Seeing the countless mutated beasts completely joining the melee, Bao Sihai frowned, shook his head and said: "No, Ye Chong shouted, not to ask us to save him, but to warn us, let us Witness for yourself what really happened.


His shout also had a more important function—to attract the attention of the dragon-absorbing mutant beast.

In this way, he will quickly become the target of the mutant beast's attack, and use violence to control violence to relieve the urgent need.

Otherwise, judging by the means of those eight people, he would not be able to support himself alone, and I am afraid he would not last long.

So, hehe, Ye Chong is very smart and has a lot of experience. He is actually becoming more and more secure.

We go down now, maybe not to help him, but to add to the chaos. "

"Captain, who are those eight guys? Why did they attack Ye Chong?" Zhang Dong leaned forward and asked.

"It's too far away, I can't tell. I probably haven't dealt with them before." Bao Sihai narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head slowly, "As for why you attacked Ye Chong? Maybe only the person involved knows?"

"These people are too hateful. The human race is in crisis, and they are still killing each other. It's really inhuman." Han Lina held a long sword, looking like she wanted to fly down immediately and join the battle, "It's really inhuman!".

"Human nature? Hehe, human nature is very complicated, so it's not appropriate to use it here." Bao Sihai quietly looked at the battle scene below, and suddenly smiled, "The brat has a lot of actual combat experience, so it's nothing to worry us about. "

When everyone heard what he said, they immediately became quiet.

At this time, Bao Sihai suddenly changed his face and said: "However, although Ye Chong is safe for the time being, we are becoming more and more dangerous."

When Bao Sihai said this, he stopped speaking, and turned his head to look at the entrance of the rooftop. There was a rumbling sound, and he ordered:

"Everyone, get ready, there are mutated beasts rushing up, listen to the movement, I'm afraid there are a lot of them.

Zhang Dong, you male team members immediately closed the roof door and stood guard on the spot.

When necessary, use all your strength to block the door with the corpse of the mutant beast.

Xin Xiaomeng, the three of you continue to observe the following battle situation here.

If you find any special circumstances, report to me immediately without delay! "

Everyone agreed in unison and carried out the order.

Bao Sihai immediately observed along the edge of the roof.

At this moment, the area around the garden in the middle of the street is a complete mess.

Countless mutant beasts rushed in, most of them were S1-level monsters, a few were S2-level monsters, and occasionally S3-level monsters appeared.

For them, they don't know what the relationship between the eight men in gray and Ye Chong is. It doesn't matter whether they are friends or enemies. In their eyes, these nine people are all fragrant lives.

At this moment, the garden in the middle of the street was already littered with corpses, and blood flowed like a river. At least twenty or thirty S1-level mutant beasts died suddenly on the spot. On the contrary, it aroused their bloodliness even more, rushing forward frantically, biting and attacking without fear of death.

It was also during this bloodthirsty and violent battle that the eight gray-clothed men and Ye Chong were all divided and surrounded by more and more mutant beasts, and fell into their own melee, and the distance between each other changed. getting bigger and bigger.

These mutant beasts are not simple.

The quantity is large and the variety is great.

Mutated bison, mutated tiger, mutated gray wolf, mutated hyena, mutated lion, mutated rattlesnake... One by one is more powerful than the other, and they are all several times or even dozens of times larger than their counterparts before their aura revived.

The key is that when facing the common enemy-the human race, they are so united that they can even support each other, like an army that has undergone rigorous training.

Tactical thinking is clear.

Combat skills are superb.

Experienced in combat.

In this way, although the nine people on the scene used frequent tactics at the beginning and killed many monsters, they couldn't hold on after a long time.

The mutated beasts attacked wave after wave, non-stop for a moment, but they had limited energy and blood, and soon became exhausted.

But there was no other way but to continue struggling.

What else?


Where are you going?

There are mutant beasts above level S1 everywhere, as if a beast tide has erupted, and there are beasts wherever they flee.

The key is can you escape?

These S1-level monsters have a certain degree of attack and defense, and they are not afraid of death. It is impossible to escape from the siege of three layers inside and three layers outside.

What do you think of other mutant beasts?

Do you really think it is a kitten raised at home?

For a moment, the nine people near the garden in the middle of the street were all exhausted and embarrassed, like stray dogs that were chased by everyone in the previous world.

Speaking of which, if one were to choose the most embarrassing guy among these nine people, it would definitely be Ye Chong.

His embarrassment was not ordinary embarrassment, it was a mess of embarrassment.

Whenever a mutated beast attacks, before it gets close, he slithers aside, and just as the next mutated beast is about to sneak attack, his body slips past in an unbelievable way, narrowly avoiding the opponent's attack. Attacking, like a little mouse that was almost stepped on its tail.

The posture is too ugly.

And it's dangerous.

Very embarrassed.

In fact, from the beginning of the battle, Ye Chong has been running around in a panic, never killing a mutant beast at all, but just running around.

The key is that his running is not escaping at all, and it looks particularly unreasonable.

Where can I go?

Do not drill towards someone.

And whoever is more embarrassed, the more he will go to where he is.

In this way, the problem can become big.

Originally, he was exhausted and exhausted, but Ye Chong rushed over with a group of furious mutant beasts. Although Ye Chong stumbled, but the mutant beasts couldn't catch him, they immediately vented their anger on the gray-clothed man next to him. body.


Facing the assault of a group of mutant beasts that were about to go crazy, the pressure on the man in gray could suddenly more than double.

But that's not all.

Ye Chong's hands and feet were really unclean, he would punch or kick the man in gray every now and then.


This is like a three-on-one attack in an instant, and the man in gray didn't even have time to be dazed, and was suddenly pressed down by a group of mutant beasts and rubbed against the ground.

This is no ordinary friction.

There is simply no mood or taste at all.

That is, within a few seconds, the person is gone.

It's really gone.

Even the clothes were eaten as fish skins.

In this way, the temperature at the scene became even warmer.

You know, for mutant beasts, the taste of life is simply irresistible, and it immediately makes them fall into complete madness.

Ye Chong was also very helpless, he wanted to run to the man in gray to seek protection, but who knew, that man didn't look as awesome as when he blocked him.

"That's awesome, isn't it?

Isn't this riding a horse to cheat Lao Tzu?

Ah, it's so unreasonable! "

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