"Lao Ye, how stinky is that on you?" Zhang Dong stretched out his hand and slapped his nose, "Did you faint these mutant hyenas?!"

"Wrong!" Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head, "It's just your broken eyes, look at their eyes, do you look fainted by smoke?"

At this moment, the eyes of the last three mutated hyenas and a few mutated hyenas that were seriously injured and lying on the ground were all filled with deep fear and awe, and they didn't seem to faint at all.

Seeing that Zhang Dong was a little dazed, Ye Chong smiled slightly, and then said: "Let's take you for example, if you fainted, your eyeballs can still move around like crazy?"

"Really... really didn't faint? How is this possible?" Zhang Dong's face was blank, and he looked at the mutant hyenas, "If they really didn't faint, why did they lie on the ground and neither attack nor run? Not a pet dog."

"It's very simple." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "Because their guts have been frightened, they are dying, so why run?"

"What?! This is impossible!" Zhang Dong's face changed drastically, his eyes were full of disbelief, "We have been killing for a long time, but you can't kill them. Are they scared to death? You... you... are you kidding me?!"


Han Lina was brave enough to kick a mutant hyena.


Amid the feeble wailing, the mutated hyena shook a few times, then remained in its original state, motionless.

The mutated hyena is very large, several times larger than the second brother of the grassland hyena in Heizhou, even larger than the male lion in Heizhou, and weighs at least 400 kg.



Not to mention one kick, ordinary people can't kick ten kicks.

Han Lina was exhausted after the battle. Although she kicked hard and hard, the mutant hyena couldn't move by itself, so of course she couldn't kick.

"It has blood in its mouth, so it must have internal injuries." Xin Xiaomeng pointed at the big mouth of the mutated hyena, with a look of surprise on his face, "I have studied medical knowledge, could it be that... it really has broken internal organs?"


Everyone looked at the other two mutant hyenas.

The situation was exactly the same, all of them were bleeding from the corners of their mouths.

Swish swish!

Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng, and Han Lina all looked at Ye Chong, and Zhang Dong asked in a muffled voice, "Old Ye, look at you, what's going on? It's made the mutant beast bleed!" , Ya is cruel enough."


Ye Chong shook his body and fainted on the spot.

"Okay, hurry up and collect the spoils." Ye Chong waved his hand, swish, he retracted the blade of the starry sky, "Mutated hyenas are social animals, and these dozen or so are likely to be on patrol, and they won't go back for a long time , I’m afraid there will be more mutated hyenas and even hyena dogs looking for them, so we’d better hurry up, if we don’t want to die!”

Swish swish!

At this time, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were all busy.

After it didn't take long, a group of people hurriedly left the scene and went straight to the direction of the Wanzige Stone Forest.

Ye Chong understood in his heart.

Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina won the first battle. Although they were physically exhausted, they were excited and confident. If they encountered such a wave of mutant hyena attacks again, they would definitely be defeated due to lack of physical strength. .

If that's the case, it's over.

Perhaps the confidence they have built up with great difficulty will collapse immediately, and they will even doubt their accumulated combat experience and have unknown fears about the future.

At such a time, it is extremely difficult to regain confidence.

Therefore, the best way is to take a quick rest and have a buffer to form a greater combat effectiveness.

This is growth and progress.

In fact, it is the same as learning.

It’s not that you can learn well without going to bed for 24 hours and working hard. Maybe you sleep in the middle, recharge your energy, let the knowledge and experience merge in the deep sleep, and you will be high-spirited and make great progress the next day, and you will achieve one after another. victory.

Besides, Zhang Dong is easy to handle.

A big old man just shows his buttocks, anyway, no one will look at it if he is fooling around.

But Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina can't do it.

Their clothes are all tattered, and one is more beautiful than the other, and it is full of blood. Although they are heroic, they are also full of temptation. things to come.

Maybe even bestiality.

Just like Zhang Dong.

It is obvious that the person is walking forward, but the eyes are always shifting from left to right, and sometimes deliberately lagging behind, following slowly.

"Damn it.

This guy is dangerous.

Definitely more rogue than Big Big Wolf.

So, hurry up and find a safe place to rest.

Swastika Stone Forest is the best place.

Not only is there a shelter there, but also mutant beasts and monsters will not break in.

Isn't the key point still ice springs?

It's perfectly fine to wash it inside and put on new clothes to cover the meat.

Otherwise, it would be fatal.

Especially Zhang Dong, what happened?

Why did his eyes turn green?

It's just a male wolf with two legs. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong frowned, looked back, and found that Zhang Dong's eyes were looking in the wrong place.

He immediately coughed, then swallowed a mouthful of halazi and said:

"Zhang Dong, you have the strongest fighting power, so go ahead and lead the way, turn to the right along the mountain in front, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina are in the middle, and I'll cut the rear.

I suspect that those mutated hyenas might come after us after smelling our scent.

Zhang Dong, you are not concentrating in the back, and you are easily attacked by surprise.

Also, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina, don't be too manly, can you? "

It's not good if you don't sort it out.

Not to mention that humans can't stand birds, if there are mutated beasts seen in the distance, the bestiality will definitely explode and the bestiality will wreak havoc.


Immediately, the two girls straightened their clothes with a coquettish smile, and glanced at Ye Chong.

One left shoulder was raised slightly, the eyebrows were crescent, slightly raised, hot and seductive.

There is a smile on the corner of the mouth, flicking the hair lightly, the gait is enchanting, coquettish and charming.


When Ye Chong's head became hot, he felt that it was swollen very much, as if it was about to burst.

"I'm fine, I'll pay attention to what's behind me," Zhang Dong grinned, "Besides, I don't know the way, so I'm leading the team in front, what if I go off the beaten path?"

"Cross? Can't miss it! I think you are familiar with the road behind, and you can't deviate in the front." Ye Chong waved his hand, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, come here!"

Ye Chong was not as tall as Zhang Dong, but his momentum was much higher, especially because he had a serious face. Zhang Dong immediately lowered his head, not daring to be arrogant anymore, but walked obediently to the front.

Da da da!

A group of people quickly shuttled through the forest between the mountains, and after a short time, they bypassed the dense forest where the Variation Mountain Leech was located, and directly entered the Wanzige Stone Forest.

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