Yayuan District.

19#3 Unit 102.


Ye Chong opened the door with the key and walked in.

The key was placed in the crevice of the flower bed in the community, and only he and Niu Yuanyuan knew it.

The room was tidy and there was no sign of mess, Ye Chong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly looked through the rooms, and found that Niu Yuanyuan was not in there.


Ye Chong sighed softly, and sat down beside the sofa in the living room, frowning slightly, with a complicated expression on his face.

Niu Yuanyuan was not at home, at least it meant that nothing serious happened to her at home, which was a good thing.

In addition, everything in the house is well-organized, which shows that she left the house calmly.


In other words, Niu Yuanyuan's departure from home should be an active behavior, right?

At least not very passive.

As for why she didn't greet me?

It's easy to explain!

After the spiritual energy recovered, almost all communication methods were paralyzed. Even if she wanted to call me or send me a text message, it was useless at all.

and so……


Ye Chong suddenly stood up and walked around the room.


With a flash of his eyes, he came to the side of the TV.

The cow's butt of a golden calf piggy bank was facing him, and the cow's tail was still upturned, looking arrogant, domineering and playful.

Ye Chong couldn't help smiling, squatted down, and dropped the golden calves one by one, and endless love appeared in his eyes.

I saw a folded A4 paper in the cow's mouth, making the golden calf look silly, dull and cute.

He picked up the paper and saw it read:

Ye Chong, I'm leaving.

My family found me and wanted to take me to Shanghai to go to college.

Their reasons are strong, and I have no way to refuse.

I wanted to call you, but the signal was all cut off.

Ye Chong, 'Oumuamua landed and changed the world.

Perhaps we should all try to keep up with the times.

By the way, don't come to me, I will come back to you.

Miss you!

Yuan Yuan.


When Ye Chong saw this, he slowly put the paper aside, walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, closed his eyes, an inexplicable feeling of emptiness rose in his heart, helpless, as if he had been abandoned by the world.

That's right!

This is Niu Yuanyuan's handwriting.

It just looks a little scribbled, and it is probably written behind someone's back.

From this point, it can be further proved that the content of the letter is what she wants to say.


Ye Chong let out a long breath.

In an era of great changes in the world, it is of course a good thing for Niu Yuanyuan to stay with her family.

Even if she has some reluctance in her heart, I should bless her instead of putting her in a dilemma out of selfishness.

Because her current choice is correct!

In fact, that's exactly what I want her to do!

At the critical moment of great changes in the world, keep up with the rhythm of the times, without any mistakes, and I will never look back.


Ye Chong turned on the TV, because it was a cable signal, so everything was normal.

The above news is showing the picture of Yingdao.

On the shore of the rolling waves, many sea creatures are gathering together.

A crab bigger than a truck.

Like a goby on a train car.

Clams like houses.

An octopus that looks like a hill.

Like a warship-like killer whale.


Among them, there is also a giant polar bear fighting with a walrus, like two hills colliding crazily.

"Dear audience, the number of monsters near the Beibu Gulf of Yingdao Island is increasing rapidly, and they are constantly attacking inland. A small part of the residents in the relevant area have been evacuated, and most of them are under siege..."

"According to incomplete statistics, the monster attacks that have lasted for many days have caused at least 1012 casualties, including 985 deaths."

There was a hint of sadness and grief in the voices of the newscasters.


That is?

Ye Chong couldn't help frowning as he watched the newly switched screen.

In a ruined village, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl was running forward with bare feet. From time to time, she would turn her head to look, her eyes full of horror.

Tens of meters behind her, a huge green sea snake more than 20 meters long, with red eyes glowing, slid forward unhurriedly, as if enjoying the little girl's frightened and confused appearance.

Although no sound could be heard, the little girl opened her mouth wide, obviously screaming and speeding up.


Just when she turned her head and glanced back, and was about to turn right into a street, she suddenly stumbled under her feet and fell to the ground.

Then, she climbed up several times, but could not get up.


Her body curled up together, she covered her eyes with her hands, and her body began to tremble crazily.


The huge green sea snake keeps approaching.

Swish swish!

A king crab the size of a truck suddenly appeared.

The little girl slowly raised her pale face with fright, and when she found a giant crab spraying water and watching her, she trembled in fright and crawled back.

At the same time, the huge green sea snake opened its bloody mouth and rushed forward frantically.


The faster one is that Cancer.

A pair of giant pliers moved left and right, clamped the little girl firmly, and then sent it into her mouth.

At the last moment before disappearing, there was an indescribable pain in her eyes.

Followed by.

The huge green sea snake that jumped like thunder was fighting with the giant king crab, and the scene was chaotic for a while.


Ye Chong's eyes trembled slightly, and he turned off the TV casually.

He is not afraid of the picture of monsters killing people, but because he can't stand the powerless weak, being wantonly obliterated in front of a powerful enemy, especially the despair and sadness in the eyes of the weak, which made him deeply understand what cruelty and misery are. .

"If the drone hadn't captured these pictures and brought them back smoothly, I'm afraid we would never believe that these mutant beasts have evolved so much, right?!"

Not long after, Ye Chong left Yayuan Community and returned to his dormitory at Yangcheng University.

However, the moment he stood in front of his bed, his face suddenly became ugly.

I saw that the bedding and pillows were all torn apart by knives, and some dirty things were still stained on them.

The combination table under the bed was also smashed into a mess, and all the clothes in the wardrobe were cut to pieces.

There is only one person in the dormitory, Wang Bo.

The corners of his mouth were swollen, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction in the eyes he looked at Ye Chong.

"Ye Chong, do you owe money to many people? You dare to come back now, you are not small!"

"Who hit you? Was it the people who came to look for me?" Ye Chong frowned. Usually, his relationship with Wang Bo is not very good, but the other party is probably because of his own injury, which made him feel uncomfortable. A little embarrassed, "What about them?"

"They? Which 'they' are you asking?" Wang Bo gently touched his swollen lips, "The person who asks you to pay will come every now and then, not on time. People who live in this dormitory, I have nowhere to go, and everyone else is looking for a place to hide, so as not to be beaten! However, it will be fine if you come back, the grievances have the leader, the debt has the owner, and we are relieved!"

"..." Ye Chong was speechless.

"However, you'd better go quickly. They haven't come for two days. They might come today. I don't want someone to be beaten to death in the dormitory!" Wang Bo looked at the other party and then looked around the dormitory. , "Then I really have nowhere to go!"

"Oh?" Ye Chong knew that Wang Bo liked to offend people with his mouth, but his heart was not bad. He smiled slightly and said, "Okay, Wang Bo, you like to be quiet, and I won't let those guys come to the dormitory to make trouble again. I'd better wait at the door of the dormitory building!"


Wang Bo was obviously a little surprised, his eyes flickered, and he was stunned.

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