Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1943, Defective Products

Ye Chong looked at the elegant man in front of him, and smiled slightly: "I'm curious, how did you do it?"

"Want to know?" The elegant man in the middle smiled fiercely, which gave people a creepy feeling.

"I want to." Ye Chong nodded, "I really want to."

"Okay." The elegant man in the middle said, "Then satisfy you before you die, lest you die in an unclear way and enter my stomach, which is difficult to digest."

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, but he didn't speak.

"My animal skill is called copying," the elegant man in the middle said with a grim face, "As long as the energy of the world is enough, I can copy the same me."

"Copy..." Ye Chong frowned, "You mean cloning?"

"No need to guess," the elegant man in the middle smiled, "My animal skill comes from the rebirth of a broken body, which is much faster and more reliable than the cloning you mentioned. 'Copying' is the most suitable name for it." .”

"So..." Ye Chong was a little surprised, "Aren't you from the Beast Clan?"

"Hey," the elegant man in the middle laughed, "Did I say I belong to the Beast Race?"

"Then you are a land beast clan," Ye Chong smiled, "or... a water beast clan?"

"Interesting," the elegant man on the left grinned, "Why don't you say I'm from the beast clan?"

"Because..." Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth and sized him up, "I've never heard of the beast clan having the ability to regenerate itself."

"Then what ethnic group did you say?" The elegant man on the right touched the corner of his mouth, and mucus was flowing from it, "Wood beast clan?"

"Excellent, so you all know how to talk. It seems that there is nothing wrong with calling this animal skill 'Copying'." Ye Chong nodded, "Speaking of the ability to regenerate a broken body, of course the Wood Beast Clan is second to none.

But I remember that some groups of the Lu beast clan seem to have it too.

For example, the lizard tribe, they can cut off their tails to survive when they are in danger, and in time, they can also grow new tails.

In addition...

There are hundreds of millions of tribes within the Water Beast Clan, and many of them are similar to the Zerg Beast Clan, and they can also be broken and reborn.

As for the beast race, I haven't heard of any race that has this ability.

I don't know if I'm right? "

"Hey," the elegant man in the middle laughed, "Using the eagle language of the beast tribe, you are already out."

"Oh?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I would like to hear more about it."

Also at this time.


The three elegant men turned their heads to the right at the same time, all of them had strange expressions on their faces, and then they all turned back in unison.

"Hey, do you think you're stalling for time here," the elegant man in the middle laughed, "They can escape with just a few of them?"

"You're thinking too much," Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "I have nothing to do with their life or death, I just saved them just now, I just didn't want them to die in front of my eyes, it would make it difficult for me to explain.

Moreover, in your absence as the Beast God commander, if they can't get away, there is no point in living.

Because your goal has appeared, and mine has been achieved. "

"Hey." The elegant man in the middle opened his mouth, showing an exaggerated expression, "Ye Chong, I didn't expect you to be such a fool."

"It's too early. Whether you are stupid or not, let's talk about it later." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Since you have waited for me, and I just discovered you, let's have a good chat. okay?"

"Okay, of course." The elegant man in the middle clapped his hands and smiled, "I like talking about interesting things with interesting people the most in my life."

"You and I are really like-minded," Ye Chong raised his mouth, "It seems that we can continue to break the topic of rebirth?"

"What era is it, and you are still struggling with whether you can stop the rebirth?" The elegant man on the left looked disdainful.

"The ability to regenerate after being broken is the basic ability that all ethnic groups have," the elegant man on the right said with a smile. "Especially since the new era, this basic ability has developed particularly rapidly, and it has long been an open secret."

"Damn," said the elegant man on the left, "for example, the wood beast tribe, after cutting off the upper half of a big tree, if the environment allows, then, as time goes by, a new big tree will grow.

Another example is the human race, after a piece of the liver is removed, a new liver can also grow after a period of time.

There are many similar examples.

This is broken body rebirth. "

"Especially since the new era, the defective parts of the human race can grow brand new tissues and organs as long as they are taken care of properly." The elegant man on the right smiled, "You should know this, right?"

"By the way, he is a beast race." The elegant man on the left frowned, "I shouldn't use the human race as an example."

"It doesn't matter." The elegant man on the right smiled, "The world is one, no matter what example you give, it is the same."

"It's not the same." The elegant man on the left suddenly said angrily, "We have to be accurate, accurate, accurate, understand?!"

"Those who understand your size will understand," the refined man on the right suddenly turned grim, "Can't you speak well?! Sure enough, there is a string missing in your head."

"What did you say?!" The elegant man on the left was furious, "I'm missing a string in my head?! It's obviously a defective product that can't even be a man?!"

"Bastard!" The refined man on the right breathed suddenly, looking at the refined man on the left, his eyes were full of bloodlust, "Why do you want to die?!"

Ye Chong looked at the scene in front of him with a half-smile, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Understood?" The elegant man in the middle smiled, "Copying is easy, but it is very difficult to make a perfect copy, especially to perfectly copy a perfect me, it is even more difficult."


The refined man on the left and the refined man on the right looked at the refined man in the middle at the same time.

"Are you perfect?!"

"You can't even make a perfect copy, so why do you say you're perfect?!"

The elegant man in the middle raised his hands, clapped the shoulders of the two elegant men on the left and right, and said, "Okay, it's all my fault, you are all more perfect than me."

"Nonsense!" The refined man on the left was still a little bit aggrieved.

"That's what it is." The elegant man on the right said dissatisfiedly, "Don't play around all day, this won't work."

Ye Chong smiled and said, "You still don't do it yet?"

"You said you wanted to chat," the elegant man in the middle blinked, "Why can't you wait so soon?"

"Because I'm afraid to listen to it," Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "I'm afraid I won't even know how I died."

While speaking, Ye Chong looked around.

I saw the stench and misty air all around, which had already covered the surrounding area tightly, making people feel like they were in a mud pool.

Jie Jie Jie!

The three elegant men laughed strangely at the same time, making one's scalp tingle.

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