Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 25 Fast?Not fast!

After entering Yangcheng University, apart from the fact that the plants and plants on the campus are obviously much more lush, there are no other changes.

Faculty, staff and students are still coming and going.

Still, everyone looked refreshed and radiant.

As if they were several years younger.

Some people who knew Ye Chong pointed and pointed at him from a long distance away, discussing something in a low voice.

Especially a few young and beautiful female students, even covered their mouths and smiled lightly, as if they remembered something funny.


When passing by the lotus lake, a big carp jumped out of the water, turned 360 degrees in the air, stared at Ye Chong blankly with a pair of big fish eyes, until it submerged in the water again.


so big!

With a golden body and red tail, it must weigh at least a hundred catties. Is this a koi?

What happened to its eyes?

When you look at me, you are straight, am I weird?

Ye Chong took a picture by the lake, then touched his head with his hand, and his expression changed immediately.

Hemp egg!

The hair is gone!

"Ye Chong, didn't you say you ran away? How dare you come to school?!" A slightly hoarse voice sounded not far away, but the voice was very low, "Shave your head and wear ragged clothes, you Do you think they won't recognize you?"

"Huh?" Ye Chong turned his head and saw a fat man looking at him anxiously, "Dunan, what do you mean by being sneaky? They? Who are they? Why do you want me?!"

"Ye Chong, keep your voice down." Du Nan blinked, looked around again, stepped forward, and said softly, "What else can I do? Fuck you!"

"Du, please speak clearly." Ye Chong pushed the other party, "Who wants to fuck me?"

"Who else? Who have you done, I don't know?!" Du Nan looked Ye Chong up and down, "Where have you been wild for two months? Turned black? Go to Nanyang to pick up girls Is it? Isn’t it interesting? You don’t make a sound when you walk away.”

Du Nan, a student majoring in international trade at the School of Economics and Management of Yangcheng University, is almost Ye Chong's only good friend. Because he is fat and has a big belly, he is often called a big belly, or a hooligan pig.

The marketing major and the international trade major belong to the School of Economics and Management. Students of the two majors often take classes together in Dahe Hall. Ye Chong and Du Nan sat together once, and they saw each other right after a few words, and they became good friends. friend.

However, to be more realistic, the main reason is that the two of them have few friends, so when two people with few friends are together, they feel a little bit of sympathy for each other.

"Has it been so long?" Ye Chong frowned, and he was really surprised. He didn't expect that two months had passed in a blink of an eye. "Hey, who did I do? There are too many people! Yan Dong, Yue Feng, Liu Xiqiang, Fu Tianhao... and you, right? Last time you robbed me of braised pork, I seemed to have kicked you, right, haha!"

"I don't count! If you want to blame, I blame the braised pork you ordered for being too arrogant! I feel annoyed when I look at it, and if I don't eat it, I feel uncomfortable!" Dunan grinned, "Okay you! Guess as soon as you guess Sure, these people are here to block you!"

what? !

Ye Chong was a little surprised.

Yan Dong?

Yue Feng?

Liu Xiqiang?

Fu Tianhao?

These people are coming to block me?

How can this be? !

Which of these four people is injured enough to lie in bed for three months? !

According to Dunan, hasn't it been two months?

How did these people recover?

do not forget!

Liu Xiqiang fell from a tall building, so he should have died so badly!

"Are you kidding me, Da Du, they were injured so badly, it's impossible for them to recover so quickly!" Ye Chong frowned, "Are you talking about their family coming to trouble me?"

"Ye Chong, you haven't been sleeping for the past two months, have you?" Du Nan looked at the other party, full of doubts, "Do you know that the world has changed now? Is it different before?"

"..." Ye Chong was speechless for a while, then smiled and said, "Then tell me, why is it different?"

"After 'Oumuamua fell, there was a big explosion, and the aura permeated the entire planet, which mutated everything." Dunan looked up and down at the other side, "of course, including human beings. We every Personal physical fitness is much stronger than before, such as an injury, the same wound may take a month to recover in the past, but now, at most ten days is enough."

"Huh?" Ye Chong nodded, "So that's the case! By the way, has Liu Xiqiang's body recovered?"

"Of course!" Dunan shrugged, "Do you know how I know this person?"

"..." Ye Chong frowned.

"Once, I was blocked by him and his men and asked about your whereabouts." Dunan touched his left arm. "That guy is very fierce! He took the initiative to say his name and asked me to send you a message." words."

"What message?" Ye Chong narrowed his eyes.

"Let you clean your ass." Dunan sighed, "They say their dogs don't like to eat meat that smells like excrement."

"Hehe, it seems that this kid is really healed and forgets the pain!" Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head, "Fu Tianhao is here too?"

"That's right, there are quite a few people with me!" Dunan nodded, "These people are not easy to see, and everyone is fierce!"

"Okay, that's great! Our Yangcheng University has become a vegetable market!" Ye Chong frowned slightly, "Does the school not care about outsiders just coming in and out like this?"

"Ye Chong, you may have offended someone you shouldn't have offended this time." Dunan continued with a bitter face:

"I heard that Liu Xiqiang and his family helped build Yangcheng University. Not to mention entering and leaving the school at will, even driving on campus is a piece of cake! However, there is one thing you may not know. In response to the call, Yangcheng University has completely It's open!"

"A call? What call?" Ye Chong was confused, "Open? What do you mean?"

"Oh, it seems that you have been sleeping at home for the past two months, and you don't care about world affairs!" Dunan sighed softly, and continued:

"Changes in the environment have subverted a lot of cognition, experience and knowledge. In order to deal with this, the Global Joint Committee calls on global citizens to conduct professional learning and development. Therefore, a comprehensive university like Yangcheng University basically exists in name only. Off-campus personnel can enter and exit at will."

"I'll go!" Ye Chong was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "So fast?! It's only been two months!"

"Hurry up?" Dunan looked bitter, "Not so fast! If you slow down, human beings are probably doomed, right?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "Did something happen?"

"Read the news when you have time!" Dunan turned his head to look east, "You know Ying Island? It has been attacked by monsters! At least 300 people have been killed or injured!"

"Monster?" Ye Chong frowned, "You mean those mutant beasts that evolve rapidly?"

"Yeah, it's too fierce! He has a big appetite and eats people crazily!" Dunan couldn't help but shivered, "I hope you don't come to our Yangcheng, I don't want to be eaten!"

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