Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 246 There Are Others in the House

Disappointment is disappointment, regret is regret. Compared with today's big harvest, this little thing is really not worth mentioning.

Moreover, Ye Chong quickly figured out what happened.

Before the first combat merit point was assigned, he was actually a four-star quasi-martial artist. In this state, as long as his body data was one step higher, the breakthrough mechanism would be triggered immediately.

That is to say, without the guidance of breakthrough opportunities, forcibly breaking through to warriors is definitely a leak of domineering.

Therefore, the subsequent distribution of combat merit points did not lead to greater changes.

What else?

Just broke through to a junior martial arts fighter, and then broke through to an intermediate martial arts fighter?

Isn't this a dream?

"But speaking of it, if my cultivation reaches a critical point again, if I forcibly allocate combat merit points, it is very likely that the breakthrough mechanism will be triggered again.

If so, will I still have bottlenecks in my future cultivation?


That's good.

When you practice, you will make great strides.


it is good!

Randomly forcibly assigning a merit point will trigger the breakthrough mechanism.

Ka Ka Ka!

Crush all bottlenecks.

In the end, it was still triumphant.

But the problem is that the next breakthrough is not known yet, so it's useless to think about it now, let's think about it now.


Speaking of which, this unexpected breakthrough saved me a lot of time. I originally planned to spend a month on this matter.

and also.

I save a lot of points.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to break through to become a martial artist, you must at least buy nearly a million various pills, right?

Ha ha.

After Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina bought weapons and equipment, they pestered me to go to Leqing Mountains to do missions. Isn't it just to make up for the shortfall, afraid that they won't be able to afford the pills and auxiliary materials when they break through?

and I?

Before he had time to prepare, he broke through, and this point was saved.

It doesn't stop there.

The important thing is that I can really practice those martial arts skills and combat skills after breaking through to become a warrior so quickly.

Especially the fascinating spiritual exercises and spiritual skills, what kind of surprises will it bring me in the future?

and also.

I can really practice the sword technique of "Destroy the Heaven and Exterminate the Earth".

The blade of the starry sky is like a sword and a real knife, it is the best weapon for practicing this sword technique. "

Thinking of this, Ye Chong immediately got excited, and wanted to get the Starry Sky Blade to practice.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Zhang Dong, you..." Ye Chong muttered and turned his head to look, and immediately fell silent.

It turned out that Zhang Dong was standing outside the door, and it was clearly Xin Xiaomeng who looked more pure and cute under the night.


Ye Chong couldn't help but sighed.

Seeing that the other party is lying on the privacy glass and looking in, although I know that the other party can't see it, I am still a little embarrassed.

After all, it's not Zhang Dong, is it?


Ye Chong opened the door casually.

"Huh? Ye Chong, are you really at home?" Xin Xiaomeng blushed, "I knew that Zhang Dong lied and said you were not at home."

"Zhang Dong? He is a liar, you better be careful." Ye Chong shrugged and muttered, "I stayed in the dormitory all day, and I never saw him come here to look for me in the middle of the afternoon. "


Xin Xiaomeng had her two small hands behind her back, and she swayed her body gently amidst the silver bell-like laughter, but her eyes were confused, as if she didn't know where to look.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Look at you smiling like this, don't shake it, it makes me dizzy, hehe, you are not so poor that you can't even afford a vest?!"

"Hee hee, why not, you're just guessing, it's annoying." Xin Xiaomeng glanced back and said with a smile: "Ye Chong, you are very different today."

Ye Chong could not help but smile slightly, thinking, yes, it is getting dark today, and I can still see the change in my complexion, it seems that a warrior is really different from a quasi-warrior.

However, Ye Chong wanted to think about it, said it, and said with a smile: "Why am I different? I'm still the same ball as before, you're just guessing, haha."

"No, people won't make wild guesses," Xin Xiaomeng covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, "You said last time when you were in Leqing Mountains that for us martial arts practitioners, the body is just a stinky skin. Pigs, dogs, and cats are all the same. It doesn’t matter what people with a good heart think. People with a crooked heart can cause a lot of troubles, but don’t worry, Ye Chong, my heart That’s right, you won’t think about it.”

"You're thinking wildly..." Ye Chong was startled for a moment, feeling strange in his heart, and suddenly changed his mind, his face changed drastically, "Damn!"


The moment the silver bell-like laughter sounded, Ye Chong stretched out his hand and closed the door firmly.

Immediately after the next moment, he bounced back to the bedroom, dressed in a hurry, and took the charged mobile phone.


Why so many missed calls?

Randomly looking through, most of the calls were from Zhang Dong, and the other two were from Xin Xiaomeng and the other from Han Lina.

"Well, this last call was..."

Ye Chong walked towards the door of the dormitory, and at the same time dialed an unfamiliar number. If it was a school leader or something, it would be inappropriate not to answer the phone.

Besides, what if there is something really important?

"Hi, Student Ye," Liu Yun's voice from the Mutant Biology Research Office came over, "Isn't it busy this afternoon? Ha ha."

"Not busy, Mr. Liu, I didn't bring my phone this afternoon, I'm sorry," Ye Chong smiled and explained briefly, "Teacher, what do you want from me?"

"Well, I'm also quite sorry, but I'm still bothering you." Liu Yun's voice was a little hoarse.

"Ms. Liu, you are welcome, just tell me if you have anything to say." Ye Chong stopped immediately when he heard something wrong, "You have helped me a lot, if there is anything I can help, you Just say it."

"Well, thank you, classmate Ye." Liu Yun sighed, "I told you about the pink-winged bird last time... I increased my personal reward points to 30 points, Ye... If you meet classmate Ye, please... sure...see if you can catch can live or die...thank you!"

"I..." Ye Chong frowned, and said slowly, "Ms. Liu, don't worry, if I see a pink-winged bird, I will try my best to catch it back."

"Okay...Okay, classmate Ye, thank you!" Teacher Liu Yun's voice was hoarse, and he sighed, "Hang up first, pay attention to safety."

Ye Chong agreed, and didn't take the phone away from his ear until the other party hung up the phone.


He came to the door and opened it with his hand.

Xin Xiaomeng still stood there shaking her body, with a smile on her face, as if she had never left.

"Please come in." Ye Chong smiled and nodded, "I'm sorry just now, I forgot."

"Hee hee, I won't go in." Xin Xiaomeng smiled like a flower, her eyes were blurred, and there was a touch of vigilance in her eyes, "Is there anyone else in the room?"

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