Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 289 Two Good Helpers

Speaking of which, Ye Chong really wants to run away now.

But he dared not.

The berserk SS1 mutant bear is too fast.

I'm afraid that as soon as he starts running, he will be photographed as a sauce.

Besides, for the image and reputation of the human race, he can't run away either.

At least running is not suitable for a middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks to fight.

Therefore, Ye Chong remained lying on the ground motionless, for fear of attracting the attention of any party.




The SS1-level mutant bear grasped the small waist of the middle-aged man in gray with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks with his left hand, and slapped it down fiercely with his right hand. In the other side's chest.


The scene fell silent instantly.

The SS1 mutant bear didn't move, standing straight on the ground like a javelin.

The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks didn't move at all, he was so rotten that he moved a fart?

Ye Chong didn't move, and he wasn't stupid, so he could stop quietly at this time and not move around.


Da da!

Da da da!

Blood began to slide down from the blade of the long sword and hit the ground with a rhythmic ticking sound.


The SS1-level mutant Xiong turned around and looked over, his blood-red eyes regained their clarity, and there was an indescribably complex look in his gaze towards Ye Chong.


Ye Chong's face was calm, he got up quietly, and the blade of the starry sky was on the ground, silently.

He understood very well.

The maddening time for SS1 mutant bears has passed.

Its current state has dropped from SS1 level to S3 level, that is, from the cultivation level equivalent to that of a junior martial arts fighter to that of an advanced martial arts fighter, which can be regarded as a big drop.

It doesn't stop there.

The mutant bear was first shot by a poisonous arrow, resulting in serious injuries and a decline in combat power.

Later, when he shot the man in gray to death, he was stabbed to the vitals by the opponent's sword.

Speaking of it, it is not easy for it to persist until now.

Ye Chong touched his nose, sighed, and then passed the Starry Sky Blade forward, piercing the chest of the SS1 mutant bear and said:

"Thank you!"


The blade of the starry sky drew back, and the SS1-level mutant bear fell to the ground with a bang, and the entire rooftop seemed to shake.

For the next moment, Ye Chong didn't move, and remained silent for ten seconds before he let out a long sigh and gently inserted the Starry Sky Blade back into the scabbard.


He hurried and found the hand crossbow and quiver. Fortunately, they were not damaged, and there were 7 arrows left in the quiver.

Then, he checked the opponent's backpack again.

It is a pity that the slapping force of the SS1-level mutant bear was too great. The medicine bottles and other things in the backpack were all rotten into a ball, and even the metal cans were completely crushed. The juice overflowed in all directions, mixed with the bloody smell around it, giving people an unbearable taste.

"what a pity.

I thought I could get more benefits from this guy, but unexpectedly, I just got a crossbow and a quiver.


And a long sword.


I dare not take this long sword, let alone take it back as a gift.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will bring potential disaster to others.


It can only be let it continue to be inserted in the body of the SS1-level mutant bear, and they will be a witness to each other.

When I can save time, some unknown characters come out of nowhere and come to trouble me.

However, I'd better take back those three little red arrows, maybe one day they will be useful. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong immediately pulled out the small red arrows from the left chest and right abdomen of the SS1 mutant bear, and put them in the quiver.

Of course, the whole process was done carefully, so as not to cause trouble if I was poisoned.

But what made him happy was that the material of the quiver looked pretty good, and it should be a specially refined item, basically equivalent to the weapon of a junior middle-grade warrior.

Soon, Ye Chong found the last small red arrow on the edge of the roof. It sank three or four centimeters into the masonry. This shows that the strength of the hand crossbow and the sharpness of the small arrow depend on the small arrow. After the arrow was pulled out, there was not even a trace of damage on it, which made him very happy, and he was very satisfied with today's harvest.

After putting the hand crossbow and quiver into the backpack, Ye Chong quickly took out the dagger to take out the animal eyes of the SS1-level mutant bear and put them away.

After all, it is a level SS1 monster.

Even if it explodes one eye crystal in each of its two eyes and its realm drops to S3 level, as long as it is still alive, it will reach SS1 level again through recuperation, eating or training, and there is no bottleneck, no breakthrough is needed, it just costs money. A lot of time.

That is to say, after the SS1-level mutant bear became berserk at the first level, its eye crystals were missing and its realm fell, but this did not affect the fact that it was still an SS1-level monster in essence.

No need to think about it, how valuable this kind of monster material, which is equivalent to the level of a junior martial arts general of the human race, should be.

After Ye Chong carefully put the two animal eyes into the film bag and put them into the backpack, he couldn't help feeling relieved, and heaved a long sigh.

"If it weren't for the presence of the middle-aged gray-clothed man with the sharp-billed monkey cheeks today, I would have been slapped into a meat paste by the SS1-level mutant bear.



If it weren't for the presence of the SS1-level mutant bear today, I might have been shot to death by an arrow from a middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp beak and monkey cheeks, or I might have died of poison.


As a result, these two guys who wanted to put me to death fought each other to the death, and finally saved my life.

The cut I made was a perfect end to today's grievances.

But speaking of it, in the future, if I encounter a master like the middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks alone, or a monster like a SS1-level mutant bear, with my current strength, I am afraid that I will only have a dead end.

The best way and way to avoid this phenomenon is not to hide, not to run away, not to pretend to be dead, or to beg for mercy, but to improve one's true strength.

Therefore, after completing the task of sucking the land by the dragon this time, I must devote enough time and energy to cultivation.

"Destruction of Heaven and Earth" is a combination of martial arts skills, combat skills, and physical training. As long as I succeed in practicing it, my strength will of course be significantly improved.


When will this dragon suction mission end?

Is that damned Walter White dead or not?

If he is not dead, where is he staying now?

If you die, can't you leave a message where you died? "

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong was thinking wildly, checked the scene again, and found that there were no more items that could be confiscated, so he stood up and let out a long sigh.

At this moment, with a bright moon and a gentle breeze, if it weren't for the smell of blood and the roar of beasts in the distance, he would feel at ease and full of happiness.



Ye Chong's face suddenly changed, and he turned his head to look into the distance.

Why is this beast roar so intense?

Did something happen there?

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