Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 206 Unhappy Is Really Sick

Ye Chong was thinking wildly, in a trance.

Liu Yun continued to be busy.

During this process, Ye Chong's cell phone would ring from time to time.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that several more points had been credited to the account.

"The animal eyes of the S1-level viper have a total of 18000 points, which is obviously much less than that of the S2-level monsters, but it is much higher than the general S1-level monsters.

When selling S1 monsters of the Sea Clan for the first time, the points of Beast Eyes were more than half of those of S1 Vipers.

It seems that the main value of this monster snake still comes from the snake gall, not the eye crystal in the eyes of the beast.

That's right.

Before the spiritual energy revived, the snake's ability to see things was very low, and it mainly used temperature, vibration and other methods to sense environmental changes and deal with crises.

After the revival of the spirit energy, although the ability of snakes to see things with their eyes has improved a lot during the process of mutation and evolution, they still mainly perceive the external world through the original method, but this method has been further strengthened and magnified .

Relatively speaking, the viper is difficult to capture because of its strong attack power, so its animal eyes are more expensive than those of many S1 level monsters. Not worth mentioning.

The next few text messages are all from Big Big Wolf.

The animal eyes of each Big Big Wolf are worth 16000 points, and seven Big Big Wolves are worth 112000 points.

Relatively speaking, it is not bad.

At least it is higher than the general S1 monsters of the sea clan, what else am I not satisfied with? "

At this time, I heard Liu Yun say slowly:

"The red-headed demon rat is a rarity.

Although this thing is an S1 monster, its attack power is not strong, but its medicinal value is very high. It can be said that it is full of treasures.

If you have read the material price list of the Mutant Biology Laboratory, you should remember this kind of thing.

We charge for everything on it.

Hehe, it even includes its excrement.

Because the rules of life activities in the red-headed demon rat's body are very special, it is very worthy of human beings' in-depth study. "

"Do you want excrement?" Ye Chong grinned, "Then... isn't that just shit or something?"

"Yes, it's that kind of thing." Liu Yun brushed her hair lightly, and nodded with certainty, "Studying those things allows us to discover the laws of its digestive system, which is equally important to humans. "

"But... why?" Ye Chong was at a loss, "Is there anything special about the red-headed demon rat? It's worth people's research like this?"

"Of course," Liu Yun smiled, and gently patted the red-headed demon mouse in the glass vessel, "This guy is a creature that can only grow up, but will not age, especially since it is a mammal. Scientists all believe that the significance of studying this kind of thing is very important, which determines the future and destiny of human development."

"What?!" Ye Chong's face suddenly changed, "Ms. Liu is saying that this kind of husky with red hair will not age?"

"Hehe, the red-headed demon rat looks like a husky, and even some of its behaviors are somewhat similar, but its life level is much higher than that of a husky." Liu Yun smiled, "And the number of such creatures is extremely rare. It's not easy to study at one end, um, in the limited research, scientists in the martial arts world discovered that the body cells of the red-headed demon mouse are always in the process of renewal, and they always maintain vitality."

"But...Mr. Liu, isn't this the same for humans and most creatures?" Ye Chong was full of doubts, "The new and old cells are constantly being replaced, and the skin flakes that fall off the body is for this reason."

"Yes, you are right." Liu Yun nodded solemnly, "However, our process... seems to have a problem in the middle. The replacement of human body cells is originally to avoid aging and maintain vitality. Yes, but this process of human beings and most living things points to death."

"..." Ye Chong scratched his head and looked at the other party with a look of disbelief, he was really confused now, "Ms. Liu... this... I seem to be a little confused. "

"Hehe, it's normal. When I heard it for the first time, I was also stunned." Liu Yun smiled, then turned her plump and pretty body, and said:

"Many scientists suspect that the limited lifespan of man and most living things is due to the action of oxygen and other gases.

Also, examples are given.

It is said that the red-headed demon mouse is difficult to age because this mammal is an anaerobic organism, which is the opposite of other organisms.

It is precisely for this reason that the research on the red-headed demon rat has become of great significance.

In addition, the number of such red-headed rats is small, let alone the red-headed rats that have evolved into S1 level monsters.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of treasures and of high value. "

"Then, Teacher Liu Yun, it..." Ye Chong's eyes sparkled, he looked at the monster with a red head that looked a bit like a husky, and murmured: "Doesn't that mean that the value of the red-headed demon rat If it’s huge, the price will be high too?”

"Of course," Liu Yun nodded with a smile, "and this S1-level red-headed rat died not long ago, it is very fresh, and the essence has not been lost, so it is purchased according to the original points of 125 million. Congratulations, Ye Chong!"

"Fuck!" Ye Chong exclaimed, and then covered his mouth.

Liu Yun smiled like a flower, swayed slightly, her plump body trembled wildly, and then straightened the clothes on her chest with her hands and said, "Ye Chong, your harvest today is really great, which is a bit unimaginable."

At this moment, Ye Chong's face was darkened, and his heart was ecstatic. He wished he could smoke a cigarette, drink a sip of wine, dance and roar wildly.

no way.

Liu Yun is right.

His harvest today is really not small.

The animal eyes of the five S2 brown demon bears have a total of 10 points x 5 = 50 points.

The total bear bile of five S2 brown demon bears is 5 points x 5 = 25 points.


The total bear bile of an S3 brown demon bear is 50 points x 1 = 50 points.

The animal eyes of an S1 level Viper snake have a total of 9000 points x 2 = 18000 points.

The gallbladder of an S1 level viper snake is 30 points x 1 = 30 points.

The animal eyes of the seven S1 gray wolves are 16000 points x 7 = 112000 points in total.

A complete S1 red-headed demon mouse has a total of 125 million points x 1 = 125 million points.

Also, there are still 30 points transferred from Wang Dafeng.

That is to say, the Mutant Biology Laboratory and its team have obtained a total of:


After Ye Chong made a rough calculation, his mouth grinned exaggeratedly.

no way.

It is really sick to be unhappy at this time.

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