Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 278 Please Captain Promise Me

"Okay!" Bao Sihai nodded, "Let's divide into two teams, you take one and I take the other, we will split up and search for the whereabouts of Walter White with all our strength."

"Yes, Captain." Ye Chong nodded, "How to do it, please tell me."

"You lead a team to continue searching this building as planned, and I'll take another team to search the high-rise next door." Bao Sihai frowned, "However, you must pay attention to safety, although this building looks It doesn’t seem like there are any high-level mutant beasts, but you still have to be careful, there is still a high possibility of SS-level monsters appearing in Longsu Land.”

"What?!" Ye Chong was slightly stunned, "SS level monster?"

"Yes, it's equivalent to a human warrior-level monster, very powerful." Bao Sihai frowned, and continued, "I suspect that the mutant bear we saw earlier is an SS-level monster."

"Huh?" Ye Chong scratched his head, "I remember the captain was an S3 or S4 monster, became an SS monster again?"

"Hehe, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear." Bao Sihai grinned and continued:

"I told you before that the Global Martial Arts Federation and the National Martial Arts Department have revised the level standards and names of mutant beasts.


Ha ha.

In other words, an S4 level monster is an SS1 level monster.

It's like onions, onions, and Piyazi, but they are called differently. If you like the original name, then it's okay to call it that. "

"Oh, I see." Ye Chong suddenly realized. Speaking of which, he was really taken aback just now, thinking that some powerful mutant beast had appeared again.

"Time is tight, so you choose someone." Bao Sihai sighed, "Choose whatever you want, as long as you can guarantee to perform the task well."

"Okay, then I chose the captain." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "Is it really possible to choose whatever you want?"

"Of course, the premise is to satisfy the task, but it can't be too much." Bao Sihai nodded.

"Captain, I only choose myself." Ye Chong's face was calm and his eyes were piercing.

"What?!" Bao Sihai's face changed, and he instinctively glanced at the other team members who were still searching in the distance, "You don't bring any of them? If something happens, you don't even have a helper, it will be very dangerous."

"Captain, I know exactly what I'm doing." Ye Chong looked serious, and then said: "And, I have one more request, please promise me, Captain."

"Say it!" Bao Sihai nodded vigorously, "I promise you!"

"I'm going to search the outer area, and the team leader will continue to search here as planned." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "That's my request."

"What did you say?!" Bao Sihai was obviously taken aback, with a look of disbelief in his eyes, "No! This is too dangerous!"

"Captain, listen to me." Ye Chong's eyes sparkled, and he continued:

"This place in West Town is almost full of mutant beasts above S1 level. Monsters of this level don't pose much threat to me. If I can't beat them, I can run away.

But these monsters still pose a great threat to other members of our team. Once they are besieged, the consequences will be disastrous.

In addition, to search other high-level and small high-level people, it is more convenient and fast to act alone. If there are many people and the target is too big, it will be easy to be discovered.

and also.

Captain, I have the ability to fight independently during the trial in Yingdao, and I have entered the Leqing Mountains many times, so I have some experience, so...

Captain, time seems to be running out. "

"Okay!" Bao Sihai sighed, then nodded, "I believe you can successfully complete the task, but be careful, the monsters here are not comparable to the mutant beasts outside the Leqing Mountains."

Ye Chong smiled slightly, agreed, turned around and left without talking nonsense.

Seeing the situation here, Xin Xiaomeng and Zhang Dong were about to come over to say something, but Bao Sihai raised one hand to stop them from speaking, while Ye Chong disappeared into the corridor in a flash.


Bao Sihai did not lead everyone to continue searching upwards, but stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back, staring down, motionless.

3 minute later.

A vague figure quietly appeared at the gate of the high-rise, and then disappeared into the night without a trace.

"Boy, the speed is not so fast." Bao Sihai shook his head with a smile, "Okay, be careful, you madman."


He turned around and was about to tell everyone to move on, when he suddenly realized that the ten members of the Four Seas Squad were standing in front of him in unison, and everyone's eyes were shining brightly.

"You should also pay attention to safety!" Bao Sihai waved his hand, "Let's go!"

After Ye Chong quietly entered the high-rise next door, he walked along the corridor from the first floor all the way up, the speed was fast, and the bird was silent.

From time to time, he would suddenly stop moving and listen for a while. Occasionally, when a mutant beast appeared in front of him, he would instantly kill it with thunder.

It didn't take long before Ye Chong went up to the rooftop.

Then starting from the rooftop, search all the way down.

It should be said that the situation of this high-rise is similar to that of the one just now. There are S1-level mutant beasts on almost every floor, but the number is scattered, with no more than five at most. This number is basically not enough for Ye Chong. of any threat.

But even so, he didn't dare to take it lightly, and killed it instantly with lightning.

no way.

He didn't want to make too much noise.

Making noise in Xizhen, which is densely populated by mutant beasts, is like shouting "I'm here" in the den of tigers and wolves.

When the time comes, if he is really going to be stuck in this building, not only will he be in danger, but he may also put the Four Seas team that must come to rescue him into crisis.

Therefore, he knew very well in his heart that he really should be more careful, both for himself and for others.

To Ye Chong's regret, he still didn't find any trace of Walter White until he got to the first floor.

He even turned on the flashlight quietly on a certain floor to confirm his doubts, but he was still disappointed.

Ye Chong finally let out a long sigh after checking the high-rise underground garage.


Walter White is certainly not here.

I checked almost every corner of the building, even the rooftop water tank, but found no trace of his presence.


Maybe this guy has really turned around in the belly of the monster.


No result, it is the worst result.


what should I do?

The question is, where exactly is this White Man hiding, if he's still alive?

If I were him, would I choose to go to a high level to avoid the attack of a mutant beast?

Is the goal too big? "

Ye Chong frowned, feeling confused.

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