"..." Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, thinking in his heart that the other party probably misunderstood, thinking that I was discussing physical skills with others, but he immediately smiled and said, "I'll be honest with you, and you come in to make sense of it." Well, otherwise I will suffer a big loss."

After Ye Chong finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed it.


Xin Xiaomeng smiled coquettishly and backed away quickly, until she sat down on the ground.

"Old Ye, I knew that you were not a very good person. You were dignified in front of you, but behind your back were men who were thieves and whores." Zhang Dong emerged from the corner with a smirk on his face.

"Zhang Dong, stop talking nonsense!" Xin Xiaomeng was unhappy when he heard it, "What do you mean by male robbers and female prostitutes? Is there anyone who talks like that?"

"The term male thief and female prostitute is inappropriate," Han Lina also appeared from the corner, "It should be said that Xin Xiaomeng witnessed the highlight moment with her own eyes."

"Nana, you..." Xin Xiaomeng blushed and stomped her feet, "It's not like you didn't take a peek!"

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, thinking, what the hell is going on?What about the highlight moment?Is it good time to go out?

"Okay, students, let's get down to business!" Zhang Dong cleared his throat and said solemnly, "Three happy events are coming, let's celebrate!"


When Ye Chong heard this, he looked at the other party with a meaningful look, and thought: "This guy can do it, can you tell me that I have made a breakthrough at a glance?"

"Yes, yes, there are a lot of happy events today, we must drink some wine together, be happy." Han Lina also looked very excited.


Xin Xiaomeng looked at Ye Chong with her wonderful eyes, turned her hands behind her back, shook her body lightly and said, "If it's inconvenient for you, Ye Chong, why don't you invite the younger sister from the room?"

"..." Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, a little confused.

"What?!" Han Lina smiled, "Is there really a girl in the room?"

"Lao Ye, you!" Zhang Dong pointed at Ye Chong's nose, and then walked into the room, "I'll go and see, who the hell is it, who has mesmerized Ye Chong .”

"..." Ye Chong looked dazed, and he didn't seem to have the slightest intention to stop Zhang Dong.

How to stop?

Can't stop.

Damn, in the eyes of others, he just has a ghost in his heart, and it will make people think that he is a golden house. If this matter gets out, it's okay, but is he panicked?

Therefore, it cannot be stopped.

"Three happy events?" Ye Chong didn't bother to pay attention to Zhang Dong, and looked at Xin Xiaomeng with a smile, "There are so many happy events, why don't I know?"

"You stay in the house all day...doing shameful things, of course you don't know." Xin Xiaomeng spoke in a strange tone, always feeling a little sour, "So, the three of us came here to announce the good news Yes."

"Ye Chong, you are really good!" Han Lina nodded her head vigorously and gave her a thumbs up.

"..." Ye Chong was really a little confused, looking at the two girls, his eyes were a little dazed, "Why don't you tell me?"

"First, the class division of the Martial Arts Combat Department is over," Xin Xiaomeng said with a smile behind her back, "You are very honored to be assigned to a class with us."

"Oh? Is that so? Not bad, not bad." Ye Chong blinked and said in his heart: It is said on the campus website that class is meaningless, it is a place to listen to public lectures, and the team is the real priority. Not bad, not bad , It’s just a class, not a team, it’s really an honor, hehe.

"Also, you, me, Han Lina and Zhang Dong belong to the same team." Xin Xiaomeng looked at each other with surprised eyes, "Is it unexpected?!"


Ye Chong swayed his body and fell to the ground.


What kind of accident is this?

Of course it was an accident.

But it was not an unexpected surprise, but an unexpected fright!

The sky is falling at all!

"Ye Chong, you don't need to be too excited, this is all the result of hard work," Xin Xiaomeng smiled like a flower, and then said: "Do you think the department will divide us together for no reason?!"

"..." Ye Chong's eyes are now dull, and his face looks constipated as if he hasn't been to the bathroom for ten days.

"Yes, we have worked hard to be together." Han Lina stood up proudly and said with a smile:

"Look, you madman Ye is really in demand, and many teachers want to include you in their teams.

But, Bao Sihai, deputy director of the Martial Arts Department, has long been eyeing you, so the other teachers are out of the game.

Then, after we heard the news, we visited Director Bao together.

Ha ha.

Director Bao didn't want us to come, but after we said something, he accepted us all. "

When talking about this, Han Lina looked at Ye Chong with a half-smile, as if she was waiting for the other party to ask him impatiently.

However, she was quickly disappointed.

At this time, Ye Chong's eyes were in a daze, as if he was stupid.

Han Lina smiled and continued:

"I just said, Teacher Bao, have you forgotten?

How did the four of us enter the martial arts combat department?

Why did Ye Chong fight bloody for the three of us?

At that time, Teacher Bao asked why this happened?

Ha ha.

I told him that Zhang Dong is your best friend, I am your distant cousin, and Xin Xiaomeng is your girlfriend. "


Ye Chong's body shook and trembled, so he couldn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Zhang Dong is a good friend of mine, so it's justified, and I have no other choice.

But, Han Lina, when did you become my distant cousin?

Tell me, where do you look like?

Do you know what is far room?

and also.

Xin Xiaomeng is my girlfriend?

She would be happy, but have you asked my opinion?

You know, just now, she just took advantage of me and feasted her eyes!

However, I asked her to treat me equally and make me look good, but she was ruthlessly rejected and ignored. Can this be called a girlfriend?

The sky is thick with soil, is there any reason for it? "

Ye Chong looked at the two of them with grief and indignation.


Both Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina burst into laughter.

It's indescribable that happy look.

"What happened then? Teacher Bao agreed?" Ye Chong sighed, "Is it so easy to be deceived by you?"

"Of course I agree!" Han Lina smiled and said, "And I seriously agree! Because I said a word."

"What?" Ye Chong looked at Han Lina helplessly, "How did you lie to the teacher?"

"I said, my mother wants my brother to take care of me." Han Lina smiled and glanced at Xin Xiaomeng again, "I also said, you also want to be with Mengmeng."

"..." Ye Chong sighed, "Can you change it? I mean, can you change the team?"

"Are you so unwilling to be with us?" Xin Xiaomeng lowered her head, "We won't hold back."

"It's not that I don't want to be with you." Ye Chong looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Actually, not long ago, I still hoped to be in a team with you.

After all, we get along very well and have a tacit understanding.

However, this moment and that moment.

I'm afraid that when you do tasks in the future, the tasks you can do may not be suitable for me, and the tasks I can do may not be suitable for you.

To put it bluntly, this is not a match.

I'm afraid that if this continues, I will delay you, and you will delay me. "

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