Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1950, the right way in the world is vicissitudes

Ye Chong looked at Bao Wang Wang Bao in astonishment.

The shock in his heart couldn't be added.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing.

In this way, what happened earlier is easy to explain.

However, Ye Chong finally didn't say anything, but lowered his head and began to eat the noodles with his heart.

Speaking of it, the original mutton noodles have an indescribable deliciousness, while the mutton noodles with spicy chili oil are matched with the salty and delicious mutton and soup, which really brings people a kind of appetite The exhilaration of dying.

"What?" Wang Bao Wang Bao looked at the other party, as if he had lost his appetite, "Don't believe me?"

"Zhang Lianshan is the head of the Lindong Mansion, and he needs to be screened?" Ye Chong pulled a napkin and wiped his mouth.

"Is this strange?" The Tyrant King smiled violently, "Don't look at the scenery of the big official in the frontier, there are many people staring at him. , will definitely find something for him.”

"There is too much internal friction in the human race." Ye Chong started eating noodles again.

"The history of the development of the human race is a history of games. Of course, you can also understand it as a history of internal conflicts." The tyrant Wang Bao also picked up the taezi, "Human nature dictates, so there is no need to be entangled in this aspect."

"Okay, Zhang Lianshan is suspected, there's nothing to say about it, after all, he seldom shows up, and even government affairs are delegated to his deputy, so it's understandable to attract people's suspicion." Ye Chong continued, "But what about Dai Yulong?

He's a man you've raised with your own hands.

Is there anything wrong, is your tyrant king still a clean man? "

"That's why he can't escape suspicion." Wang Bao Wang Bao smiled slightly, "It's not surprising."

"..." Ye Chong couldn't help but startled, "You mean...someone is suspicious of your tyrant?"

"The world is a chessboard, and each of us is a chess piece on it," said Baowang Wangbao gently putting down the fast piece, "In the final analysis, no one can escape the fate of being manipulated.

It's okay if you're an insignificant pawn, no one will take you seriously.

But if you are a chess piece that can determine the outcome, it will be different.

Every step you take may not be your original intention, but is dragged by fate, and you have no choice but to walk towards the end of your life. "

"I'm a little..." Ye Chong murmured, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Do you know why the God-level exists, and they all want to take the last step?" Baowang Wangbao continued, "It is because they have traveled all the way, and when they reach the heights of life, they know more about the truth of the world, so they all want to Get rid of the fetters of fate and become the master of fate."

"I..." Ye Chong said, "Why do I feel like I'm even more confused."

"You are the one who has the least reason to be confused," Wang Baowang smiled wryly, "A lord who possesses the power of a fairy god means that he has built a bridge to the fairy god. How many god-level existences are envious of this?" come things.


Ha ha.

In the future, when you climb high and look far, when you look back on the past, you may have a lot of emotion. "

"The Tyrant King," Ye Chong looked at the other party intently, "I always feel that you are a little different today."

"What's the difference?" The Tyrant King laughed violently, "I'm telling you so much because you asked something. I don't need to answer the general God of War, but for you... I can't lie to you. Bar?"

"Is it because the Global Martial Arts Federation doesn't trust you?" Ye Chong said, "Or the Empire... No, the Tyrant King is already a top figure in the Empire, who else would dare to question you?"

"Too much." Bao Wang Bao smiled slightly, took a sip of sour plum juice, "I said, everyone is just a chess piece, not a chess player.

Taking a step back, even chess pieces can be divided into bright pieces and dark pieces, as well as real pieces and imaginary pieces.

What's more, there are hundreds of millions of living beings, although they are pieces on this chessboard, they have long been submerged in Xumi, without even a chance to show their faces.

The right way in the world has changed.

This is an unassailable truth.

Ha ha.

Far away.

Not to mention, even within the empire, I can't say what I say about many things, and sometimes I even hide out on purpose for a while. "

"The Tyrant King's frequent trips between Lin Dong and the Imperial Capital have something to do with this?" Ye Chong frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

"That's right." Tyrant Wang Bao nodded, "This is one of the factors."

"Another factor," Ye Chong smiled, "Of course it's because of me."

"It's your right to think so." Tyrant Wang Bao casually smiled, "However, your safety is related to the rise and fall of the human race and the empire, so it's right to take you into consideration."

"Aren't you afraid that Dai Yulong and Zhang Lianshan will really fall," Ye Chong said, "At that time, people who doubt you will make a fuss about it?"

"Don't be afraid." The Tyrant King laughed violently, "With you here, nothing major will happen."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "In other words, you're sure I won't leave Winter City right away?"

"Otherwise," Bao Wang Wang Bao said, "Deng Kuanglong is trying so hard to tell you so much, what's the point?"

"It seems that I was designed again." Ye Chong sighed.

"No." The Tyrant King shook his head violently, "It's because you are the key piece in this game of chess, and how you should move has already been calculated."

"What?!" Ye Chong frowned, "I don't think anyone is manipulating me."

"That's right, and it's not right." Tyrant Wang Bao said, "Have you heard of the butterfly effect?"

"I've heard of it." Ye Chong murmured thoughtfully.

"A slight change far away from thousands of mountains and rivers may cause a storm here that will destroy the world." Wang Bao Wang Bao continued, "This is something called fate, invisible, intangible, but It's controlling our lives."

"Including our thoughts?" Ye Chong murmured, "But... how is this possible? My thoughts... are my thoughts, so what does it have to do with others?"

"Your thoughts are indeed your thoughts, there's nothing wrong with that." Bao Wang Bao nodded, then shook the sour plum juice in his hand, "However, how did your thoughts come about?

Will it be related to the environment?

And is the environment made up of ever-changing factors?

Will the subtle changes of each factor have an active effect on the environment?

To exert influence on your thinking?

Ever heard of mind reading?

I think you must have heard of it.

But do you know why it is called mind reading instead of listening to mind?

Because the other party's thoughts are read, not understood.

how to read?

What to read?

Of course, I am reading with the help of the environment.

What you read is all the variables that can reflect the other party's thinking.




body temperature.


blood flow rate.

Odor changes.

body posture.

Voice intonation.


Too much.

All are things related to the environment.

With the help of these raw data, it is possible to understand the changes in the other party's mind.

and also……"

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