Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1948, what is good

For some reason, Ye Chong suddenly felt warm.

It was like standing naked in the middle of the ice and snow, and suddenly found that there was a warm flame approaching him.

That kind of feeling made people want to open their arms to embrace, but in a daze, they forced themselves to choose reason.

looking forward to.


Keep calm on the surface.

Tears welled up in my heart.

"Yexiao," Tang Shishi said with a serious expression, "You will anger Mantis King."

"Tang Shishi," Ye Xiao said with a half-smile, "You're provoking me now."

at the same time.

quack quack!

quack quack!

The cry of beast gods resounded all over the sky.

at the same time.

Cha Cha Cha!

The countless beast gods also made indescribable strange sounds.

"Okay!" Tang Shiyi pointed at Ye Xiao and said, "Remember! You must be responsible for what happened today!"

"Responsible? Okay, I will take responsibility for you." Ye Xiao glanced around, "Tang Shishi, it is not a trivial matter to provoke a war between the beast clan and the insect beast clan. You'd better take responsibility."

"Hmph!" Tang Shiyi glared at each other, his face livid.

Ye Xiao sneered, turned to look at Ye Chong: "You can go."

Ye Chong looked at each other and nodded, "Take care!"

After speaking, Ye Chong turned around and shot in the direction of Lin Dong.

at the same time.

Cha Cha Cha!

quack quack!

quack quack!

There was chaos.

However, Ye Chong didn't look back.

He was a little scared.

Not afraid of death.

He was afraid that he would not be able to hold back, and shed fragile tears in front of countless god-level beings.

Speaking of which, he never thought that he would meet Ye Xiao in such a way this time, let alone that he would choose to escape so impatiently like today after he has been unrestrained all his life.

That's right.

Just on the run.

He was escaping the call of the true blood.

He too is running from the call of death.

Ye Chong had an ominous premonition.

If it wasn't for Ye Xiao's appearance this time, then he might really be a thing of the past.

Speaking of which, he is not afraid of death.

From the day he set foot on the road of martial arts, he was ready to die willingly.

But he was afraid of the insult and shame that life would be worse than death.

He is even more afraid of the helplessness and helplessness in the face of family affection.



The Winter Bureau of the Imperial Martial Arts Department.

First meeting room.

A room full of people.

All are gods of war.

Deng Kuanglong, Zhu Liming, Ba Wanwan, Li Zhishen, Dai Yulong, Zhang Lianshan, Liu Tianyun and others were impressively listed.

However, most of the gods of war are new faces and have never appeared on the Ximen Tower.

At this moment, the scene was quiet, and everyone was sitting upright with solemn expressions.

Soon, as soon as the door opened, Bao Wang Wang Bao walked in.

Swish swish!

All the gods of war stood up and saluted the Tyrant King.

King Bao Wang Bao came to the main seat in front of him and sat down, then pressed down with both hands: "Everyone, please sit down."


All the gods of war sat down together.

"The result of this winter defense battle was better than expected." The Tyrant Wang Bao looked at Dai Yulong, "However, the preparations that should be made were not done well, and we almost lost everything."

"Department..." Dai Yulong was about to speak, but when he saw the violent eyes of the violent king, he immediately closed his mouth.

The Tyrant King Wang Bao went on to say: "If it wasn't for Ye Chong's wading into the muddy water, many people sitting here would have fallen, and Winter City would also fall into the hands of the orcs, and the massacre of the city would be inevitable."

When he said this, Wang Bao's eyes swept over the faces of Dai Yulong, Director of the Rin Dong Bureau of the Imperial Martial Arts Department, Zhang Lianshan, the Director of Rin Dong's House, and the faces of several war gods who were on the Ximen Tower earlier: "You... Becoming a sinner through the ages of the human race, you should thank Ye Chong very much."

Dai Yulong and Zhang Lianshan shrugged and bowed their heads, not daring to speak.

Wang Bao looked at Deng Kuanglong, Zhu Liming, Ba Wanwan, Li Zhishen and Liu Tianyun again: "The action team dared to take the initiative to attack, the courage is commendable, but the timing of leaving the city is not right.

I don't want to say more about your military affairs, but I just want to remind you that if it weren't for Lao Ye today, the entire operation team would be wiped out.

Therefore, you must pay attention to cooperation in the future. "

"The Tyrant King," Deng Kuanglong swallowed, "It's not that we don't want to cooperate, but that we don't know what Lao Ye is going to do, so we don't know how to cooperate."

"Is this the reason for you, the supreme commander of the cold winter garrison?" Bao Wang Wang Bao said in a deep voice, "Lao Ye is a man who comes without a trace and goes without a trace. This is his habit. Do you still want him to To cooperate with you, instead of trying your best to adapt to him?"

"Of course not." Deng Kuanglong lowered his head and said, "It's just that Lao Ye likes to be alone, and Gan Gang is arbitrary, so I really can't figure out his...his action plan."

"Can't figure it out? Can't get used to it? Can't cooperate?" Bao Wang Bao's face darkened, "Then why are you still in this position? It seems that I need to report to your military minister after returning to the imperial capital. It's over."


Deng Kuanglong's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said: "Bao Wang, you are right, it is true that I did not cooperate well with Lao Ye, I promise, I will communicate well with Lao Ye in the future, and next time... next time this will never happen. Something happened."

"That's right." The Tyrant Wang Bao nodded, "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing better than being kind."

When he said this, Bao Wang Bao scanned the audience and said slowly: "Everyone, communication is a skill and an art, as long as you put your heart into it, you will definitely get a good communication effect.

I know Lao Ye.

It's true that he likes to be different, but that doesn't mean he can't communicate with him.

Quite the opposite.

Every time I have a conversation with him, it has been very smooth and productive.

It's not just because of who I am.

It's because we're communicating in a reasonable way.

As far as I know, Lao Ye's communication with ordinary people is also very harmonious and smooth. How come it becomes difficult when he comes to some people?

Are you too bureaucratic?

Or is it just putting on airs?

You are all gods of war.

There is no doubt that this level is indeed a superior existence in this world.

However, in front of some people, you'd better keep a low profile, lest our human race suffer inexplicable losses because of you.

understand? "


Everyone at the scene said yes.

At this moment, Deng Kuanglong's face was pitch black, and he was crying silently in his heart.

He really didn't know what official airs he was putting on.

When he faced Ye Chong, he was even more cramped and humble than when he faced the Minister of Military Affairs.

What else does this want him to keep a low profile?

Kneel down?

He is not a concubine, he really can't do it.

Also at this time.


As soon as the door opened, Ye Chong appeared at the door.


Wang Bao immediately grinned and stood up.

at the same time.

Swish swish!

All the gods of war at the scene stood up with happy expressions on their faces.

at the same time.

The thunderous applause sounded like popping beans.

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