Speaking of which, it is not unreasonable for Ye Chong to say this.

He has just broken through from a quasi warrior to a warrior.

You know, when he was a quasi-martial artist, he was called Madman Ye in the talented Nine Martial Arts Academy.

And in the process of going deep into the Leqing Mountains, he has achieved incredible results.

Judging from these aspects, it is enough to prove that he has an unusually strong fighting power.

But now, he suddenly broke through to become a martial artist in one fell swoop, and his physique, vitality, and spirit have all made great progress.

There is no doubt that his current combat strength is much stronger than before the breakthrough.

Therefore, if there is another mission, Ye Chong will no longer be able to choose those ordinary mutant beasts and low-level monsters, but will have higher pursuits.

Well, the problem is coming.

Do you bring your teammates?

If you bring it, isn't that an extra burden?

In the process of fighting high-level monsters, not only do you have to go all out to kill them, but you also have to find ways to distract yourself to protect your teammates?

Isn't this... a disease in the brain?

But if you don't bring it, there are also problems.

Since they are in a small team, they go out on missions but fight alone, or become a lone wolf who eludes ghosts and ghosts, where should the team spirit advocated by Jiuwu Academy be placed?

Or to take a step back, in order to take care of the team members, try to consider low-risk missions in future missions, such as hunting low-level monsters or ordinary mutant beasts, then, for him, it is a waste of time.

Most importantly, if a cultivator who pursues martial arts cannot sharpen himself and forge ahead in a life-and-death environment, but only grinds his hand in a safe environment and dawdles, then what kind of martial arts is he pursuing?

go to hell!

Hearing what Ye Chong said, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina looked at each other, and they both saw a look of disappointment in each other's eyes.

"Old Ye, you're such a disappointment!" Zhang Dong walked out of the room, "I thought there was really a fancy girl in there, but there's no hair at all?"

"That's a pity," Ye Chong looked at Xin Xiaomeng, who was blushing, and then at Zhang Dong, "Let's go, let's have a meal, so we can speak clearly, but I have something to say first Ah, the Zhongdu Hotel is not for ordinary people, the price is very expensive!"

"Yeah, haha, Lao Ye, you reminded me right, you reminded me well!" Zhang Dong grinned, "So let's change the place."

"Where are you going?" Ye Chong blinked, regretting his nonsense just now.

"Where else can I go?" Zhang Dong laughed, "Of course I went to the old place."

"The school's free restaurant?" Ye Chong looked confused, "Want to eat a free meal?"

"Yes, yes, let's go early today," Zhang Dong swallowed, "I heard that today's limited dish is pan-fried foie gras, it's so delicious!"

"..." Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, then closed the door and said, "Let's go, eat and talk at the same time."

There were not many people in the restaurant, and the four of them quickly finished their meals and sat down, and each of them took a can of beer.

"Didn't you say that three joys are coming?" Ye Chong looked at Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina with a smile, "I know one joy now, what are the other two joys?"

"The second joy, of course, is that we made a lot of money last time we went on a mission." Xin Xiaomeng seemed to become active again.

"Yes, I earned more than 1 points, ha ha." Han Lina smiled from ear to ear.

"I also have more than 1 points," Xin Xiaomeng lightly brushed her hair, "more points than Nana."

"What about you, Zhang Dong?" Ye Chong looked at the other party with a half-smile, "There should be more of them than the two of them, right?"

"It's almost the same." Zhang Dong grinned, "Including the school's rewards, the total is more than 2 points."

"Hehe, the school really rewarded it?" Ye Chong smiled slightly and nodded, "Rewarding 1 points? It's really good."

"I don't know how to give Ye Chong points?" Han Lina rolled her eyes at Zhang Dong.

"Tch, did you want it yourself?" Zhang Dong pouted, "Old Ye said earlier that I am responsible for handing in the backpack, and the points rewarded by the school will naturally belong to me, so he doesn't care about such a waste What about the points?"

When talking about this, Zhang Dong looked at Ye Chong with a smile and asked, "Really, Lao Ye?"

"Hehe, yes, I said that." Ye Chong nodded, "Zhang Dong's ability to hand in his backpack this time can be regarded as a contribution to the school. It is understandable and commendable to get reward points."

"Cut!" Han Lina squinted at Zhang Dong with a look of disdain, "It's not your fault alone."

"This is the third joy, hehe," Xin Xiaomeng interjected with a smile, "It's today...it's my birthday and Han Lina's."

"What?!" Ye Chong looked surprised, "What a coincidence? You two have the same birthday?"

"Yes, yes, birthday, whichever day you want, let's celebrate it." Han Lina smiled.

"Hee hee, to be precise, our birthdays are in the same month." Xin Xiaomeng covered her mouth and smiled, "Isn't there a big happy event today, so we moved our birthdays forward and celebrated together."

"Oh, so that's the case." Ye Chong smiled slightly, looked at Zhang Dong again, and then the corner of his mouth twitched, "You didn't say it earlier, and I don't have any presents, so I will give you a red envelope."

"Okay, okay." Xin Xiaomeng cheered happily.

"Ye Chong, you are so kind." Han Lina said with a smile.

After a moment.

Both Xin Xiaomeng's and Han Lina's cell phones rang.


Oh yeah!

When the two saw the message on their mobile phones, they both yelled excitedly.

"How much is it?" Zhang Dong stretched his head, "To make you happy like this?"

"You don't care, stingy!" Han Lina rolled her eyes and continued to smile.

"1 points!" Xin Xiaomeng shook her phone, "Ye Chong, you are so generous."

"1 points?" Zhang Dong opened his mouth wide, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face, "Lao Ye, you are really rich and powerful. If you don't keep the points for breakthrough, you are just wasting them like this?"

"What are you talking about? What is wasting in vain?" Xin Xiaomeng giggled, "Do you understand this as emotional investment?"

"Yeah, much better than some people." Han Lina followed up.

"Old Ye, look at my memory, I really forgot that today is also my birthday," Zhang Dong stretched out his hand tremblingly, "Wrap me a red envelope too?"

"Really? It's your birthday today too?" Ye Chong was a little surprised, "Okay, then I'll give you a big red envelope too."

"Don't give it to him, he's a liar." Han Lina shouted anxiously.

"Yeah, he didn't even give you the points awarded by the school." Xin Xiaomeng also said.

"Today is really my birthday. It's my birthday. It's too early or too late. It's best to have it at the most suitable time." Zhang Dong said with a smile while watching with his mobile phone, "It's just two days in advance. indivual……"


Zhang Dong's face changed, and he looked at Ye Chong with resentment and said, "1 point? Crazy Ye, you are really stingy."

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