Deng Kuanglong was going crazy.

Not crazy.

The action team consisted of ten people, but now they were facing the pursuit of hundreds of beast gods.

The key point is that few of these beast gods are rookies who have just broken through. Most of them are veterans who have experienced many battles, and their combat experience is too rich.

What the action team wants to do and where they want to escape, the other party can make a prediction in advance.

This makes the action team very uncomfortable.

There is a feeling of being played.


So sad.

It's not enough to say they're shitting now.

However, they definitely don't even have time to fart properly.


As long as there is hope, then these are nothing.

However, the person who made the action team miss him never appeared.

If it goes on like this, it won't be long before all ten of them will perish.

And, it also means one more thing.

Their bodies will be eaten until there is no scum left, and then they will be excreted from a certain pipe to become a stinking lump, and then they will be dismembered again, and in the end there will be no chance to make shit.

In fact, at this moment, everyone in the entire operation has already been injured, and at least three of them are seriously injured, and it is not far from being turned into shit in a thousand turns.

A tragic, desolate and sad atmosphere is spreading rapidly in the action team.


Ba Wanwan didn't pay attention for a moment, and was slapped hard on the back, and immediately opened his mouth to spurt out a big mouthful of blood.

At the same time, Li Zhishen who was next to him couldn't dodge in time, his shoulder was swept away by sharp claws, and blood rained down immediately.

at the same time.


Zhu Liming roared violently, and pointed his long spear forward, wanting to force a mid-level beast god back, but he didn't expect that the other party would not dodge or dodge, but just opened his mouth wide, and immediately a stench and misty air enveloped him.

In the end, before Zhu Liming had time to react.


There was the sound of bones breaking in his left arm.

Then at the next moment, he found a cylinder of indecipherable object wrapped around his arm.

He subconsciously picked it up with a gun.


There was a strange noise.

Immediately, Zhu Liming watched helplessly as his left arm was torn off, and he flew into the stench and misty air without a trace.

Also at this time.


Deng Kuanglong patted Zhu Liming's right arm.


The latter shivered in horror.

Deng Kuanglong shouted: "Old Zhu, let's go!"

Just in time.


The previous mid-level beast god suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and then grinned with a ferocious look on his face.

Almost at the same time.


The other two small insect beast gods outflanked them.

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

Amidst the weird noises, it was unclear whether the two beast gods were shouting excitedly or demonstrating to the prey in front of them.


Deng Kuanglong's face suddenly sank below freezing point.

He knew in his heart that it was time.

Maybe now is his last chance to fix himself, if he wants to.


Watching my body being torn away by these beast gods, the feeling is really... don't try it.

Zhu Liming had a miserable look on his face.

He glanced at Deng Kuanglong beside him, his eyes were extremely complicated, he didn't know whether he was apologizing, regretting, or saying goodbye.

"Let's go together." Deng Kuanglong smiled, "It just happens to be a companion."

Jie Jie Jie!

The middle-level middle-level beast god in front of him let out a terrifying laugh.

at the same time.

The stench and misty air suddenly became stronger, and it seemed to become more viscous.

Zhu Liming immediately understood one thing——

He had more than enough energy before, or he was a little slow to respond, and there were reasons for these.

There is no doubt that it is the stench and misty air that are at work.

It's useless to say that now, though. Reaper is embracing his future.

Zhu Liming's eyes dimmed, and he looked at Deng Kuanglong, wondering what was going on in his heart.



Boom boom boom!

Deng Kuanglong frantically swung the broadsword in his hand, chopping the two insect and beast gods who came from the left and right sides and kept retreating.

It's just that the next moment comes quickly.



Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

Another five or six insect beast gods suddenly appeared, their eyes filled with endless playfulness.


Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming looked at each other with complicated meanings.

"Go?" Zhu Liming smiled.

"Let's go." Deng Kuanglong also grinned.



The bodies of the two of them burst into dazzling light almost at the same time, and the beasts and gods around them retreated violently with screams.

Also at this time.






Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

There was a series of incoherent strange voices.

Soon Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming were surprised to find that the bodies of those flying back insect beast gods were falling apart one after another.

Deng Kuanglong trembled uncontrollably.

Zhu Liming raised the back of his right hand and wiped his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the two looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of disbelief in each other's eyes.

However, they immediately hurriedly did one thing at the same time, and all the dazzling light on their bodies disappeared.

puff puff!

Both of them spurted blood from their mouths, but their eyes were burning with excitement.

Speaking of which, the self-explosion of a god-level existence is by no means a trivial matter that can be retracted freely, but seriousness and price.

Once the Danmang is released, self-detonation is activated, and if you want to forcibly terminate it, no matter it is to the god body or the inner alchemy, there will be a strong backlash or impact force, causing very serious internal injuries to these god-level beings.

At that time, it will be difficult to recover without spending a lot of effort and resources.

But then again, it's better than dead.


A figure appeared in front of Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming.

The back figure doesn't look very tall, but it gives people an unshakable aura.

Just when the two of them were stunned for a moment, they suddenly found two black and red objects floating in front of them.

Both Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming's eyes lit up, and they respectively swallowed the floating objects into their mouths.

At the same time, their gazes looking forward and back were full of indescribable meaning.

"Are you here?" Deng Kuanglong said.

"Shut up." The back in front said coldly, "I let you talk?!"


Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming who were about to speak immediately shut their mouths tightly.


The middle-level beast god in front of him roared violently in the stench and mist, and a mad bloodthirsty look appeared in his eyes.

"Let's go." The back said unhurriedly, "Don't die here."

Jie Jie Jie!

The middle-level middle-level beast god seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. Amidst the loud laughter, his body trembled.

Then came the next moment.


On the left and right sides of the middle-level middle-level beast gods, an intermediate-level middle-level beast god emerged, and they looked exactly the same.


Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of horror in each other's eyes.

"Why?" The back suddenly turned around and said, "You can't hear what I said, do you really want to die here?"

Both Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming froze, and nodded hastily.

"it is good."

"be careful."

While speaking, Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming left the scene together.

At the same time, an inexplicable color appeared in their eyes.

I saw it.

It really is that person who has arrived.

As long as he is here, what is there to be afraid of? !

In an instant, the bodies and minds of Deng Kuanglong and Zhu Liming were suddenly filled with boundless fighting spirit.

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