Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 279 I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic

Although Ye Chong was a little shaken in his heart, he had no better way and could only follow the original plan.

The high-rise where Bao Sihai is located and the high-rise he inspected just now, one east and one west, are both 19 stories high. They are considered to be the two tallest buildings in the entire West Town, and the residents of West Town call them twin buildings.

"The rest are small high-rises, generally eleven or two stories high.

The nearest small high-rise is about 300 meters away from me, and you need to cross the street to get there, and you have to pass through the garden in the middle of the street.

When I acted, if there happened to be a mutant beast with good eyesight staring at this area, then I would definitely be exposed.

Of course, I can also choose to bypass it.

However, this wastes too much time.

Well, if I choose the second small high-rise community, that is, a community 600 to [-] meters away, I can intersperse between row houses and single-family villas.

But the question is, what kind of monsters are those green or red eyes?

One look at that look and you know it's not a good thing.

The key point is that these guys walk in groups at night, which means they are very idle.

If this sees me, he won't play me like crazy.

At that time, even if I react quickly and kill a few with thunder, what's the use?

There are too many.

It's easy to get me under siege, and even attract some high-level monsters, and then I'm done.


Ye Chong frowned, and looked at the small high-rise 300 meters away again. Compared with throwing himself into the trap, he could only choose to take a little risk.

Soon, Ye Chong floated out from the high-rise gate in a flash, and went straight to the opposite side.


Fairly quiet.

Except for the roar of beasts in the distance, there was basically no movement around.

Ye Chong was overjoyed, so he couldn't help speeding up a little more, if he didn't take advantage of no one's attention, he would go there earlier, what are you waiting for?

Swish swish!

He was already fast, but he deliberately accelerated, blowing forward like a gust of wind, and he arrived at the garden in the middle of the street in a short time. As long as he passed through here, he would reach his destination immediately.


Also at this time.

Swish swish!

Three black shadows appeared out of nowhere, blocking their eyes in the shape of a character.


Ye Chong paused, and before he had time to speak, five people appeared behind him and surrounded him.


Too careless!

Ye Chong cursed secretly.

However, it is too late to say anything now.

"What is the little brother doing here?" A middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks asked.

"I'm a resident here." Ye Chong looked calm, "Who are you? Why don't you let me go home? Do you know it's dangerous here?"

"Go home?" The middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks smiled sinisterly, "Everyone here is dead, which home do you go back to?"

"Of course I'm going back to my home. Hey, the unit 1 in the front building is my home." Ye Chong raised his head and pointed to the small high-rise building, "There are still survivors in the community, who said they're all dead? Who are you?"

"Who are we? Hehe, it doesn't matter." A strong young man of five years and three years looked at the blade of the starry sky on Ye Chong's back, "Are you from the Jiuwu Academy?"

When Ye Chong heard this, he couldn't help being shocked, but his face was as usual and he said, "Nine Martial Arts Academy? Is it the Martial Arts Academy in Zhongdu City? Hehe, I want to go in, but they don't want me."

"What's your name?" The monkey-cheeked man asked coldly.

"Dunan." Ye Chong said casually, "Can I go now?"

"Dunan?" A tall, thin middle-aged man shook his head, "No, Ye Chong, your name is not Dunan, and the Starry Sky Blade you carried betrayed you."

"What leaf..." Ye Chong was halfway through speaking, and suddenly turned around, avoiding the attack of a person behind him, and shouted: "What are you doing?!"

"Baga!" The middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks cursed in a low voice, "Take him down!"

Ye Chong stepped forward with his left foot, withdrew his right foot, turned around, and avoided the attacks of the other two, but at this moment, his back tightened suddenly, as if being stabbed by a sharp sword.


As soon as his head was covered, he immediately used his body skills to avoid it.

Now he fully understands in his heart that these people's cultivation base is not low, and most importantly, they obviously have a rhythm that wants to put him to death.

If he hadn't performed the armor skin technique in advance, he would probably have caught a cold by now. Even so, the burning pain from his back already showed that his body was injured.

"What are you going to do?!" Ye Chong dodged left and right, finally found the opportunity, and immediately amplified his voice, "Why do you want to trouble Jiuwu Academy?!"

Swish swish!

The eight besiegers did not speak, speeding up the rhythm of the attack.

However, once Ye Chong's actual combat body skills were in full swing, it was like a gust of wind floating around. Although the weapons of the eight people could occasionally hit his body, they basically slipped by and could not cause deep damage.



I don't know when, there was a heavy galloping sound from all around.

If you take a look, you will find that countless green eyes, red eyes, and blue eyes are quickly gathering here.

"Get rid of him right away!" The middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked a little annoyed, "We are going to be surrounded."


Ye Chong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he has never liked mutant beasts as much as he does now, and he is secretly looking forward to the fact that the mutant beasts that come should be of a higher level.

"Riding horses!

Dear beasts, I miss you so much!

come quickly!

Come and eat me!

I am very fragrant!

They smell better than me!

It smells so good! "

Swish swish!

Seeing countless mutated beasts coming from all directions, Ye Chong's mood suddenly improved countless times.

At the same time, the eight besieging him suddenly became a little flustered.

no way.

The herd of beasts approached him immediately, seeing that he was about to become a mutant beast in his life, how could he go all out to clean up this guy who was floating around like a flower and butterfly?

at the same time.

The East Tower of the Twin Towers.

Bao Sihai and the ten members of the Sihai team all stood on the rooftop, watching the battle that took place near the garden in the middle of the street.

Seeing the countless mutated beasts rushing towards them, the eyes of each of them were full of horror, fear and worry.

"Who are those people? Why are you besieging Ye Chong?"

"Aboriginal people here? Are they crazy?"

"I heard Ye Chong yelling—why fight against Jiuwu Academy?

What does it mean?

Are these people the enemies of Jiuwu Academy?

But the question is, does our academy have any enemies?

mutant beast?

Why are mutant beasts like humans? "

"Captain, let's go down and rescue Ye Chong. He is too dangerous. Not only are eight bad guys attacking him, but so many mutant beasts rushed over."

"Yes, Captain, shall we go down quickly?"

"Ye Chong made such a loud noise to let us know that he is in danger, so we can go and save him."

"Leader, please give the order!"


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