Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 205 Spiritual String Wave

"Is there any problem?" Seeing Ye Chong's strange expression, Liu Yun said with a smile, "Is it because I didn't receive the points? Or...was I charged too many points?"

"No, nothing." Ye Chong quickly waved his hands, "Ms. Liu, exactly, 10 points, no more, no less."

"Hehe, that's good." Liu Yun brushed her hair lightly, smiling like a flower, "That's good, let's continue."

"S2-level brown demon bear, the essence loss rate is 0%, the remaining essence is 100%, the original points are 50000, and the redeemable points are 50000."



The bear eyes of the five brown demon bears were all shot, and a total of 50 points were obtained.

"S3-level brown demon bear, the essence loss rate is 33%, the remaining essence is 67%, the original points are 50, and the convertible points are 33."

"S3-level brown demon bear, the essence loss rate is 34%, the remaining essence is 66%, the original points are 50, and the redeemable points are 33."

"The two beast eyes of the S3 brown demon bear can get a total of 66 points."


When Ye Chong heard this number, he had already gone from dumbfounded to completely petrified.

66 points!

What do you mean?

You know, the original points of a student entering the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy are only 100 million, as long as he can kill two S3-level brown demon bears, he can earn this amount.

"It's more than that.

The S3 brown demon bear I shot had gone berserk, and lost one eye crystal in each of the left and right eyes, resulting in the loss of about one-third of the essence.

If what was killed was an S3-level brown demon bear that hadn't gone berserk, it meant that its two beast eyes were worth 100 million points, equivalent to the original points of a student of Jiuwu Academy.

And, I'm afraid it's more than that.

Speaking of which, Xiongyan hasn't counted the money yet.

Once this is added, the value of that S3 brown demon bear is more than 100 million points.

Ma Dan.

From this point of view, hunting monsters, especially high-level monsters, is the real way to make money and get rich.

Moreover, being able to sharpen one's body in actual combat is really a good way to win multiple goals in one fell swoop. "

At this time, Liu Yun looked at the other party with deep eyes, and then said slowly:

"The S3-level brown demon bear is equivalent to a high-level martial arts fighter among warriors, and its strength is very strong, especially its physical condition is very outstanding.

Those who can kill it are likely to have reached the level of junior martial arts fighters.

Ye Chong, you are indeed very lucky to have the bear eyes and bear gall of an S3 brown demon bear. "

"Hehe, yes," Ye Chong smiled noncommittally, "I have always had good luck since I was a child, and it is God's blessing to meet the dead S3 brown demon bear this time."

Liu Yun smiled meaningfully, then picked up a bear gall, took a photo with the tester, and said:

"S2 level brown demon bear bile, 0% essence loss rate, 100% essence remaining, 5 original points, 5 redeemable points."


Liu Yun quickly finished testing the bear galls of five S2-level brown demon bears, with a total of 25 points, all of which were transferred to Ye Chong's card.

"S3 level brown demon bear bile, 0% essence loss rate, 100% essence remaining, 50 original points, 50 redeemable points."


Ye Chong was really confused when he heard this number.

"Is the bear gall of an S3 brown demon bear so expensive?

It is unbelievable that the price is the same as that of Xiangbao.

The key is that something like a treasure is a rare thing for a cultivator. What else can bear gallbladder do besides make it bitter? "

When Ye Chong was in a daze, he heard Liu Yun sigh and say:

"Before the new era, bear bile and snake bile were just medicinal materials.

Bear bile and snake bile that have been grown for a longer period of time are more valuable and more expensive.

Especially after the recovery of spiritual energy, the price of this kind of medicinal materials has become unbelievably high.

the reason is simple.

Demand has increased.

Especially for people in martial arts, the significance is extremely important.

Although this kind of thing can't improve the practitioner's cultivation base, it has an outstanding effect on improving eyesight and calming the mind.

Moreover, the rarer and higher the level of bear gall and snake gall produced by demon bears and snakes, the more effective they are in improving eyesight and stabilizing mental power, and the more expensive they are.

Hehe, Ye Chong, to tell you the truth, if the bear gall of this S3 brown demon bear is sold at an auction or at a pharmacy in the martial arts world, the price may be higher than 50 points of. "

"Really?" Ye Chong's eyes sparkled, "Then ask Teacher Liu to point out the way, the students will be very grateful."

"Hehe, I also paid attention to some things because of my work, but if I really want to talk about the doorway, then I don't know anything." Liu Yun smiled half-smile and shrugged slightly.

"Then...Mr. Liu, according to what you said, isn't the price of this snake gallbladder too high?" Ye Chong showed regret, and pointed to the snake gallbladder.

"That's right, this is the gall of a demon viper snake, which is very valuable." Liu Yun picked up the gallbladder with his left hand, and then shot a detector like a small flashlight with his right hand, "S1 grade viper snake gall, the rate of essence loss 0%, the rest of the essence is 100%, the original points are 20, and the convertible points are 20, congratulations."

When Liu Yun said this, he looked at Ye Chong with a smile, nodded and continued:

"Even though this monster snake is an S1-level monster, it is a S1-level monster viper snake. The value and price of its snake gallbladder are no different from ordinary monster snakes.

Viper Demon Snake has a huge physique, ferocious nature, strong attack power, and high toxicity. People who can kill this kind of demon snake must have a high level and should have good spiritual attainments. Under the attack of the spiritual wave, he lost himself and suffered a crushing defeat. "

"Spiritual string wave?" Ye Chong's expression tightened, and he asked blankly.

"Spiritual sine wave is an innate skill of Viper Viper. It is divided into sine wave and cosine wave." Liu Yunxiu frowned slightly, and said slowly:

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I have heard of this method of mental power attack.

The mental sine wave attack can make the enemy mentally manic, lose control of their emotions, and lose their combat effectiveness.

The mental cosine wave attack can make the enemy depressed, depressed, and give up resistance.

But speaking of it, this viper snake is only an S1 level monster. Although it already has the ability of mental chords, its attack power is estimated to be small, and at most it can disturb the opponent's mind.

Even so, if a mentally weak person fights against him, he may be caught off guard and panic, resulting in a crushing defeat.

Hehe, so, the S1 level Viper snake has high attack power, and the snake gallbladder is of great value, so it is normal for the price to be higher. "

Ye Chong nodded slowly when he heard what the other party said.

At this moment, although he is calm on the surface, his heart has already become turbulent and unstoppable.

"Spiritual string wave?

Sine and cosine waves?

Is it so powerful?

That's the mental skill I'm missing.

If I can really master this ability, then in the future when fighting, I will be able to sneak up on the enemy silently.

There is no room for the slightest mistake in a master's fight, I am afraid that a single negligence can cause a complete defeat, right? ! "

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