Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 28 Sister, what do you think?

As soon as Ye Chong came to the gate of the dormitory, he heard a person shouting:

"it's him!"

A dozen men in black with baseball bats in their hands rushed towards him together.


Ye Chong narrowed his eyes and immediately recognized the guy who spoke.

This person was the bald man who was beaten up at the Dafuhao Hotel that night.

At this time, the bald man was staring at him fiercely while talking on the phone.

In this guy's gaze, there was obviously a trace of joking and cruel smile.

It's too late to say.

More than a dozen big men in black rushed towards Ye Chong with fierce eyes, swung the baseball bats in their hands, and slammed them at Ye Chong.

What surprised them was that, under the eyes of everyone, the target flashed slightly and disappeared.

Swish swish!

Everyone looked around in confusion.




At this time, there was a sudden explosion, which was obviously a bone shattering.

I saw a figure like a gust of wind, shuttling back and forth among the men in black.

At the same time, the men in black screamed one after another.

After just a few breaths, all the men in black fell to the ground.


Everyone was rolling on the ground, either clutching their broken hands or legs, and wailing endlessly.


Da da da!

Ye Chong walked towards the bald man.

The latter opened his mouth wide, his face turned green from fright.

Every sound of footsteps sounded like a bell before death, making the bald man keep backing away.


This person was fighting between the two, his knees softened, and he knelt down directly on the ground.

His eyes, lips, and cheeks were all trembling.


clap clap!

clap clap clap!

The bald man knelt on the ground and didn't stay idle. He raised his hand and lashed out at his face.

"I'm wrong!"


"I owe a beating!"

clap clap!

"Damn me!"

clap clap clap!


Ye Chong couldn't help but froze as he watched the other party pumping himself violently.

Hemp egg!

Very hard on yourself!

It's really worth it!

Let me do it!



Ye Chong twitched his instep, and the bald man flew to the side in a whirl, and fell to the ground amidst a scream.

It can be judged from the sound that this guy has broken a lot of bones, or the sound is wrong.

The gate of the boys' dormitory is facing a main road of the school, and there are many people coming and going.

Therefore, the commotion here quickly attracted attention.

Not long after, the surroundings were surrounded by students.

"You are amazing!" A blond-haired, blue-eyed, muscular Caucasian international student gave Ye Chong a thumbs up, "If we have a chance, let's fight!"

A tall black man over two meters tall, with a wide body and a fat body, clasped his hands, his eyes glowed red, and he looked at Ye Chong coldly, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

The three male students gathered together, looking at Ye Chong and whispering something, their eyes were full of interest.

Two female students with enchanting figures stood side by side. They were of average height and enchanting. One was as cold as ice, while the other was extremely hot.

"Ye Chong, run quickly, you have beaten so many people, if you don't leave, it will be too late!" Du Nan appeared from nowhere and lowered his voice, "These are the little guys from Liu Xiqiang's side, who specialize in The one who tipped off the news, the master is still behind!"

"Du, you...stay away from me!" Ye Chong slapped his nose with his hand, "I have a suggestion, hehe, when you eat garlic in the future, you must brush your teeth after you are done. Otherwise, even a vampire will be smoked to death by you!"

"Ye Chong, you..." Du Nan shook his head helplessly.

Inside the gate of the dormitory, Wang Bo looked at Ye Chong quietly, his eyes filled with disbelief. Besides, he could also see a trace of worry and excitement in it, as if he had defeated his enemy.

"This big fool is causing trouble again! Yuanyuan is not here, what should I do?" Liu Xiaolei, who was as gentle and pleasant as a lotus in water, stomped her feet lightly, looking at Ye Chong with obvious anxiety.

Boom boom boom!

There was a sound of heavy and chaotic footsteps.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Whoa whoa whoa!

A dozen or so men pushed away the crowd and swaggered forward.


Liu Xiqiang?

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he looked at the other party.

This guy really didn't die!

It seems that the name Xiaoqiang is not called for nothing!

Well, let you die again today!

"Ye Chong, you bastard, don't hide anymore?! You're back today?!" Liu Xiqiang smiled ferociously, tilted his head and looked at the other party, "You were awesome last time! Nima! You made me feel very uncomfortable , hey, let's play again today!"

"What are you playing?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, looked at the opponent's left arm and right leg, then shook his head, and then looked at the opponent's neck, "How do you want to play? Hehe, if you play too much, you But there is really no one to eat!"

"You bastard! Open your dog eyes and have a look!" Liu Xiqiang sneered, stretched out his two thumbs, and pointed outward at the same time, "All those who came here today are martial arts masters and above. Killing you is like crushing a little ant!"


Ye Chong narrowed his eyes and glanced at those people, his face was neither happy nor worried, and he remained silent.


The scene was engulfed in an uproar.

"Martial arts masters? More than a dozen martial arts masters? My God, as expected of the big boss who aided in the construction of Yangcheng University, he was able to invite so many real masters. Ye Chong is going to be finished this time! Don't look at him just now. There are more than a dozen people, but those are all warriors, at most senior warriors, not even martial masters, but martial arts masters are stronger than senior martial masters! How did Boss Liu do it?!"

"It's not just a martial arts master! One of them once came to the school's duel field to fight. I remember, he said at that time that he had already advanced to the martial arts master, which is much stronger than the senior martial arts master! Even if he is alone, he can defeat a small team. My martial arts master, there is no problem! Ye Chong is miserable! Just wait and close your eyes! The game is over!"

"See? Ye Chong is afraid to speak anymore! No way, anyone who encounters such a powerful combination can only bow their heads! In the face of absolute strength, the only correct choice is to surrender!"


The two ordinary girls, one cold and the other hot, looked at each other, and they both saw a dignified look in each other's eyes.

I only heard the girl with a hot expression say:

"This person surnamed Liu is really not simple. The people invited here include Sanda champions, free kick champions, taekwondo champions, muay thai champions, and boxing champions... It is not a small price to invite these martial arts masters. Sister ,What do you think?"

"Defeat!" The girl with a cold face glanced at Ye Chong, and then at a pale young man in the martial arts master's team, "Ye Chong has no internal energy fluctuations, and in front of that Jeet Kune Do master with strong internal energy , vulnerable."

"How did my sister know that he is a master of Jeet Kune Do?" The girl with a fiery expression looked at the pale man while talking, "Also, I don't think he is a master of internal strength. "

"Look at his hands." The girl with a cold face said flatly, "And the air he exhales."

The girl with a fiery look looked at it quietly, and her expression changed immediately.

The index finger and middle finger of the pale man's right hand were thick and big, like a small cucumber, and the air he exhaled made the air tremble.

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