Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 273 Core Differences

In the following time, the Four Seas team rested in a cave on a small hill.

Eating and eating, sleeping and sleeping, being vigilant and vigilant, Ye Chong closed his eyes and thought about his thoughts.

"Walter White is a toxicologist, and the biochemical weapons he studies should be the biochemical weapons that were often called before.

If he can really develop such a weapon that is harmless to humans but can kill orcs on a large scale, it will be of great significance.

The human race can send special forces or vanguard squads to secretly sneak into the gathering area of ​​the orcs and deliver this kind of biological and chemical weapons.

At that time, by directly killing orcs, or infecting the other party with a super contagious disease, they will be killed in large numbers.

Maybe it won't be long before the human race can win the great victory of the all-out human-beast war without bloodshed.


This kind of thing is easy to think of, how can it be so simple to do?

To create a biochemical weapon capable of exterminating orcs on a large scale without harming humans, the core difference between orcs and humans must first be found.

Only when the difference is found, can the difference be used to make a difference.


Is there really a core difference?

There are countless orc species and they are very different, but in the final analysis, are those higher mammals really fundamentally different from humans?


Objectively speaking, the human race is actually an orc race, a branch of the orc race, but this branch has developed rapidly, giving rise to technological civilization and martial arts civilization, but this does not mean that the human race is essentially different from the orc race. difference.

If there is an obvious difference, it is that the human race has already entered the modern society after a long period of development, while the other beast races are still in the primitive society.

Now that the aura is revived, no matter whether it is the human race in modern society or the orc race in primitive society, they are all nourished and cared for by the aura of heaven and earth.

In this process, the other orc races developed rapidly because of their weak intelligence and poor foundation.

What's even more frightening is that, compared to humans, the bodies of many orcs are originally prominent and tyrannical. After being irrigated, nourished and cleansed by spiritual energy, they quickly underwent comprehensive mutation and evolution, allowing high-level monsters to emerge continuously. .

Under such circumstances, the development speed of the human race is relatively slow, while the development speed of the orc race is relatively rapid. As time goes by, the former feels more and more powerful threats from the latter, and the latter is also constantly launching attacks on the human race. Full challenge.

What's more, the orc race has always been the food of the human race, and the human race has long since become a life that every mutant beast wants to eat.

The contradiction between the two is irreconcilable.

But speaking of it, the war between the human race and the orc race is actually a war between modern social civilization and primitive social civilization, and it is even more a war of oppression and resistance.

But the problem is...

What's the use of this?

Where are the core differences that can differentiate the treatment of biological and chemical weapons?


Even if there is, for example, a virus is created that kills all orcs except humans, let alone whether this possibility exists, even if it does exist, is there any derivative damage?

After all, the world is a system, and the change of every node will cause tremors in the whole system.

Maybe a little butterfly flapping its wings thousands of miles away can create a hurricane or tornado here.

Not to mention the biological and chemical weapons that cause mass destruction to the world's creatures?

So, it's hard.

Mr. Walter White came here to explore and study the phenomenon that the miasma poisonous gas treats humans and beasts differently, which is of course of great significance.


The current situation is that the miasma and poisonous gas in Xizhen seems to have lost its effect. Does this mean that the path of biological and chemical weapons is no longer feasible?

If that's the case, emmm, is Walter White worth our lives to rescue now? "

While Ye Chong was thinking wildly, time had passed quietly, and the sky had already completely darkened.

Under Bao Sihai's order, everyone took out the aerosol and sprayed it on their bodies.

This kind of thing is very useful, it can cover the smell of the body, and it also has a certain effect of preventing heat induction and infrared detection.

The reason why everyone didn't spray this kind of thing at the beginning is because it is more expensive; second is because its efficacy is only 3 hours; third is that the quantity is limited.

no way.

Save as much as you can, and use it when it is critical.

Now, it's time to go to the dragon's suction land, and it's time to use it.

Soon, under the leadership of Bao Sihai, the Sihai team marched towards Xizhen.

Of course, Ye Chong is still in charge of the tail of the team. Speaking of which, he likes it very much.

Not only is there space for buffering, but the attack can be advanced, and the retreat can be the first to open the way.

With Bao Sihai's arrangement, he actually made himself a pioneer, and handed over the control of the Sihai team to Ye Chong.

The positions of the rest of the people have also been clearly arranged.

Zhang Dong, Zhou Fa and another male team member followed Bao Sihai, Xin Xiaomeng and the others were in the middle of the team, and the remaining four male team members were in front of Ye Chong.

The Four Seas team does not move fast, they stop and go along the way, and once they find any traces of mutant beasts moving in front of them, they will immediately choose to stay silent and dormant.

no way.

If there is a battle now, if the opponent cannot be wiped out instantly, their whereabouts will be completely exposed. Once they are besieged by mutant beasts, their combat missions will have to be readjusted.

In fact, before the action, Bao Sihai specially emphasized and explained that the reason why Xizhen was attacked by mutant beasts was that besides the reason of the delicacy of life, there was probably another reason - just like the people who stayed here at the beginning, Want to mutate and evolve more quickly.

If this is the case, it is very likely that there are unimaginably high-level monsters hidden in these buildings.

The higher the level of the monster, the stronger the body and the higher the IQ.

It is also true, of course, the monsters that can break through the smog and poisonous gas and attack the dragon suction ground cannot be ordinary monsters.

After more than half an hour, the Four Seas team finally approached West Town along an abandoned ditch.

However, at this moment, Bao Sihai pressed his hand down, and the whole team instantly became shorter and stopped moving.

Boom boom boom!

A sound of fast running came from far and near, and it sounded extremely heavy, as if an elephant was running wildly.

300 meters!

200 meters!

100 meters!

50 meters!


Bao Sihai flipped his right hand, and suddenly there was a small black steel ball between the index finger and middle finger.

At the same time, Ye Chong lifted the blade of the starry sky upside down, and looked at Bao Sihai lying on the edge of the ravine.

But at this time, Bao Sihai obviously focused all his attention on the direction of the heavy footsteps, and didn't notice Ye Chong's inquiring gaze at all.


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

The heavy footsteps sounded again, like a heavy hammer, beating the crazy drums of war in people's hearts.

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