After Ye Chong finished speaking, he felt a little embarrassed.

Where is Huan Mou Bao waiting for uncle?

Wait what?

Humans have been eaten by mutant beasts until there is no bones left, so what are you waiting for uncle?

Waiting for the uncle to belch his fart to find him when he catches a cold, will the uncle and nephew walk hand in hand and go to Huangquan Road together?

Just when the middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was about to say something, a sudden change occurred.


The roof entrance collapsed in an instant.

Immediately after, the SS1-level mutant bear rushed over like a tank, rumbling and aggressive.


Ye Chong's face changed, and he thought:

"Damn it.

This is coming for me.

Looks like it's over! "

The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was about to run away with a confused look on his face, Ye Chong shouted:


There is no escape!

Either it dies today, or we die!

For the victory of the human race, we joined forces to make it! "


The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks paused, raised his hand crossbow and pulled the trigger at the SS1 mutant bear.



Three crisp sounds came out one after another.

Three blood-red crossbow arrows flew towards the target like lightning.

too close.

Incredibly fast again.

The SS1-level mutant bear only had time to avoid one blood-red crossbow bolt, but was hit by two other crossbow bolts on the left chest and right abdomen.

puff puff!

Amidst the two soft sounds, the middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was overjoyed. Just as he was about to make a move, the SS1-level mutant bear rushed towards him like a mountain top.

Speaking of which, the middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks is a high-level martial arts fighter, and the SS1-level mutant bear is equivalent to a junior martial arts fighter of the human race. One is a martial arts fighter and the other is a martial arts fighter. There is a big difference between the two A big realm.

However, although the cultivation base of the middle-aged gray-clothed man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks is a high-level martial arts fighter, he is only half a step away from the peak of a high-level martial arts fighter. Breaking through from the peak of a senior martial arts fighter means breaking through to become a junior martial arts fighter , into a brand new realm, just like the SS1 mutant bear that just broke through.

Therefore, although there is a large gap between the two, one will launch an impact on breaking through to elementary martial arts fighters in the not-too-distant future, and the other will just change from an S3 level equivalent to an advanced human martial arts fighter. The beast broke through and became an SS1-level mutant beast equivalent to the elementary level of a human junior martial arts general. From this perspective, the gap in realm between the two is not as huge as imagined.


Due to innate conditions, mutant beasts at the same realm level are much stronger in physical fitness and qi and blood than human warriors. The background is even better.

The SS1-level mutant bear itself has a high realm, coupled with the fact that his body and blood are far superior to the opponent. Under the force, the middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks suddenly fell into a disadvantage and dared not take it hard.


Ye Chong drew his knife out of its sheath, swung the Starry Sky Blade forward, and slashed at the back of the SS1 mutant bear.


The SS1-level mutant bear kicked back with his right foot, and Ye Chong immediately flew upside down, and then fell to the ground.

The face of the middle-aged gray-clothed man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks turned green, and he thought, what the hell is going on, are you that weak? !

no way.

If Ye Chong is not strong, he can only go all out, otherwise, he will be killed by the opponent in an instant.

The middle-aged grey-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks wields a long sword in his hand, showing off all his skills, and fights bloody with the SS1-level mutant bear.

bang bang bang!

Clang clang!

The long sword and the sharp claw intersected, as if metal weapons collided together, the sound was harsh, with the rhythm and rhythm of death.

Speaking of which, the middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks is really good.

I think it was because of this that he was able to get away from the beasts without anyone noticing.

Now that he is using it with all his strength, he has been immersed in martial arts and swordsmanship for a long time, so he is not at a disadvantage.


Such a mysterious movement.

Every step taken is three points false and seven points solid, leaving a way out and a way out.

It doesn't stop there.

Every step he took seemed to be calculated, stepping on the gap between the opponent's attack.

The man in did he do it?

Turn around with your thoughts.

Thoughts come from the heart.

Hearts and eyes connect.

All in one go.


Compared with my method of using the shortest time, the smallest space, and the fastest reaction to avoid danger, the gray-clothed man's actual combat agility is a different approach, and it is more active.

If I can combine my actual combat agility with the opponent's actual combat agility, then I can change from passive to active in the future, and improve my agility performance to a higher level.

Ha ha.

did not expect.

Today, I actually got down on the ground and realized the true meaning of Shenfa.

Speaking of which, it really is.

It is indeed a good path to realize the skills of skills in actual combat and observation.


How is this going? "

Ye Chong was lying on the ground, frowning and meditating, when he saw the body of the SS1-level mutant bear swayed. It felt like a person who was drunk and accidentally staggered.

The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was overjoyed, and he couldn't help shouting:

"Don't pretend to be dead!

get up quickly!

This guy has taken my curare and is having a fit.


Its strength is rapidly weakening, and it won't be long before it's over.

You hurry up and join hands with me to kill this beast, which can be regarded as eliminating a major disaster for the human race. "


Ye Chong's face turned green when he heard it.

Back then, the black crossbow and red arrow were used against him.

Even the SS1-level mutant bear is like this. If it hits his body, even if it only scratches the skin, I'm afraid he will burp and catch a cold immediately.

The man in gray is so vicious!


Ye Chong looked at the middle-aged gray-clothed man with sharp-billed monkey cheeks, and was immediately full of vigilance.

Just as Ye Chong hesitated for a moment, the SS1-level mutant bear suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled.


The body of the SS1 mutant bear swelled up and down, as if the balloon had been blown up.

At the same time, an indescribable violent coercion descended suddenly, as if Mount Tai was overwhelming.

Go crazy!

This is the first-level madness of the SS1-level mutant bear after it exploded its eyes.

At the cost of sacrificing one eye crystal in each of the eyes, resulting in a fall in the realm, within a limited time, his physical strength has doubled.

It's just that the strength of the SS1 mutant bear, which is already poisoned, has a slightly smaller increase in strength.

Ye Chong was startled secretly, how dare he get up, he rolled on the spot and rolled to the side.

The face of the middle-aged gray-clothed man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks changed, and his figure suddenly accelerated by three points, and he wanted to get away.

He couldn't do without pulling away, and he didn't dare to contend with the SS1-level mutant bear after the poison in his body suddenly turned mad.

Swish swish!

The middle-aged gray-clothed man with sharp-billed monkey cheeks was as fast as lightning and galloped like the wind.


too fast.

The berserk SS1 mutant bear was so fast, it was unbelievably fast, approaching the body of the man in gray in the blink of an eye.

bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Ka Ka Ka!

Immediately, screams, roars, and the sound of the collision of long swords and sharp claws rang out.

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