Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 270 No Evidence

While Ye Chong was chatting with Bao Sihai, 10 minutes passed quickly.

Bao Sihai waved his hand and led the Sihai team to continue to move towards the southwest.

According to Bao Sihai's arrangement, Ye Chong was responsible for the safety of the tail of the team, so of course it was at the end.

But unexpectedly, Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina and Tong Ya became regulars at the end of the team.

What can Ye Chong say?

Can't say anything.

The head and the tail are the most important. Bao Sihai is in charge of the head, Ye Chong is in charge of the tail, and the middle is casual.

However, there is a rule in the procession of the team, that is, they cannot speak, so Ye Chong is not afraid.

But there is still something annoying.

The three of them often slowed down suddenly, and even made eye contact with him, blushing.

"Exchange fart!" Ye Chong didn't say anything, but said casually in his heart, "I must be free and want to trouble me again? Or is it because I am thinking about the mutant beast material? I even suspect that you want to harass me. My intention, but... I have no proof."


Xin Xiaomeng stopped immediately.

Han Lina and Tong Ya followed closely.


Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, and immediately waved forward, meaning to leave quickly.

As a result, the three of them all blushed and stretched out their hands to push him, obviously wanting to drive him away.

Immediately afterwards, Tong Ya's face changed, and she stretched out her hand to cover her belly.

Xin Xiaomeng stomped her feet, and looked at Ye Chong with anger.

Han Lina laughed wildly, her eyes blurred, but she just didn't speak.

no way.

If anyone talks nonsense without the captain's permission, points will be deducted.

What are points?

That is life!

Points deducted, that is terrible!

So no one wants to talk nonsense.

Ye Chong didn't say anything either.


But at the next moment, Ye Chong was immediately stunned.

Tong Ya squatted down.

Xin Xiaomeng squatted down.

Han Lina also squatted down.

What the hell!

Ye Chong immediately turned around and walked forward.

blah blah blah!

Do Do Do Do!

The three of them had already laughed out loud.

no way.

Ye Chong took a few steps forward.

What else?

What if something happens?

Would that be embarrassing?


Ye Chong let out a long breath, smiled wryly and shook his head and walked forward.


What do you want.

There were really some strange movements behind him.

However, Ye Chong still held back.

I dare not look at it.

If you look back at this time, if you are unsightly or something, you will definitely be caught.

At that time, if you don't enjoy the good fortune, maybe you will be blackmailed, so is it a loss?


its not right!

There is a cry!


Ye Chong turned his head and saw that it was covered by trees, so he couldn't see anything.

Where he is now, he is already 50 to [-] meters away from where Xin Xiaomeng and the others stopped. The road is full of vegetation, so of course he can't see it.

However, the cry just now was obviously a suppressed exclamation.

Swish swish!

At this time, how could Ye Chong care so much, so he rushed over at a faster speed.

Sure enough, the two mutated black bears stood upright in the distance. From their eyes, it could be seen that they were S2-level mutated black bears.

At this moment, Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, and Tong Ya gathered together, not daring to move. After seeing Ye Chong return, their expressions suddenly became much more relaxed.

"What should we do? They are S2 level monsters." Han Lina looked at Ye Chong with a look of nervousness, "You deal with one, and the three of us deal with one?"

Tong Ya and Xin Xiaomeng nodded vigorously, and Tong Ya said again: "Otherwise we call the captain and the others back."

"It's too late, they've already gone away." Ye Chong looked coldly at the two mutant black bears of S2 level, and said slowly, "If I were you, hide behind me."


Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, and Tong Ya had good movements, faster than a rabbit, and they flashed behind Ye Chong in an instant.

"Well, I thought these two S2 mutant black bears were passing by here." Ye Chong flapped his nose with his hand, "So you were the ones who lured them here."

"..." The three girls were all speechless.

Da da da!

Ye Chong lifted the blade of the starry sky upside down, and walked towards the S2 mutant black bear, his steps were steady and unwavering.


The two S2 mutant black bears raised their heads to the sky and let out a long roar, beat their chests with both hands, opened their big mouths, and their white teeth gleamed ferociously.

There is no doubt that they have been completely angered by Ye Chong's actions.

Tiny human beings dared to take the initiative to provoke, and the pressure of energy and blood was obviously much weaker than them. It was like giving life away for free, so what are you waiting for? !

Boom boom boom!

The two S2 mutant black bears rushed towards Ye Chong almost at the same time.

At the same time, all the sharp claws on their bear paws clicked out, and the sound was clanging, like an alloy sword.

In the next moment, Ye Chong fought with two S2 mutant black bears.


The strange thing is that at the moment when the two armies met, Ye Chong's body swayed casually, as if he had turned into a human-shaped butterfly, clinging to the bodies of the two S2 mutant black bears, flying up and down, no matter how hard the opponent's claws were, he was Can't touch his body.

"Oh my god, I don't know if I don't look at it. I was shocked when I saw it. I didn't expect that Madman Ye's body skills are so powerful, much better than me." Tong Ya looked at Ye Chong with deep disbelief in her eyes. With a look of confidence, "It's no wonder he can achieve such an impressive record! Strong attack power, good agility, boldness and high IQ, it is impossible not to achieve results!"

"Xiaoya, in fact, you missed one thing." Xin Xiaomeng covered her mouth and chuckled, "His EQ is quite high, could he capture Xiaoya's heart?"

"Nonsense, where is it?!" Tong Ya blushed, and then she looked at Xin Xiaomeng with a half-smile, "It's said that the cute girl is the girlfriend of Madman Ye, so she must have received a lot of love, right?"

"Hehe, stop arguing, I'm still Madman Ye's cousin, what did I say?!" Han Lina smiled brightly, her eyes sparkling, "That's right, my brother, haha, I just like sensible girls , um... Which of you two is more sensible? I really can’t tell, but I think whoever can give me 1 points must be the most sensible.”

"Fuck you, Sister Na," Xin Xiaomeng smiled coquettishly, "What kind of cousin are you? My elder brother is long and my elder brother is short. I'm afraid I have long wanted to throw myself into her arms for comfort?"

"Hee hee!" Tong Ya lightly brushed her hair and smiled sweetly.


Just as the three girls were laughing and chatting, the Starry Sky Blade in Ye Chong's hand lifted upwards at an incredible angle, and an S2-level mutant black bear was split open from bottom to top, blood splattered, and its huge body Point left and right, and fall backwards.

Immediately after the next moment, the blade of the starry sky made a turn, like lightning and thunder, passed the blocking of the claws of another S2-level mutant black bear, and sank into the heart.


Ye Chong pulled out his hand casually, and the blade of the starry sky was pulled out suddenly, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Without paying attention, his face and body were covered with blood and stains.


The second S2 mutant black bear fell backwards, its empty eyes filled with disbelief.

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