Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 26 The Prelude to the War

Hearing what Du Nan said, Ye Chong's expression changed.

Thinking of what he saw and heard along the way, he couldn't help but secretly nodded.

That's right!

After the aura is revived, various creatures mutate to a great extent.

Surrounded by the sea on all sides, Ying Island is also a remote place with many beasts.

Especially in the unfathomable ocean, it is unknown how many sea beasts have undergone unimaginable evolution.

Under such circumstances, the strength of the mutant beasts has skyrocketed, and their confidence has exploded. What else can scare them?

What's more, for many years, the whole world, whether it is land or sea, has been ruthlessly trampled, plundered and controlled by human beings. These mutant beasts have been oppressed for so many years, and now they finally have the strength to resist. wait!

Perhaps, even more terrifying revenge is brewing!

If you look at it this way, I am afraid that the battle between humans and beasts that took place in Yingdao is by no means an accident, nor is it an isolated case, nor is it a trivial matter, but it is the prelude to a war.

Of course, all of this is just speculation now, and the real situation will be proved by facts.

"Du, are you talking too seriously?" Ye Chong looked around, the crowds were bustling and coming and going, "I think everyone seems to be the same as before, the ones who should go to class, the ones who should be teaching, the ones who should be teaching, Doesn't it look like Yangcheng University is about to disintegrate?"

"Brother, what you see is just appearances. In fact, most of the people are still staying on campus, but they are just preparing to apply for professional colleges in the future!" Dunan also turned his head to look at the constant crowd, and continued:

"Also, I never said that Yangcheng University will disintegrate. I just said that it will respond to the call of the Global Joint Committee and will carry out professional development, that is, it will quickly transform into Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy."

what? !

Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy? !

Ye Chong was quite surprised when he heard the truth.

How long is this?

A university changes as soon as it says it wants to, isn't it too fast?

However, before he could speak, Dunant went on to say:

"So, among the people you see, many of them came from other places to apply for the Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, and there are also some students from this school who are also preparing to apply for the exam. That is to say, when you see so many people, It's not surprising at all!"

"Okay, Da Du, I understand!" Ye Chong nodded, "I'll borrow your mobile phone and I'll call Yuanyuan."

"..." Upon hearing this, Du Nan looked at the other party with somewhat confused eyes, "Ye Chong, you... haven't stayed with the donkey recently, have you?"

"Huh?" Ye Chong was also taken aback, "Du, what the hell do you mean?"

"The donkey really didn't kick your head?" Dunan scratched his head with a smirk.

"Nimma! Dadu, if you talk nonsense again, I'll beat you!" Ye Chong raised his right fist.

"Okay, let me say," Du Nan took a step back, "everyone knows that you eloped with Niu Yuanyuan, and now you come back and ask me where she is, isn't it just that your head was given by a donkey... What about that? "

"What?!" Ye Chong grabbed the opponent's shoulders with both hands and kept shaking, "What did you say?! What's going on?!"

"Ahhh! Dude, take it easy! Why are you so strong?!" Du Nan shook his body and took a step back, panting heavily, "That afternoon, many people saw you and Yan Dong, Yue Feng They fought, and after you and Niu Yuanyuan left, no one saw you again, so everyone said that you two eloped together because you offended someone!"


Ye Chong frowned slightly, with a look of worry on his face.

"Also, since the change happened that night, all communication equipment has been paralyzed, not only our mobile phones, but even the satellite phone cannot be connected." Dunan tidied up his clothes, and then said:

"The news on the cable news said that cellular base stations and satellites are simply unable to transmit signals in the existing environment. In other words, our human communication methods may have to take a big step backward!"

"Okay, Da Du, I see." Ye Chong was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head slowly, and sighed, "You...what are your plans for the future? What college do you want to apply for?"

"I... I thought about it, and I don't seem to have any specialties. Apart from eating, I just sleep." Dunan scratched his head, "So, I decided to stay here and apply for the exam. Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Ye Chong was obviously a little surprised, "You... applied for the Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy? Are you serious? Why?"

"Haha, why can't you be serious? Let's not talk about whether other academies can be admitted, at least I don't know much about it. Instead of trying your luck, it's better to stay here, cultivate your self-cultivation, and save it for the future, and then go to Tiger Mountain!"

When Dunan said this, his face was serious and imposing. Seeing that the other party looked at him with a half-smile, he grinned and said with a trembling stomach: "At any rate, the braised pork here is the most suitable for my appetite! This is very important , I am a pragmatic person!"


Ye Chong was originally anxious, but when he heard what Du Nan said, he didn't tense up all of a sudden, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Okay, Da Du, you are very courageous, really good!" Ye Chong nodded, "It's all about human effort, as long as you really work hard, I believe you will have a bright future one day."

"Of course!" Dunan laughed, patted his big belly, and let out a bang bang bang sound, "Don't worry, buddy! If there is a day when I, Du Nan, will never forget you! At that time, please You eat braised pork!"


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong was anxious in his heart, but he couldn't help but want to laugh. Under the interaction of different emotions, it was almost impossible to control himself, so he had to lower his head and cough, and tears poured out.

"Ye Chong, don't be so excited and touched, I, Du Nan, will do what I say!" Du Nan patted his stomach, held his head high, "Also, I will help you find out about Niu Yuanyuan, but, Tell me, she disappeared with you, and if she wasn't with you, where would she go?"

"Okay, Da Du, let's do it first." Ye Chong smiled and nodded, "We are in an era of great changes, maybe danger is approaching step by step, Da Du, you must pay attention to safety! Let's go Already!"

After Ye Chong finished speaking, he turned around and drifted away.

"Hey, buddy, where are you going? Are you not going back to the dormitory?" Dunan shouted loudly: "You also pay attention to safety, those guys are super fierce!"

Ye Chong seemed to be walking slowly but really fast. When the other party finished speaking, he had already walked nearly a hundred meters away, and he just waved his hand upwards, which was regarded as a response to Dunan.


If someone passed by from the opposite side, they would find that Ye Chong's face was icy cold, and murderous intent emerged.

"Could it be that Liu Xiqiang or members of Fu Tianhao's family wanted to seek revenge on me on the night when the spiritual energy recovered, but they kidnapped Niu Yuanyuan when they couldn't find it?"

"All right!!!"

"If this is the case, then you all will die!!!"

"The world has been turned upside down!"

"Who dares to stop me from soaring to the sky!"

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