Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1949, Screening

Bao Wang Wang Bao had a smile on his face, but he had mixed feelings in his heart.

When he came in earlier, everyone stood up and saluted him.

It is a courtesy enjoyed by people in high positions and who command respect.

But now, Ye Chong is standing at the door, welcoming everyone to stand up, happy faces, even worship, and warm applause.


It made him suddenly feel like he was being compared.

And this feeling has never appeared since he became the Minister of the Martial Arts Department of the Empire.

At this moment, apart from admiration and affirmation, Wang Bao looked at Ye Chong with a trace of inexplicable annoyance and worry.

He doesn't know what will happen in the future, but he knows that something is happening now.

Perhaps one day, he will have to face a helpless reality and the well-known result.

He doesn't want this to happen.

He also hoped that that day would come sooner.

Just when Bao Wang Bao was thinking about it, the war gods on the scene began to rush to the door with smiles on their faces.

"Hehe." The Tyrant King laughed violently, sat down, and then waved to Ye Chong, "Lao Ye, come here, come and sit."

Ye Chong smiled slightly, separated from the crowd, and sat down next to Bao Wang Wang Bao.

"Lao Ye," Bao Wang Bao lightly patted the opponent's shoulder, "This time is really thanks to you."

"The Tyrant King is polite," Ye Chong smiled casually, "Without the Tyrant King's central command, it would be impossible for us to succeed."


There was warm applause in the huge room.

"Brother Ye," the Tyrant King laughed violently, "You have made great contributions this time, and you should be rewarded. Hehe, what do you think?"

"This..." Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "I really never thought about it."

"Then think about it." The Tyrant Wang Bao said with a smile that was not a smile, "There is a reward for meritorious service, of course, you don't have to be polite."

"Mutton noodles." Ye Chong said.


Everyone was stunned at the scene.

"What did you say?" Wang Bao asked curiously, "Mutton...noodles?"

"Yes." Ye Chong nodded, "As a member of the human race, it is our duty to fulfill our duties for the human race and kill the invading enemies.

However, since the tyrant wants to reward me, that's fine.

Rather than...

Just invite me to the snack street next to the Winter Garrison and have a meal of mutton noodles.

Back then, the military camp where I was a warrior in Zhongdu was attacked and suffered heavy casualties. If I hadn't gone to the mutton restaurant to eat noodles, it would definitely not have ended like that.

Therefore, every time I eat noodles, especially mutton noodles, I feel uneasy and feel sorry for my comrades-in-arms.

Being able to slay the Beast God this time can be regarded as avenging the warriors of Zhongdu. After the revenge, the spirit of the warriors of Zhongdu must rest in peace.

Now if you eat this mutton noodles again, it should have some taste. "

At this moment, the scene was quiet.

In the eyes of every God of War, there is a solemn and heavy look.

"Okay, Brother Ye is a person who values ​​love and righteousness," Bao Wang Wang Bao nodded, "Then I will treat you to a bowl of mutton noodles today."

"One bowl is not enough." Ye Chong said.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"Haha, I'm also hungry for mutton noodles."

"Go together, go together."

"In the snack street next to the garrison, there is indeed a good mutton noodle restaurant. It's not smelly or shameful, and it's delicious."

"That's right, I've eaten it, big pieces of meat, big bowl of noodles, rare delicacy in the world."

"Ha ha.

Is there any garlic?

Do you have any wine?

One bite of meat, one bite of garlic, even if the gods tell you not to leave.

A sip of noodles, a sip of wine, as many noodles as possible. "

"Let's go, let's go."


"One bowl is not enough, then I will treat you to two bowls, and if two bowls are not enough, I will treat you to three bowls." Bao Wang Wang Bao smiled and looked at Ye Chong, "In short, today must make you full and drink enough. Well, don't say I'm petty."


There was another burst of laughter at the scene.

"Battle King, we don't have enough for one bowl, we need to eat three bowls." Someone said loudly.

"Except for me and Lao Ye, everyone else went back to their homes and went to their mothers." The Tyrant Wang Bao glanced at the crowd, "Reconstruction after the war has many affairs, why do you join in the fun.

The report of the report.

Wipe your ass. Wipe your ass.

The wounded should be recuperated.

Remember, don't take it lightly.

The orcs will never give up easily after suffering such a battle. "

Everyone at the scene was stunned, and Qi said yes.


Near Winter Garrison.

Food Street.

Although it was after the Great War, it seemed that this place had not been affected in the slightest. It was still full of smoke and birds, the fragrance was lingering, the traffic was busy, and the flow of people was endless.

At a corner dining table, Ye Chong and Bao Wang Wang Bao sat facing each other.

At this moment, there were not many diners in the store, and no one noticed them.

In fact, it's okay to notice, even if someone is close in front of you, you can't hear them talking.

"You really know how to find a place," Bao Wang Wang Bao took a mouthful of noodles, his face showing intoxication, "I didn't expect that I, the person who doesn't like eating mutton the least, can eat such delicious food that I can't stop eating. "

"Yes." Ye Chong said, "It's a pity that my brothers and sisters in Zhongdu can no longer eat the delicious food here."

"Tell me," Bao Wang Bao took a mouthful of mutton and put it in his mouth, "What do you mean by calling me to this mutton restaurant?"

"There are so many new faces in the conference room," Ye Chong added some chili oil to the mutton noodles and said while stirring, "are they all safe?"

"I don't know." The Tyrant King laughed violently, "What do you want to say?"

"What happened on the Ximen tower again," Ye Chong said, "Winter City will be lost."

"I know." Tyrant Wang Bao nodded, "So, you don't want anyone who might exist to hear our conversation?"

"No." Ye Chong had an inexplicable expression on his face, "I just want to know, why did you do that?"

"Hehe," Bao Wang Wang Bao couldn't help laughing, "What did I do?"

"What have you done," Ye Chong said, "You should know better than me."

"What I can do is to restrain Tang Wang and the others." Tyrant King took a mouthful of noodles, "What? Do you have higher demands on me?"

"Don't dare." Ye Chong picked up a handful of noodles covered in chili oil, casually tossed it into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls, and swallowed it, "I just don't think it's necessary for the action team to Out of town to deliver meat."

"You're wrong." Bao Wang Bao put down the fast son, "If they don't leave, the lurkers on the Ximen Tower won't do anything, and naturally they won't be able to eradicate them.


They may also choose the second plan, which will cause more serious damage to Ling Dong and even the human race. "

"Why did Deng Kuanglong and the others leave instead of Dai Yulong and Zhang Lianshan?" Ye Chong frowned slightly, "You should know that both of them almost fell, right?"

"I know." Tyrant Wang Bao nodded, "However, only ten of Deng Kuanglong and the others have passed the inspection, there is no need to stay in the city for screening."

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