Da da da!

When Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, and Tong Ya saw Ye Chong beheading the two S2 mutant black bears, they immediately ran over cheering.



The blade of the starry sky in Ye Chong's hand swung across, blocking the three women, and said softly:

"S1-level mutated mandrills and S2-level mutated black bears have appeared here one after another, indicating that this place is very dangerous, so you better keep quiet, this is not a bar.

In addition, if I were you, I would quickly use this time to solve my personal problems, so as not to attract other monsters later.

and also.

We have been delayed here for a long time, and it may have affected the progress of the team.


Maybe the captain is sulking right in front.

If the old man overhears you yelling, you will be fined 1 points for each word. How many words did you just say?

Can you count them? "

"You talked too, Ye Chong." Han Lina was a little unhappy.

"What? Hehe, just kidding!" Ye Chong grinned, "I was farting. How about you? Are you farting too?"

"Hmph!" Xin Xiaomeng rolled her eyes, turned around and left.

Han Lina and Tong Ya were a little confused and left too.


Ye Chong sighed secretly, but soon laughed.

no way.

This is an S2 level mutated black bear.

Not only are animal eyes valuable, but bear bile is extremely expensive.

There are also sharp claws, which feel sharper than those of the S1 mutant mandrill.

There are so many good things to clean up, wouldn't it be heartless not to drive them away?

Besides, using this crappy method to keep them away from him is not bad.

Asking what love is in the world, it is a direct teaching about life and death. The key is that sometimes people don't know how to die, so there is nothing wrong with staying away from this dangerous double-edged sword.


Ye Chong put the animal eyes, two bear gallbladders and all the sharp claws of the two S2 mutant black bears into his backpack.

Immediately, the backpack gave people a heavy feeling, as if it was filled with bundles of money.

Ye Chong led Xin Xiaomeng and the others for nearly a kilometer in a hurry before catching up with the team at the foot of a small hill. Bao Sihai saw Ye Chong's blood-stained face and understood what was going on. Pressing, made a silent gesture.

In the next moment, Bao Sihai looked at Ye Chong and pointed to the top of the small hill, and then climbed up first, Ye Chong followed closely behind, and the rest were in charge of guarding and standing by.

It is said to be a small hill, but in fact the altitude is only about 30 meters, the slope is 45 degrees, there is little soil and many rocks, overgrown with weeds and few trees.

After reaching the top of the small hill, the two slowly poked their heads out.


Ye Chong was secretly startled.

I saw a large residential area in the mountains, forests and valleys opposite. There are many high-rise buildings in it, and there are many bungalows, row houses and villas. There are lakes and rivers, and the vegetation is rich. It looks like a prosperous place. .

But when you look carefully, you will suddenly find that there is no one there, and many facilities on the street have been severely damaged, and even many houses have collapsed.

The most frightening thing is that from time to time, you can see grotesque mutant beasts swaggering past on the street, just like walking on the street.

"There is no official notification, but judging from internal information, none of the people here ran out." Bao Sihai's voice sounded quietly, "Nearly 15 people lost their time in just one night."

"Captain, which city is this?" Ye Chong frowned, "This is considered a big event, when did it happen?"

"Just ten days ago." Bao Sihai shook his head and sighed, "This is a gathering place for rich people, a natural oxygen bar, and housing prices are much more expensive than the central area of ​​Zhongdu City, but it is not a city. It’s a big town—Xi Town, one of the largest satellite towns in Zhongdu.”

"West Town?" Ye Chong looked into the distance, "It turns out that this is the famous West Town, no wonder it is so magnificent. I heard that this is an oxygen-rich area, and the concentration of oxygen is more than 20% higher than that of Zhongdu. It is an excellent place for natural rest.”

"Yes, it's Xizhen, where a house is hard to come by." Bao Sihai muttered to himself and shook his head, "But who would have known that this place would become a monster's life cafeteria in the blink of an eye? "

"Captain, the residents here know that monsters are rampant in the surrounding mountains and forests, so don't they evacuate in advance?" Ye Chong's face was full of doubts, "Besides, after the recovery of spiritual energy, the amount of oxygen is constantly decreasing, and In the face of aura, oxygen has long lost its meaning of existence. More importantly, haven't some experts said that oxygen may be the biggest chronic poison in the world, so... It's really a bit frustrating that they didn't evacuate this dangerous zone early baffling."

"Expert? Ha ha." Bao Sihai smiled slightly, shook his head and said:

"Yeah, I've heard of it.

Before the revival of Reiki, some experts said that the short lifespan of many animals, including humans, was caused by oxygen, because it is a chronic poison that consumes vitality.

However, traditional experts believe that oxygen is one of the essential substances to promote metabolism and improve the vitality of the human body. The more oxygen is enriched, the more comfortable people will feel and the greater the benign help to the human body.

This is the most important reason for the rapid development of the natural oxygen bar West Town.

However, after the recovery of Reiki, the experts have a new statement after witnessing the miracle of Reiki.

Ha ha.

In other words, whether oxygen is a chronic poison or not is not important anymore. What is important is that aura is the greatest aura in the world.

Whether it is enriched or not is related to the degree of variation and evolution of the human race.

That is to say, the more abundant the aura is, the greater the contribution to the human body will be.

Speaking of which, there is nothing wrong with experts saying that. After all, aura is indeed extremely mysterious and miraculous. The martial arts skills practiced by people in the martial arts world are all based on aura that cleanses the body and mind.

Ha ha.

But the problem is that Xi Town, which was originally a place rich in oxygen, has gradually become a place rich in aura after the recovery of aura. It is said that the concentration of aura in Central City is at least 50% higher than that of Zhongdu. "

"So high?" Ye Chong's expression changed, "Before the spiritual energy was revived, the oxygen concentration here was high, so it was natural oxygen. After the spiritual energy was revived, the concentration of the spiritual energy here was high, and it became a natural spiritual energy again. Here... it's really amazing. what."

"That's right, it's amazing." Bao Sihai nodded, and continued:

"Speaking of it, it still has something to do with the geographical environment here.

Surrounded by alpine forests, a natural pressure difference is formed, which makes this valley produce a special basin suction effect.

It can absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, and can also empty the dirty atmosphere from the four sides of the valley upwards, which is extremely miraculous.

What's important is that this process of basin suction also cleans and nourishes all creatures in the valley, and the benefits are not small.

Therefore, some experts who understand Feng Shui call this place the Dragon Sucking Land. "

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