Dai Yulong stared angrily at the five human warriors: "Stupid!"

Then he looked straight at the shy belly bald man who was pressing on every step of the way: "The tyrant will not let you go!"

The latter grinned when he heard the words, and subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth with his scarlet tongue. He looked extremely obscene and had an inexplicable creepy aura.

Zhang Lianshan remained silent, turning his body slightly, observing the tall, wide man and the thin man who were attacking from front and back.

The clear man waved his hand: "Take them down! Remember! Don't break them too much! Take them back alive!"

Also at this time.

Da da da!

A soldier ran up from the stairs, looked flustered, and cupped his fists in front of Dai Yulong, stammering: "Report...report to the commander, there is a change on the ground."


The scene included Dai Yulong, Zhang Lianshan, the Qinghuang man, the big belly man, the thin man and the tall and wide man, as well as the five human gods of war.

what is this?

Is this soldier stupid?

Didn't you see that there was a fire here?

Now to report the letter, do you want to court death?

Or is he simply a stunned young man who can't figure out the status quo?

Dai Yulong said: "Understood, let's go down."

"Then..." Jun Bing scratched his head, "How to deal with the abnormal movement of the ground?"

At this time, the shy, bald man raised his hand and patted Xiao Bing on the shoulder: "Go down if you are told, there is a meeting here."


Xiaobing turned around and slapped the shy, bald man, and said casually, "Why do you eat Lao Tzu's tofu?!"

too fast.

As fast as lightning.


The five human gods of war who were in a daze didn't hold back for a while, and laughed out loud, and then they all hurriedly covered their mouths with embarrassment on their faces.

The big man with a shy belly was stunned, and immediately reacted, and then swung his palm the size of a cattail fan and slammed at the little soldier.

At the same time, Xiaobing instinctively pushed forward with his right hand.

This time 17b x*wx* Zhang Si.Swish!

A nearly transparent mottled broadsword appeared out of thin air. Coincidentally, it sank right into the chest and abdomen of the bald man with a shy belly that bumped into him, and then buzzed and stirred, causing blood to splatter all around.

Immediately after the next moment, the little soldier swayed and disappeared without a trace.

The Qinghuang man who rushed to him was stunned, and then looked up with horror in his eyes, and saw a black lacquered hill falling straight into the sky.

As a result, before he had time to react, his whole body was crushed instantly, and a long stream of mud-like things splashed away.

Almost at the same time.

Zhang Lianshan was stunned, and was about to make a move, but he didn't want a black shadow to appear around him, like a ghost.

Before he could see what was going on, the tall and broad man behind him screamed, extremely stern, and then he watched the other person's body fall like a toppled building block, clattering, falling in all directions with blood rain.

Soon at the next moment, the thin and small man suddenly soared into the sky, and he was about to run away.

Just at this time.

Stab it!

There was a wave of fluctuation in the void.

A round ball like a small sun suddenly appeared above the thin man's head.

As a result, before the other party had time to dodge, the little sun sank silently, and the thin man's body immediately melted like an ice cream.

At the same time, the stinky liquid that fell from the sky fell on the five human gods of war, making them jump around and dodge in all directions.

Everything happened so fast.

It's unbelievably fast.

It wasn't until this moment that Dai Yulong came to his senses. He looked at the little soldier not far away stupidly, opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say a word.

Zhang Lianshan looked ecstatic, and shouted like a child: "Lao Ye, it's you?!"

The little soldier didn't speak, but waved casually, and the dark hill and the little sun in the sky disappeared without a trace.

Soon at the next moment, Dai Yulong staggered a step forward: "Lao Ye, is it really you?! Thanks to you this time..."

However, before he finished speaking, Xiao Bing had already turned his hands behind his back and walked towards the stairs.

Dai Yulong was stunned, and hurriedly shouted: "Lao Ye, wait!"

"Did I break them too much and you want me to clean them?" The little soldier didn't even look back, "If it is, then you fucking die; if it's not, then shut up, I'm being beaten People feel very upset after eating tofu.”


Everyone at the scene was stunned.

They all think Xiaobing is weird, not like the usual Ye Chong.

However, if the other party is not Ye Chong, who else in the world can be so perverted? !

Soon, the figure of the little soldier quietly disappeared at the corner of the stairs, as if he had never appeared before.

"He never walks the normal way," Zhang Lianshan murmured, "but as long as it is the way he walks, it will definitely become his way of life, and it will also become the way of death for the enemy."

"I know that Lao Ye is awesome," Dai Yulong murmured, "but I didn't expect...he is so awesome...Plass."

Swish swish!

The five human gods of war who had reacted rushed to Dai Yulong and Zhang Lianshan at once, all of them were concerned.

"Is Chief Dai all right?"

"Master Zhang, please sit down quickly, I have here a pill that can help you recover your spirit."

"That person just now... is really Ye Chong?"

"Didn't he go outside the city? Why hasn't he left yet?"

"Oh my God.

Ye Chong... What method Ye Zhanshen used just now, how could it be so easy to kill the middle-level middle-level god?

Moreover, he actually killed four war gods all at once? "

"Not God of War.

You see their bodies.

Others have wings.


They are really the beast gods of the orc race. "


Dai Yulong didn't bother to pay attention to these people, he took out a blood-red pill and stuffed it into his mouth, then quickly walked to the stairs, looked around, his eyes filled with inexplicable color.

But soon, he came to the crenel of the tower again, looking out of Ximen city.

At this moment, it can be seen that a large number of beast gods who were not far from the city gate have long since disappeared.

At the same time, in the sky in the distance to the west, one after another, one after another, battle lights continued. It was obvious that an extremely fierce battle was taking place there.

"Go away!" Zhang Lianshan pushed away the two human war gods beside him, and staggered to Dai Yulong's side, "Are Deng Kuanglong and the others in danger?"

"The beast gods are all around." Dai Yulong said in a deep voice, "I wonder if Lao Ye can rush over?"

Control the big and the owl. "I'm afraid..." Zhang Lianshan frowned, "It's too late."

"What I'm more worried about is," Dai Yulong said, "he just killed four beast gods here with thunder. The siege of the action team?"

"Lao Ye," Zhang Lianshan murmured, "he will definitely not let us down."

Dai Yulong nodded with a heavy expression, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

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