Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 224 Seven Astringent Flowers

Looking at the exciting scene in front of him, Ye Chong was also heartbroken and scratched his head.

"Riding horse, Zhang Dong, do you still have cigarettes? Give me one to enjoy!"


Zhang Dong's body swayed, so he didn't fall to the ground.

This guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death, sits on the ground without fighting or talking, and wants to smoke for fun. Is this a big show?

Are you still shameless? !

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina had already fought with more than a dozen mutant beasts.


Ka Ka Ka!

The smell of blood began to pervade in all directions in an instant.

Interestingly, there really was no mutant hyena attacking Ye Chong.

It's like ignoring his existence.

"It is rumored that there is a big difference between mutant beasts and the earlier beasts, that is, the level of civilization has increased.

Or to be more specific.

In terms of eating and drinking, I prefer to choose healthy food and clean food.

For example, the human race that looks sick at first glance, and is still dirty, will make the mutant beasts lose interest and give priority to healthier targets.


People are like this too.

For example, go to the market to buy chicken to eat.

It is estimated that most people choose healthier and cleaner chickens under the same price conditions. At first glance, they look sick and dirty. First, the first impression is not good, and it is usually when there is no other choice Think again.

So I look sick and dirty, which is good for me. "

Anyway, there were no mutant beasts to disturb, Ye Chong raised his mouth and took Zhang Dong's backpack that was on the ground.



Looking inside, I immediately beamed with joy.

black orchid.

This is good smoke.


He quickly lit one, took a deep breath, and let out a comfortable moan in the smoke.

Swish swish!

Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina all took a look at him. From their eyes, one could see a trace of indescribable complexity.







Anyway, there is a little bit of everything, not much, and the eyes are full of unfairness.

It's not fair.

Everyone else was fighting the mutant hyena there, and they were in danger of being eaten alive at any time.

But he said that something bad happened to him and his stomach hurts, so he watched the movie while smoking.

The key is that his expression and eyes are not right.

Shake your head, curl your lips, or grumble at every turn.

To be honest, Zhang Dong really wanted to stop fighting the mutated hyena and train Ye Chong first.

So annoying.

"Zhang Dong, pay attention to your butt!" Ye Chong pointed out with a puff of smoke: "I don't know that the second brother likes to fuck? Now that he has become the second uncle, this stunt is even more amazing. Be careful, kid."


Zhang Dong opened his mouth in the midst of his busy schedule, so he couldn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Xin Xiaomeng, pay attention to dodge! Don't stick up so high, don't you know how powerful the second brother Grassland is?" Ye Chong pointed with his finger, "There are still legs! Be careful of the legs! Don't open them at will, it is very dangerous, the second brother Grassland evolves After becoming the second uncle, his movements are ruthless and flexible, so be careful!"

"Han Lina, what's the matter with you?" Ye Chong spit out a smoke ring, "Didn't you see those dog paws? Tighten your chest! Tighten your chest! You can't even do it?! Stupid! After a long time, why are you still doing it? The Harvest Mountain is here?!"



Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina wailed almost at the same time, almost going crazy.

However, although the three of them were going crazy, they knew in their hearts that if Ye Chong hadn't reminded them, they might really be in mortal danger.

When a man and two women fought with a dozen wolves, Ye Chong sat cross-legged on the ground smoking a cigarette, his eyes flickered, and the corner of his mouth was smiling.

"Not bad.

Better than I imagined.

At least for now, none of the three were seriously injured.

However, there are quite a few places where the flesh and blood are broken.

Unexpectedly, one is even whiter than the other.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Come on, youngsters!

Your first battle with mutant beasts is really important and meaningful.

Although the first time in life is inevitably difficult, jerky, dry, dry, sour, bitter and shy, just like a seven-stringed flower, it is precisely because of this first time that you can enjoy real fun in the future .

When that day comes, when you gallop and kill mutant beasts and let yourself have more and more points, the sense of happiness that permeates every cell of your body and mind will take you to the peak of happiness.

as I am now.

hey-hey. "

While Ye Chong was complacent, the battle between Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina and the mutant hyena was coming to an end.

At this moment, all three of them were sweating heavily, blood stains filled the air, and there were only three mutated hyenas left fighting, and the rest were all lying on the ground. Others were still twitching, and some had completely severed limbs, wriggling non-stop.

"Lao Ye, get up!" Zhang Dong's clothes were in tatters, his face was covered with blood, and his voice was loud, as if a god descended from the earth, "These three mutant hyenas are left for you to kill, let me tell you, you don't want to kill them!" You can't do some exercise."

"No need." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he flicked the cigarette ash, "I've been exercising a long time ago, you guys should kill these ones, hehe, whoever kills the beast's eyes is theirs, so as not to be controversial, what about me? , I’m someone who has been here, so I won’t compete with you for business.”

"Are you still here? Come here, shit, I found out that I was completely deceived by you today." Zhang Dong Kaka blocked the big mouth of a mutant hyena, and then said: "I doubt that you last time in the Leqing Mountains One line, could it be that a mutant beast has never been killed before?"

"I've killed them, and I've killed a lot of them, what are you doing lying to you?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, and exhaled a puff of smoke ring, "Kill them quickly, we have to hurry, be careful that they run to report the letter, and they won't be able to catch up by then Come on, there will be endless troubles."

"Lao Ye, don't change the subject, you have to kill these three heads, it's not good if you don't exercise." Zhang Dong looked sincere, it was for Ye Chong's good, "Hurry up! After killing one, you won't be afraid anymore. "

"Hehe, Zhang Dong, you... are quite annoying." Ye Chong stood up while speaking, "Do you think... they still need me to kill them?"


Ye Chong drew out the blade of the starry sky from behind, and danced a knife flower in the air, a terrifying pressure descended impressively.


woo woo woo~

The three mutated hyenas who were fighting saw the blade of the starry sky, howled miserably, and then collapsed to the ground with a plop.

Originally, the physical strength consumed in the battle was huge, plus it was an all-out attack, and now they suddenly saw Ye Chong, who turned out to be the evil god in their minds.

Suddenly, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were all stunned.

What's the situation? This is it?

The three largest and fiercest mutant hyenas were paralyzed by fright?

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