Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 207 Law of Essence Conservation

Seeing that Teacher Liu Yun put all kinds of monster materials into the freezer by category, Ye Chong couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and asked a lot:

"Teacher, you said that if you put the ingredients of these monsters or mutant beasts in the freezer, does that mean the essence will be lost more slowly?"

"Hehe, no." Liu Yun stopped what he was doing, turned around and looked at him with a smile and said:

"The purpose of putting these materials in the freezer is not to preserve freshness, but to make it more convenient for future slice research.

In addition, you know, there are many parasitic creatures in the bodies of these monsters. I need to calm them down so that the data I get will be more accurate.

Cryopreservation, or even ultra-low temperature preservation after quick freezing, can indeed protect and preserve body functions for ordinary organic life forms, but it is of little significance to these mutant beasts and monsters.

Hehe, the essence we are talking about is not such substances as the nutrients of these organisms, but the storage form of the aura of heaven and earth in the body.

Including Qi and blood essence, body essence and spirit essence etc.

The loss of these essences is not necessarily related to the temperature, pressure and humidity of the environment they are in, but is related to the time when the living organisms in which they live lose their activity.

That is to say, as long as the living body where it lives dies, the essence in its body will permeate into the heaven and earth without interruption.

Scientists in the martial arts world often call this the law of essence conservation. "


When Ye Chong heard what the other party said, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and suddenly became enlightened.

"It was so.

If Teacher Liu Yun is right, then the purest energy between the heavens and the earth that I have absorbed using the spirit mystic technique is actually this so-called essence.

This essence entered into my sea of ​​consciousness, and under the effect of spiritual mysticism, it gradually became spiritual essence, which made my spiritual power gradually grow.

So, in the same way, the other martial arts skills I practice, such as body training and qi training, should be consistent with this at its root.

The law of essence conservation?

If this law is true, does it mean that my body data can be transformed into each other in the future?

Ha ha.

If that's the case, it seems interesting.

At that time, if the shackles of the conversion between various data are really broken through, will there really still be shackles on my future cultivation path?


Ma Dan.

It's really a bit of a rush.

However, if you think about it, if you do it, you will do it. I am afraid that this dream will not be so easy to realize, right? "

Ye Chong thought wildly in his mind, and secretly rejoiced that he was able to study in a school like Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

What he hopes to get most here is the guidance and teachings of martial arts masters. Their knowledge, experience and lessons can save him many detours.

Otherwise, just relying on his own random thinking and imagining such things as the weapon of the warrior who recognizes the master by dripping blood and the law of essence conservation, he might not be able to think of it in a lifetime, not in three lifetimes.

After all, before the spiritual energy recovers, even if you want to meet a person in the martial arts, it is not an easy matter, let alone meet some martial arts masters.

Besides, even if you are lucky, if you really meet a martial artist, why should he give you advice?

I'm afraid it's just like the top ten demons, it's normal for them to turn their faces in an instant and kill people on the spot for the sake of money, right?

At this time, Liu Yun asked with a smile: "Ye Chong, you plan to hunt mutant beasts and monsters in the future, and you want to keep them temporarily, and then take action at another time, right?"

"Hehe, Teacher Liu Yun's eyes are really bright, I... have such an idea." Ye Chong scratched his head, "Otherwise, it's okay if there are too many hunts, and if the number is small, come here to exchange, one trip at a time, It feels like a waste of the teacher's time."

"No, you are welcome to come anytime." Liu Yun brushed her hair lightly and smiled sweetly, "Hehe, but speaking of it, if you really plan to take measures to prevent the loss of the essence of monster materials, it is not impossible."

"Really?" Ye Chong's face brightened, and he said immediately, "I also ask Teacher Liu Yun to give me some advice. The student is incompetent today, so I will report it another day."

"Hehe, what about today and another day, you just need to talk well." Liu Yun put his hands behind his back, turned his body sideways, and then laughed:

"In the world of martial arts, there are many ways to keep the essence of organisms such as medicinal herbs and monster materials from being lost, but there are only two commonly used methods.

The first method is to use a special talisman to stick on the living body to suppress the essence in the body so that it will not diffuse and spread to the heaven and the earth within the effective time.

The second way is to use some special containers to store these life forms, which can ensure that the essence of these life forms is difficult to lose when they are in the special containers. "

"Amulet?" Ye Chong frowned slightly, "Is it something made by a talisman master?"

"Hehe, of course." Liu Yun nodded with a smile, "The talisman maker can imprint some martial arts rules and power essence in the talisman according to the talisman recipe. Once activated, it will have extraordinary performance and can seal the essence of life. It is also because of this that it is not lost.”

"Understood, Teacher Liu Yun." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and said, "What do you mean by the container? Is it something like a fresh-keeping box?"

"Hehe, of course not." Liu Yun smiled like a flower, and said slowly:

"Actually, it's a storage bag commonly used in the martial arts world, but it's very expensive, so many low-level martial artists don't have that kind of bag.

However, I think Principal Yan Jinglei and some key teachers should have storage bags on their bodies, right?

Haha, I don't know.

I didn't see it anyway. "

"Mr. Liu, can that kind of bag store a lot of things?" Ye Chong lifted up the military nanobag while speaking, "Which bag holds more than this bag?"

"Hehe, there should be no comparison." Liu Yun brushed her hair lightly, and looked at the military nanobag with a smile, "One is a space object, which is regarded as a magic weapon, and the other is an ordinary high-tech product bag, so it is not easy to compare Yes. Hehe, Ye Chong, with your strength, I am afraid that you will come into contact with these things soon in the future, don’t worry.”

"Well, thank you Teacher Liu Yun, I really bothered you today." Ye Chong shook the military nano bag slightly, "Mr. Liu, can I wash it with water here?"

"Okay, no problem, let's go." Liu Yun pointed to the water pipe on the side, and smiled, "By the way, Ye Chong, if it's convenient for you to see mutant beasts like pink-winged birds in future missions, I'll give them to you." I'll catch one and bring it back."

"Pink-winged bird?" Ye Chong was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a smile, "I remember, there is that mutant bird in the redemption catalogue, it seems... not very expensive, right?"

"That's right, all ordinary pink-winged birds have 11000 points." Liu Yun looked serious, "However, I will accept one in my own name, and the price is 10 points."

"What?!" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, and after seeing the other party's serious expression, he immediately said: "Got it, Teacher Liu Yun, if I find out, I will definitely bring it back to you."

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