Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 24 Re-examining the World

After stabilizing his emotions, Ye Chong sat on a branch and looked into the distance.

Although it was midnight, the moonlight was bright, and after he practiced the "Body Building Technique", his eyesight had obviously reached a new level, including his night vision ability had also improved a lot, so he could basically see the surrounding scenery thoroughly.

The results surprised him.

Everything that can be seen by the eyes shows a large character.

Whether it is animals or plants, they are obviously much thicker and taller than before.

Among them, plants have obviously changed more than animals, and among animals, insects have changed more obviously than mammals...

After Ye Chong frowned and observed for a while, he finally came to several conclusions:

The lower the creature, the more obvious the change.

The simpler the organism, the greater the variation.

The changes were more pronounced in smaller animals.

All animals seem to have increased IQ.

Even in the eyes of a grasshopper, there is a light of wisdom.

and also!

In this season, the grass and trees should be withered and yellow, but what comes into view now is full of greenery and full of vitality.


Many insects and reptiles should have gone into hibernation or died, but now, that's not the case.

They are all dormant somewhere, turning their sneaky eyes, as if they are re-examining the world and weighing the status they deserve.


Under the gentle breeze, Ye Chong suddenly smelled a fragrance, and couldn't help looking for it.

On a mound at the side and rear, on some thick grass plants, small golden flowers bloom proudly, exuding bursts of fragrance, and among the blooming flowers, there are actually many thumb-sized knots. Small pink fruit.

"What kind of plant is this? It looks like grass, but it grows as tall as a small tree, and there are golden flowers on it, which I have never seen before." Ye Chong looked at the small mound with interest, His eyes were full of surprise, "When the flowers are in full bloom, they have already produced fruit. Isn't that a bit too fast?"

Ye Chong was about to go down the tree to pick the flowers, get a piece of fruit to taste, but he didn't want the thousands of flowers to shake for a while, followed by a flash of red light.


He couldn't help but gasped.

A ferocious head about the size of a sea bowl quietly emerged, with two eyes glowing red, and a long tongue hissing and spitting out.

This is a lizard?

Or a snake?

Ye Chong stopped his figure and looked down quietly.


The red-eyed ferocious monster moved forward, revealing its figure.


He covered his mouth instinctively, his heart was shocked.

That's right!

Judging from the shape of the head, the scales on the body, and the way it holds its head up, it should be a snake without a doubt.

It's just that this snake not only has blood red eyes, is thick and long, but also has feet under its belly.

Hemp egg!

Who said that painting feet on a snake is superfluous?

How stupid!

He is obviously an expert, and he is writing realistically, okay? !

Ye Chong frowned and looked at the four-legged snake, which was at least five meters away, and his heart was visibly shaken.

I really didn't expect it!

The revival of spiritual energy has brought such a big change to a cold-blooded snake like a snake.

Judging from the flickering eyes of its blood-red eyes, this guy's IQ is not low, he is about to become a genius, right? !

Seeing the strange snake circling around and disappearing quietly among the thousands of flowers, Ye Chongfei got off the tree and ran straight towards Yangcheng.

Along the way, the scenery from when he came has undergone earth-shaking changes.


Everything is getting bigger.

Not only vegetation, but also various animals.

What's even more strange is that many strange species have emerged on the earth.

Fragrant flowers.

treacherous grass.

Mysterious tree.

Huge worm.

giant bird.

mighty beast.


However, it wasn't these things that made Ye Chong feel the most incredible.

but the earth.

no doubt.

Not only the hundreds of millions of species on the surface are getting bigger, but also the ground!

Or to be more precise, the entire planet is constantly expanding outward!

It's just that this kind of expansion happened quietly. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to see it at a glance in remote places in the wilderness.

Ye Chong set off from Yangcheng that day, went to the Spiritual Qi Pillar, and now returned the same way. After a long interval, he naturally discovered this astonishing change.

"If my judgment is correct, then there should be many buildings collapsing and collapsing, right? I really don't know what Yangcheng City has become at this moment?" Ye Chong frowned and hurried on his way, thinking about it. , "And Niu Yuanyuan, I don't know if she's okay now? Will she also become tall and big, so that people can't recognize her?"


When he thought of this, Ye Chong was taken aback for a moment, and stopped in his tracks.

Swish swish!

He looked his body up and down, back and forth, left and right, and couldn't help but bewildered.


Everything in the world has become bigger, but my body doesn't seem to have changed too much.

From this point, a speculation has been verified again, that species with higher IQs have the least evolution and variation on the surface during this spiritual recovery process.

However, even so, the internal changes of the human body are not small, which has been proved at the moment of landing from 'Oumuamua, when the aura pervades.

But why is this so?

Ye Chong galloped forward again, but his mind was full of thoughts.

Is it related to the degree of evolution of various races?

Human beings are the most evolved species on this planet. For example, the evolution level is 80, while other species are only 1, 2, 3 or 4. Then, under the stimulation of the same environmental variation, for example, it can bring about an order of magnitude of 1, The impact on each species compared with itself is naturally different.

The human race is 180=0.0125=1.25%.

Species A is 11=1=100%.

Species B is 12 = 0.5 = 50%.

Species C is 13 = 0.333 = 33.3%.

Species D is 14=0.25=25%.

In other words, under this setting, the variation of the human race is only 1.25%, while the variation of low-level species even reaches 100%, and this is why it seems that some species change greatly, while some species change less one of the reasons.

Ye Chong thought wildly all the way, and unknowingly reached the edge of Yang City.

To his great surprise, there was no obvious collapse of the buildings within his field of vision.


He came to a house, squatted by the wall and observed it quietly, and his doubts disappeared immediately, but he felt a little shocked.

"The bricks in this corner have obviously grown a bit too. I really didn't expect that the building is also growing, almost keeping up with the rhythm of the earth, so it didn't collapse." On the drying rack outdoors, I found a set of clothes to put on, smiled and shook my head:

"This world is really interesting now!"

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