Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 290 Discovering the Old Yellow Hair

Ye Chong quickly came to the edge of the roof and looked towards the place where the roars of beasts were densely packed.

Among the shadows, I saw a herd of beasts swarming about 300 meters away to the east, in a state of chaos, but it was impossible to see clearly because of the darkness.

"It should be the captain and the others.

Those mutant beasts are not old, weak, sick and disabled in the building, so they are not easy to deal with.

I have to hurry over there.

Only relying on the captain alone and ten quasi-warrior, I am afraid it will not last long.

If they were cut and surrounded by mutant beasts like they did with the eight men in gray, it is estimated that the Four Seas team would be wiped out soon. "

Ye Chong frowned, and went straight to the drainage pipe on the north side.

It is much faster to slide down from there than to evacuate from the stairway.


A very slight sound came out.

Ye Chong's hair stood on end in an instant, and he turned around abruptly, staring closely at the places where the SS1-level mutant bear and the middle-aged gray-clothed man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks died.


All was quiet.

It was as if there was no movement at all.


He was very clear.

There was indeed a muffled sound just now.


Ye Chong drew his knife out of its sheath, and slowly walked towards the SS1-level mutant bear. Its hollow eye sockets overflowed with a ghostly and treacherous taste under the cover of the moonlight.


The Blade of the Starry Sky stretched forward and poked its body lightly.

Do not move.

not moving at all.

Immediately afterwards, he moved the blade of the starry sky to the corpse of the middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp-billed monkey cheek.

But he immediately took the knife back.

no point.

The other party has already turned into a ball of meat sauce, how could it move?


Ye Chong suddenly turned around, glanced at the entire rooftop, his face obviously became more nervous.

If it was an SS1-level mutant Xiong Dong, or even a middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp-billed monkey's gills, it would be scary, but it's easy to explain—it didn't die.


Things are different now.

Next to the corpse that was filled with bloody gas, there was a strange sound, but no one knew where the sound came from, which was a bit creepy.

The key point is that the night is still lingering, the moonlight is hazy, the cold wind is blowing non-stop, the body is cold, and the heart is even colder, Ye Chong couldn't help shivering.

"It can't be the mutant beast in the building.

Because if it is a low-level mutant beast, its mind is relatively simple, and if it smells the smell of life, it will rush out desperately.

If it is a high-level mutant beast, such as the SS1-level mutant bear, its IQ is not inferior to that of a human being, and it can clearly feel the strength of my blood, and there is no reason to be afraid of me, so there is no need to hide it. They will definitely rush out to face me.

So, what is the problem?

It's not the mutated beast in the corridor, but on the roof, apart from some facilities and equipment, it is an empty place with no cover, so it can be seen clearly at a glance, it is impossible to hide a huge mutated beast.

Is it...

ghost here?

Did I hear it wrong?

Or am I hallucinating?


None of this is possible. "

Thinking of this, Ye Chong's face turned a little green, and he heard the roar of a beast hundreds of meters away in the east. He finally walked quickly to the entrance of the rooftop, and took a look into the dark inside.

That's right.


Except for the rubble avalanche caused by the SS1 mutant bear rushing in, there was nothing else.

There is no doubt that the reason why there are no mutant beasts here is of course related to the entry of SS1-level mutant bears here.

Those low-level mutant beasts have long been hiding away because of their instinctive fear and fear.

Soon, Ye Chong quickly came to the drainage pipeline on the edge of Tianbei, and was about to slide down from here.


Another soft sound came out quietly.

It was as if metal objects collided together.

With a sway of Ye Chong's body, he quickly came under the canopy on the top of the water tank on the roof like lightning, raised his hand and pointed the blade of the starry sky forward: "Whether you are a human, a ghost, or a beast, get out now!" .”


The sound disappeared completely again.


Ye Chong glanced at the water tank that supplies water to the entire building, and couldn't help squinting. The lock was broken, which means that the water tank can be opened from the outside.

At this moment, the roar of the beast in the distance became more and more violent. Ye Chong was anxious and didn't want to leave with doubts, so he could not help but narrow his eyes slightly.


The blade of the starry sky pried at the top door of the water tank and slowly opened it.


This is?

Under the reflection of the hazy moonlight, you can see a guy in shorts lying on his stomach in the water tank. From time to time, his body will twitch, and occasionally when it touches the inner wall of the water tank, it will make a clattering sound.


Still alive!

Ye Chong hooked his feet against the outer edge of the water tank, then leaned down, picked up his twitching body in an instant, and threw it on the top of the water tank.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

A violent cough sounded, and the guy with yellow hair and shorts sprayed water continuously, looking weak, and his skin was soaked white.

From time to time, he looked at Ye Chong with an extremely complicated expression, and he wanted to speak several times, but was interrupted by his own coughing.

"Don't rush to talk, I know who you are, Mr. Walter-White." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "I hope you don't have trouble inside, otherwise the whole building will drink from you..."

When he just said this, Ye Chong couldn't help but paused and sighed, the people in the whole building were eaten by mutant beasts, so why worry about water pollution?

The old yellow hair turned over hard, lay on his back on the top of the water tank, finally stopped coughing, took a deep breath and said:

"Thanks buddy!

Thanks to you!

I just passed out and almost drowned.


do you know who i am

Can I understand that you are here to save me? "

"Hey, you're quite smart." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "We are indeed here to look for you. You are still alive. That's good. It's not a waste of time."

"The military is here?" Walter White panted heavily, "Have all the mutant beasts in West Town been wiped out?"

"Military? There are no military personnel here." Ye Chong turned his head and glanced at Dongfang, "And the mutant beasts have not been wiped out, and our people are still fighting bloody battles."

When talking about this, Ye Chong suddenly looked at the panting old Huangmao and said:

"How about this.

The situation is urgent now, you still wait for me here for a while.

When the time comes, after we have escaped from the pursuit of the mutant beasts, we will come here to rescue you again. "

"No!" Walter White waved his hands in horror, "I want to go with you, my God, I don't want to stay in the water tank anymore, I will get sick."

"It's inconvenient for me to take you, and you will be very dangerous." Ye Chong frowned and said:

"You should have stayed in the water tank for a long time, and you are not in a hurry, so what are you afraid of if you stay longer?

Still afraid of getting sick?

Aren't you fine now?

How could it be possible to get sick? "

"No, no, man, I can't stay in this shit-tainted water tank anymore." Walter White shrank back, afraid of falling into the water tank, "I'd rather die than Going in again, well, man, take me away! Please, sir!"

"..." Ye Chong looked at the other party's pitiful appearance, and couldn't help frowning, "But... in your current state, if I take you away, I'm afraid you will die."

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