The icy cold voice seemed to come from the depths of hell.

Ye Chong shivered Lingling, and turned his head to look directly at the past.

The man in gray!

A middle-aged man in gray with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks!

He didn't even die? !


Ye Chong's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, as if he had been constipated for ten days and ten nights.


How to escape?

There is no way to escape!

The middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks held a black hand crossbow in his hand, which looked not much bigger than a pistol, and it was obvious that there were three red glowing crossbow bolts on it.

"Judging from the coercion from the black crossbow and red arrow, this thing should at least be a weapon for junior high-rank warriors. The direction of the arrow tip makes people feel suffocated."

Ye Chong didn't dare to move or speak, and looked at the other party quietly.

He knew very well in his heart that once he provoked the other party, the black crossbow and red arrow would probably send him out of this world forever.

"How did Mu Wu die?" The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks asked coldly.

"What?" Ye Chong was startled, "How did the wooden house die? Who... died in the wooden house? Where... which wooden house?"


The middle-aged man in gray with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stretched his crossbow forward, as if he was about to pull the trigger.

"Don't! Don't!" Ye Chong raised his hands and said hastily, "I really don't know what you're talking about?"

"Hey, Ye Chong, you can." The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks retracted his hand crossbow to his chest, smiled coldly, and nodded:

"Crazy Ye, the famous Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Mu Wu died at your hands, and you can only blame him for being too big.

This time, in order to avenge him, the Mou family lost another seven masters.

The root of everything is because of you, a cunning lunatic.


The matter has come to this point, and I don't bother to talk to you.

I just want to ask you one thing. When Mu Wu was dying, did he say anything?

If you tell the truth, even if you spare your life, nothing is impossible.

After all, he is already dead, even if he exhausts all means, he will not be able to survive. "


When Ye Chong heard the other party say this, although his face looked calm, his heart was already turbulent and agitated.

"This person is not simple.

The Muwu he was talking about was, of course, the man in gray who I killed in the Leqing Mountains.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked guy in front of me is actually setting a trap when he asks me this.

In other words, this bastard's drunkard's intention is not to drink, but to try to trick me in a different way.

If I answered that the gray-clothed man named Muwu left nothing behind, it would be tantamount to acknowledging that I was at the scene of Muwu's death, and that I was one of the parties involved.

If I answer what Mu Wu said, then it goes without saying, of course it is tantamount to admitting that I witnessed the death of Mu Wu, or even saying that I am the murderer who killed him.

If I showed hesitation and uncertainty, and then replied that I didn't know anything, the monkey-cheeked guy would also judge from my expression that I had something to do with Mu Wu's death.

So, the only way for me to step on the horse is to continue to behave in a daze. "

Ye Chong thought about it, although he thought a lot, but in fact it took a very short time, it was just a thought.

"The Mou family?" Ye Chong raised his hands high, with a look of surprise on his face, "Then do you know where Mou Bao is? He still owes me money."

"..." The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was stunned, blinked, and then twitched his mouth, "What money does he owe you?"

"Oh, it's like this, Brother Bao and I..." Ye Chong smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Brother Bao is Mou Bao, I didn't know him at all, and later became good friends. Once we had dinner, he said Lend me 10 points for use, I think they are all buddies, so I lent it to him, but then... Brother Bao disappeared, I... I... 10 points are of great importance to me, since you are The master of the Mou family should know where Brother Bao has gone, right?"

"..." The middle-aged man in gray with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks blinked, looking at the other's pitiful appearance, he was really a little confused.

"You are a senior, you must have a high status and status in the Mou family, and I don't want to lie behind other people's backs." Ye Chong paused, swallowed, and continued:

"As long as senior tells me where Brother Bao is, I will tell him clearly in person.


Studying at Jiuwu Academy, without points, it is difficult to move forward, and I really have no choice. "

"You... really don't know where Mou Bao went?" The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked middle-aged man in gray clothes flickered his eyes, looking a little hesitant, "My nephew is not short of money, how could he... borrow money from an outsider like you?"

"Are you Mou Bao's uncle?" Ye Chong twitched his cheeks, his face drooping, "Uncle...uncle, Bao...Brother Bao didn't lend me money, he borrowed... borrowed my points, said What do you want to buy... an intermediate warrior's weapon?"

"Hmph! This idiot!" The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks showed anger, "I told him a long time ago that he is only a three-star quasi-warrior, and he has not broken through to become a warrior. idiot!"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man in gray with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks frowned and looked at Ye Chong, and murmured:

"Could it be that about Mu Wu...

Has something to do with Mou Bao, the unfilial son?

Could it be that this bastard did something wrong because of an intermediate warrior's weapon?


its not right.

What about Moba?

And those boys with foreign surnames, where have they gone? "


The middle-aged man in gray with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks narrowed his eyes, and looked at Ye Chong, his eyes flickered, and there was a hint of enlightenment hidden inside.


Ye Chong's face changed, his thoughts turned, and then he slapped his head and said loudly: "By the way, I remember what he said."

"What is it?" The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks narrowed his eyes, and then asked, "What did Mu Wu say in the end?"

Ye Chong glanced at the other party in bewilderment, shrugged, and said slowly:

"I'm not talking about Mu Wu, but Brother Bao.

I remember he borrowed my points after eating with me that night, he looked very happy, what... what... God... magic weapon..."

"Shenbing Mountain!" The middle-aged gray-clothed man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks couldn't help answering, his eyes narrowed and said:

"An intermediate warrior's weapon?

Shenbing Mountain?


Mou Bao, this bastard, really has a lot of ideas, and his ambition is really not small.

No wonder he borrowed money. It turned out that he wanted to customize his own exclusive mid-level warrior weapon.

For such a precious weapon, even the level of a martial arts warrior has to be weighed and weighed.

I didn't expect this idiot to do such a stupid thing!

Can't he think for himself?

A quasi-warrior who isn't even a warrior, swaggering around with an extremely expensive mid-level warrior's weapon, what's the difference between this and a weak bastard wandering the streets with a sack of money on his shoulders?

It's the rhythm of courting death! "


Ye Chong swallowed his saliva, and said in an innocent and toothless tone:

"Uncle, don't be angry, Brother Bao is your nephew after all.

You are so powerful, and with your protection, you are not afraid of wherever you go.

Ha ha.

Maybe Brother Bao is waiting for you anxiously right now. "

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