you do it instinctively?" Ye Chong leaned against the wall, looked up and down the old Huang Mao, and soon noticed the hard-toed shoes with steel spikes on the other party .

"It's both instinctive and deliberate." Walter White swallowed a big mouthful of beef, choked and rolled his eyes, "I know there are people outside, but I think I've passed out, I don't know what you are doing?"

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he took a bottle of water from his backpack and handed it forward: "Eat slowly, drink some water first."

"No, I don't drink water." Walter White waved his hand, continued to swallow the beef chunks, and muttered in his mouth, "What I hate most now is water, I won't drink water anymore, you can drink it , very smelly."

"..." Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "You are easily eaten by mutant beasts in this state, so you'd better find a place to stay, otherwise, you will drag down the entire team."

"No, no, I'm just too weak now, I need food." Walter White reached out and shook the empty can, "Is there any more?"

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, the net weight of the canned beef just now was 650 grams, it was eaten up so quickly, and it was not enough.


He had no choice but to take out another box of canned tuna from his backpack, and handed it over. Originally, he kept these for himself to eat, but he didn't expect them to be so cheap.

1 minutes.

To be precise, less than 1 minute.

Walter White also ate up the 550-gram canned tuna, then licked the corner of his mouth and said, "I like sweet and sour canned fish the most, well, I have the strength now, I can go. "

It's strange to say, I don't know if it's because of psychological effects, the old Huangmao's complexion does look a lot stronger than before, at least there is light in his eyes.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, then he tilted his head, made a forward movement, and then walked down first.

At this moment, about 300 meters away from the east side of the small high-rise where Ye Chong and Walter White were, countless mutant beasts surrounded Bao Sihai and others on the rostrum of the square, launching waves like waves offensive.

The rostrum is about four meters high, and there are steps on the east and west sides leading to the ground. Crazy mutant beasts keep rushing up along the steps on both sides. From time to time, there are also mutant beasts jumping high in other directions, pounced on the rostrum .

Bao Sihai guarded the entrance of the west steps where the mutant beasts attacked most fiercely. Zhang Dong, Zhou Fa and other five people desperately guarded the east entrance of the rostrum. The remaining Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, Tong Ya and the other two boys It is to constantly kill the mutant beasts that have just leaped onto the rostrum before they have time to attack, or force them to jump off the rostrum.

It's just that there are too many mutant beasts in the square.

More than half of them are S1-level mutant beasts that are attacking and constantly flocking to the rostrum.

A small half are S2 level mutant beasts waiting outside.

There are also a small number of S3-level mutant beasts, squatting in the direction of due north and east, staring at what happened in front of them.

"Attention everyone, these S1-level mutated beasts are consuming our physical strength." Bao Sihai swung the alloy mace in his hand, and smashed an S1-level mutated mandrill that flew up, smashing its brains and flying horizontally, " The real threat comes from those S2 level monsters that are on standby, and if there is no accident, they will launch a second wave of attacks, so everyone just needs to repel the S1 level mutant monsters, pay attention to conserving energy, and don't entangle and consume too much."

Speaking of which, Bao Sihai understood very well.

The Sihai team was heavily surrounded by mutant beasts, and had already fallen into a certain death situation.

Even if there were no S2 level monsters stalking them, and S3 level monsters that were bound to cause fatal damage, the countless S1 level monsters alone could bring the fate of the Four Seas team to perdition.

no way.

There are too many.

Consuming energy can also kill them.

But what else could he do?

Although he knew that he was trapped in a place where he must die and had no hope of breaking through, he could only encourage and remind everyone to keep the last hope of surviving.

If everyone's mentality collapsed at once, the entire rostrum with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters would immediately become a dining table for monsters.

"Ye Chong was targeted by the SS1-level mutant bear, even if he is a lunatic, if he is really capable, he might not be able to survive.

no way.

The SS1 mutant bear is too powerful.

It's like a vicious adult chasing and beating a child, the result is already doomed and it's hard to change.

Maybe, after killing Ye Chong, the SS1 mutant bear will come here and kill us all.

It really shouldn't be.

Maybe I really shouldn't have taken on the daunting task of exposing these young kids to death. "

Bao Sihai raised his head to the sky, sighed secretly, let out another breath, and said to everyone:

"Everyone, don't be nervous.

Although we are surrounded by mutant beasts, it doesn't mean we have no hope.

According to our plan for this mission, the support team should have arrived soon.

At that time, we will be able to stand out from the encirclement and complete the task smoothly under the cooperation of internal and external cooperation.

Therefore, everyone must pay attention to safety now, persevere, and wait for the arrival of support. "

"Yes, Captain." The ten members of the Four Seas Squad agreed in unison with excited expressions.

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