Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 272 Walter White

"Dragon sucking the land?" Ye Chong frowned slightly, looked around the valley, and felt that the mist was filled and flowing, which was magical.

"Yes, before there was enrichment of oxygen, but now there is rich aura, this is the evidence." Bao Sihai nodded, and continued:

"It is also because of the saying that the dragon sucks the ground, coupled with the fact that this place is indeed rich in aura, and a Feng Shui expert has come forward to say that it is impossible to be attacked by mutant beasts here, which dispels people's doubts and worries.

In addition, some experts inspected the surrounding area of ​​the valley and found a lot of miasma and poisonous gas rising upwards and fleeing the valley. They even swore that this is a natural barrier to block mutant beasts, so living in Xizhen is safe and sound, which is even more firm. The confidence of people to live.

However, the most important reason why the people here are reluctant to leave is actually the unimaginable mutation and evolution speed of the body.

After all, the spiritual energy here is very rich, so people living here, even if they don't practice any exercises, their bodies can grow and develop without knowing it.

Speaking of it, this is very similar to a mutant beast. In the early stages of mutation and evolution, it is almost completely passive, unlike those of us in martial arts who mainly actively promote physical progress through practicing martial arts.

So, the real purpose of many people staying here is to make themselves stronger. In order to achieve this goal, it is worth taking some risks.

What's more, the direction of all kinds of statements is safe without exception, so what is there to worry about?

Besides, there are nearly 15 people here, and no one else is afraid, but you are the only one who is afraid. Isn't that obviously a once-in-a-lifetime advantage to take advantage of, but you give up on your own initiative? "

Ye Chong pursed his lips tightly, nodded, and suddenly said: "Captain, you just said that there is poisonous miasma around the valley, won't this... affect people's safety?"

"No, I don't know the exact reason, but I have heard some experts explain it, it seems to be some kind of anti-negative pressure phenomenon, and this is one of the reasons why it is called the dragon sucking the ground." Bao Sihai sighed and continued. :

"What experts say is generally three points right and seven points wrong. If you really want to compare the truth, it's cloudy and foggy, and you can't explain it.

However, the statement that Xizhen is a land sucked by dragons can only be understood in this way to be reasonable.

After all, this valley has been miraculous since before the spiritual energy revived, for example, there are no flies or mosquitoes living in it.

Even in the hot summer season, the temperature here is only over 20 degrees, and there are no ants, insects and snakes. It is humid but not humid, and the temperature difference between day and night is very small. Living here is very comfortable.

If it weren't for the dragon sucking the ground, how could there be such a good place in the world?

Ha ha.

Of course, I also heard people talk about Xizhen in private.

The reason why there are so many sayings is that in the final analysis it is still inseparable from the word interest.

It is said that real estate developers have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in West Town, making every inch of land here worth every penny. Once a sale occurs, it will be an unbearable disaster for both the developer and the owner.

Therefore, the story still needs to develop.

Experts also continue to play an important role. "

"Hehe, so that's the case, I understand." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and suddenly realized, "Then captain, are we here to perform a mission this time?"

"This is one of our destinations, but it's not our goal." Bao Sihai quietly looked in the direction of Xizhen, "After losing contact with this place ten days ago, some scouts came here to investigate, and the conclusion is that There are so many monsters that there is no need to rescue them, otherwise, the casualties and cost would be too great.

However, just yesterday, the Global Martial Arts Federation and the National Martial Arts Department successively sent notices, suspecting that Mr. Walter White was doing research in Xizhen, so we hope that our Four Seas team will come here to find out the truth. "

"Walter White?" Ye Chong frowned, "What is a gringo doing here? Could it be that the influence of West Town is so great that gringos also come here to buy houses? There are not only aura-rich areas in the world Here?"

"Hehe, that's right. As far as I know, there are indeed many places in the world where the aura is not low. Moreover, there are indeed many foreigners who come here to buy houses." Bao Sihai smiled slightly, and continued:

"However, Mr. Walter White is not here to buy a house, but to do research.

To be precise, he is a world-renowned toxicology expert.

The miasma and poisonous gas here in Xizhen is very strange, and has little effect on the human body, but for the orcs, it has a relatively strong corrosive and nerve paralyzing ability.

It is speculated that the purpose of Mr. Walter White coming to West Town is to develop biochemical weapons to deal with the increasingly rampant mutant beasts through the research of miasma poisonous gas.

However, Mr. White is a maverick character, his whereabouts are erratic, it is hard to say whether he is really here in West Town.

However, a toxicology expert like Mr. White is of great significance to the human race. It is related to the success or failure of future wars. If something happens, it will be an extremely heavy blow to our human race. "

"Then captain... what are we waiting for?" Ye Chong narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Xizhen, "If Mr. White is really here, then he may be waiting for our arrival."

"It's too early." Bao Sihai looked up at the sky and said:

"There are quite a few mutant beasts in West Town, and there are very likely high-level monsters, so we'd better be careful.

Mutant beasts like to go out in search of food when it is dark, and there is a high possibility of leaving West Town, so...

We'll have to wait and see.

Otherwise, it would be easy to be discovered by them. Instead, it would be a warning to the enemy, which is not conducive to search.

In addition, Mr. Walter White has very rich experience in wild survival and has a certain combat effectiveness. I believe that if he is really here, he will have a better way to protect himself. "

"Captain, if the mutant beasts go out to look for food at night, if they leave West Town, won't they be attacked by miasma and poisonous gas?" Ye Chong frowned and asked.

"This is also one of the truths we need to investigate." Bao Sihai sighed softly, and continued:

"Xizhen was suddenly attacked by mutant beasts, it must have something to do with the loss of effect of the miasma and poisonous gas.

On the other hand, since the mutated beasts could come in, there would be no problem leaving from West Town.

It's a pity that the scouts acted in a hurry last time, did not find out the truth, and were attacked on the way back, resulting in incomplete information transmission.

Therefore, this matter can only be done by our Four Seas team. "

"Yes, captain." Ye Chong looked at Xizhen, the dragon-sucking place with piercing eyes, and said in a deep and powerful voice: "Under the leadership of the captain, our Four Seas team will be able to successfully complete the task."

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