But the strange thing is that the heavy footsteps slowed down a lot, and they were not approaching, but returning to the way they came from.

Ye Chong poked his head out quietly and looked in the direction of the sound.

Speaking of which, breaking through from a non-warrior to a warrior, the mutation and evolution of the body are very large, not only the ability to resist damage has been improved a lot, but also the ability to perceive the outside world has been greatly improved.

Like night vision.

For people in martial arts, if they are in the stage of non-warrior, although their night vision ability has improved a lot compared to ordinary people, it is not bad if it is 20% higher, but when they reach the stage of martial artist, their night vision ability will have a jump. Great progress, even in the dark night, you can easily see the situation within tens of meters.

Ye Chong looked at the figure in the distance, and couldn't help being stunned.

I saw a tall and strong "person" walking back slowly. He was at least 2 meters away. Will jump to live "Xiong Da" these two words.

"What is this?

It shouldn't be a mutant bear.

Both the mutant brown bear and the mutant black bear are taller than this guy, and their body proportions are different.

It should be said... this thing really looks like a human.

But...is there really such a strong person?

Moreover, its body is covered with white fur.

If it wasn't for a more human-like figure and long legs, I would rather think of it as a walking polar bear.

So what exactly is it?

and also.

What was that guy doing just now?

night run?

Or sleepwalking?

Or patrol? "

After watching the guy who was shaking his head disappear, Bao Sihai pointed to the north side, and then led the team across the ravine, until he avoided the path of the strange thing, and then entered the West Town.

very quiet.

But the smell of mutant beasts is very strong.

The sour and smelly smell mixed together, giving people a feeling of nausea.

Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina and Tong Ya all frowned and put on special masks.

Others, including Bao Sihai, didn't care, and focused on observing the surrounding environment.

Along the way, it can be seen that the one-story houses, townhouses, villas and other buildings passed by are very damaged, obviously all of them have been searched by mutant beasts.

However, no human remains were seen inside or outside the house, but there were a lot of blood stains. It is estimated that the mutant beasts ate up the found humans on the spot.

That's right.

In the eyes of mutant beasts, human beings are life, and of course it is best to eat them while they are fresh.

This is similar to human beings. When salmon or bluefin tuna is caught, it is naturally the freshest and most delicious when it is alive and kicking. When it is half dead, it is even chilled or frozen before eating. Although the taste is good, it will definitely A trace of the most natural taste and feeling is missing.

After searching another independent villa, Bao Sihai stopped and said softly:

"The low-rise buildings were severely damaged, and even the basements of single-family villas were visited by mutant beasts.

This shows that the mutant beasts have already checked here, and depending on the situation, it's not just one time.

Therefore, it is not meaningful for us to search the low-rise buildings anymore. It is better to focus on the high-rise buildings.

Well, everyone will take a break on the third floor, pay attention to observation and vigilance, especially the stairs and windows.

Ye Chong, come over here. "

After finishing speaking, Bao Sihai walked to the third-floor terrace, and Ye Chong naturally followed closely.

Neither of them spoke, they hid in the corner and watched Xi Town under the night.

The buildings in Xizhen are well arranged. Apart from a large number of bungalows, row houses and villas, there are also many small high-rise buildings and high-rise buildings.

In the daytime, the entire West Town is hidden among red flowers and green trees, and decorated with small bridges and flowing water, which looks enchanting and beautiful, very elegant and unique.

But at this moment, when night falls, darkness is everywhere. Those low buildings are like toads lying on the ground, and those small high-rises and high-rises are like human beings standing on the fields. It gives people a weird feeling that is inexplicable and seems to be a world away.

Especially the faint green light or the red light that suddenly lit up in the distance will make people's hearts tense, as if there are demons from hell reappearing in the world, wanting to choose people and devour them.

"What do you think?" Bao Sihai asked suddenly.

"..." Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, seeing that the other party was looking at a high-rise building in the distance, he nodded and said:

"I agree with the captain's judgment.

There are many mutant beasts here, and there are many types, big and small, all kinds of strange things.

If these guys want to check low-rise buildings, they will basically not miss anything.

If Mr. Walter White had been unfortunate enough to hide in such a place, I think we have lost him forever.

So, maybe searching on high-rise buildings is our only option.

Captain, when I was in the trial on Yingdao, I came into contact with the high-rise buildings occupied by mutant beasts. There may be space inside to block the search and attack of mutant beasts.

Ha ha.

There are quite a few shear wall structures in buildings today. If the doors and windows of the space they are in are strong enough, it will be difficult for them to be completely destroyed by mutant beasts. Perhaps those places may really surprise us.

But low-rise buildings are not good, the mass is small, the load-bearing capacity and pressure resistance are limited, and the key mutant beasts can also choose to attack from the ground, so..."

"Your analysis is good, but that's not what I'm talking about." Bao Sihai smiled slightly and nodded, "I'm asking about your opinion on man-bears."

"Human bear?" Ye Chong looked confused, but then he narrowed his eyes, "The captain is talking about that white-haired monster?"

"Yes, that's a man-bear." Bao Sihai nodded with a serious face, "The man-bear is as rare as the vampire chupacabra, mothman, Bigfoot, etc. But it does exist."

"What?" Ye Chong frowned, "I've heard of Mothman and Bigfoot, Captain, do they... really exist?"

"Where there is no wind, there is no wave. There are legends in the world, and there are naturally prototypes. These creatures are not a secret to people in the martial arts world." Bao Sihai frowned and said slowly:

"Judging from the posture of the mutant bear just now, it has already mutated and evolved well.

It's just that it's too far away, unable to sense the blood on its body, and can't see its eyes.

Therefore, it is impossible to make an accurate judgment on its beast level, but it is probably above S3 level.

Ye Chong, you haven't dealt with human bears before, so you may not know.

Speaking of it, although this kind of thing is not a human race, the direction and degree of evolution are comparable to that of the human race.

Not only is its intelligence level developed, but its physical structure is also very similar to that of a human being. The key is that its physique is much stronger than that of a human being.

There are even rumors in the martial arts world that the human bear after its aura is revived is likely to become one of the first batch of mutated beasts to practice the orc martial arts skills. "

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