The Wanzige Stone Forest is filled with mist, just like in the past.

It was only here that Ye Chong truly relaxed.

"Thanks to letting Zhang Dong go to the front just now, otherwise, I'm afraid something will happen.

Speaking of which, a joke of mine, unexpectedly became true, we were actually targeted by mutant hyenas.

There are obviously many shadows of hyena dogs behind the key.

Once these guys launch an attack, I'm fine, but Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina are hard to say.

This is different from when I escorted Li Panpan back then.

At that time, I used her as the center to defend against the enemy, and the range that needed to be protected was not large. With my agility and combat effectiveness, there was no problem.

But now it's different.

The three of them had just fought a battle, and if they encountered the attack of the mutated beasts, they might collapse instantly.

Even if I want to protect them, I probably have more than enough energy.

no way.

The defense range is too large to take care of it at all, and I will be in a hurry, and even I will get in.

And, that's not all.

The mutant hyenas behind me must have recognized me long ago, but they followed me all the time and did not flee, which shows that they have confidence.


What is the confidence for them?

That's right.

It is estimated that there must be high-level monsters in it.

Don't forget, last time I killed 13 S1-level hyena dogs independently, this time they looked confident, indicating that there were at least more powerful than the 13 S1-level hyena dogs, or even much stronger.

S2 hyena dog?

still is……

S3 hyena dog?

No matter what kind of possibility it is, it poses a great threat to our team. I am afraid that there will be casualties if they make contact.

So, I just pretended not to know, and didn't remind the three of them that their choice was correct.

Otherwise, chaos is likely to occur, which is equivalent to sending a fighting signal to the mutant hyena in disguise.


Now that I have finally entered the Wanzige Stone Forest, it is finally safer. "

Just when Ye Chong was thinking about his mind secretly, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were not idle either.

Hee hee haha.

The joy continued.

After all, they were in the closed stone forest, so they were completely relaxed in safety.

"Zhang Dong, I also cut off one of the ears of the mutant hyena you killed last with a sword," Han Lina pinched her waist and looked at Zhang Dong, "So, its animal eyes have You have half, and I have half, you are a big man, just figure it out!"

"Haha, Nana, don't be like this, you cut off one of its ears for some use?" Zhang Dong grinned and shook his head, "If I hadn't shot it with one shot, you would have been so heartbroken. Cutting off its other ear won't kill it, can it? Well, let's make a rule in the future, whoever kills it last, the beast's eye will belong to him, okay?"

"Hmph! Zhang Dong, it's meaningless for you to say that." Han Lina's face turned serious, looking a little really unhappy, "The three of us killed twelve mutant hyenas together, and you took seven of them yourself. The animal eyes on the head, Xiaomeng and I have five heads in total, this... no matter how you say it, it's not very appropriate, right?"

"Yes, Zhang Dong, according to what you said...then when we encounter a large group of mutant beasts in the future, don't we have to fight on our own? I'm afraid we...we will all be defeated individually, and we won't be able to play as a team. The advantage, that is death." Xin Xiaomeng brushed her hair lightly, and smiled, "Of course, this time you put in the most effort, and it is right to distribute more, but...the disparity is so big...I'm afraid Is it really bad?"

"I'll go! What do you two mean? Isn't it normal to work too much?" Zhang Dong was a little helpless, and his face became serious, "Otherwise, what do you think?"

"I think the average distribution is the most appropriate." Han Lina wasn't really angry, she seemed to be smiling, "Or... fine-tuning on this basis."

"Yes, Sister Na is right," Xin Xiaomeng blushed, her eyes sparkling, "We are a team first, and then we are individuals on the basis of the team."

"Yes!" Ye Chong raised his mouth and nodded, "That's right!"

"Shut up!" Zhang Dong vented his anger on Ye Chong, pointed at Ye Chong and said, "Equal distribution? Then this madman Ye is also a member of the team, shouldn't he be equally distributed?" all of a sudden?"


All eyes were on Ye Chong, Ye Chong was really embarrassed at this moment.

"..." Xin Xiaomeng was speechless.

"..." Han Lina was speechless.

"..." Zhang Dong was also speechless.

"..." Ye Chong was even more speechless.

It's okay not to be speechless.

In the battle just now, it was obvious that Ye Chong was greedy for life, afraid of death, lazy, and even made sarcastic remarks. How could it be possible to evenly distribute the beast eyes to him?


If it is really distributed equally to him, then everyone should just be lazy in the future. Anyway, they can gain a lot without working hard.

But the problem is, if the distribution is uneven, it is likely that they will fight on their own, or form an internal small group, and the conflicts between each other will disappear, but what about team spirit?

Apparently gone too.

It used to be 1+12, but now it is 1+11, it is likely to become a mess, and there is no more fighting power.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, Ye Chong also frowned and remained silent.

"It's very realistic.

It's better to say open.

The more you avoid existing problems, the more problems you will create.

Once unfairness and injustice occur within the team, troubles will continue to increase. If they are not handled properly, the team will inevitably become useless and meaningless.

But then again, no matter what you do, conflicts will always exist.

So, running-in is very important.

Only when a consensus is reached and unspoken rules are formed during the running-in process, the problem will be truly eliminated and the team's combat capability will be greatly improved.

This is like a new car, only after running-in can its performance be brought into full play, otherwise, major hidden dangers will be buried.

Speaking of which, the role of the driver of the vehicle is very important.

Likewise, what the team leader does is important. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong looked up at Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina, couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile and said:

"The idea of ​​a tie distribution is good.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​more pay for more work.

It is no problem to fine-tune the idea of ​​​​equal distribution to achieve more pay for more work.

If this problem is not handled properly, some people will feel that they have suffered a disadvantage and planted hidden dangers.

Therefore, it is better for everyone to open their hearts and express their true thoughts than to hide and sulk.

Speaking of which, all of us have laid the foundation for the development of this team.

This is a good thing.

Let me make a statement first, this time when more than a dozen mutated hyenas attacked, I really did not work hard.

So, I don't want anything.

Haha, what the hell do you think?

Something bad happened to me, and I squatted on the ground to pay my respects, how can I do my best?

Fuck me, isn't all strength being used on yourself? "

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