"You know him?" Ye Chong looked calm.

"I have been friends with each other for a long time," Bao Wang Wang Bao said, "I haven't dealt with each other in detail."

"It's a good thing for the human race to lose a great god-level existence in the orc race," Ye Chong stared at him intently, "The sudden return of the Tyrant King to Lindong should be related to this matter, right?"

"That's right." Tyrant Wang Bao nodded, "I really want to know what role you played in this matter."

"Although I didn't witness the incident, I became the one who learned the truth." Ye Chong said slowly.

"Oh?" The Tyrant Wang Bao raised his eyebrows, "What did you find?"

"I saw with my own eyes that Mantis slaughtered the Night King's guards in the Night King's Palace." Ye Chong said slowly, "I also injected insect Gu on several god-level guardians."

"Mantis King." Tyrant King Wang Bao nodded, "Being surly, sinister and vicious, he can indeed do this kind of thing."

When he said this, Wang Bao reached out his hand to touch Dai Yulong's desk, then lit a cigarette, then took a puff lightly, raised his head and exhaled slowly, the smoke was lingering, lifeless Flee to the ceiling.

"You mean..." Tyrant Wang Bao said slowly, "The murderer who killed the Night King was the Mantis King?"

"Although I haven't seen how the Night King fell with my own eyes," Ye Chong said, "judging from what happened afterwards, it is obvious that this incident has something to do with Mantis King."

"If it wasn't for something important, King Tang wouldn't come forward rashly. It seems that the incident in the Night Palace is indeed related to King Tang." Wang Bao nodded, "What do you want to do?"

"The crime of the night king's fall was imposed on me," Ye Chong said, "King Mantis must give me an explanation."

"You want a great god-level existence, how can I explain to you?" Bao Wang Wang Bao took a deep breath of smoke, and quickly submerged himself in the thick smoke.

"King Mantis must die." Ye Chong said calmly.

"Okay, avenge your father." The Tyrant Wang Bao nodded, "You left Cold Winter suddenly this time, and then the Night King's fall occurred in the Night Palace. Don't you think...isn't it a bit of a coincidence?"

"The Tyrant King doesn't believe me?" Ye Chong looked at the other party quietly.

"It's not that I don't believe you," Bao Wang Bao waved away the smoke in front of his eyes, "It's that the whole world will think this incident is too coincidental.

As for Mantis King...

In the absence of witnesses, the words of a great god-level existence will definitely be more convincing than you. "

"So, I'm also very strange," Ye Chong said, "Could it be that as soon as I left Lindong, Mantis King knew the news?"

"Of course there is also a possibility, maybe it's really a coincidence." The Tyrant King smashed out the cigarette butt, "It's just that this possibility, in the minds of most people, would feel impossible."

"Maybe." Ye Chong frowned, "The Tyrant King thinks that I want to kill the Mantis King...inappropriate?"

"Ye Chong, I believe what you just said is true, but the death of the Mantis King is just a small profit for the human race," the Tyrant King Wang Bao continued, "If we can make good use of this matter, we can do it within the orc clan." This article might cause a split among the various groups of the Orcs.

At that time, the powerful orc clan will be torn apart, which will be a great joy for the human race. "

When he was talking about this, Wang Bao put his hands behind his back, walked towards the window, and said slowly: "However, to achieve this step, the truth must first be revealed to the world.

This is easier said than done.

Without evidence, everything will become a laughing stock.

At least this matter cannot be done by the human race, and it will be labeled as sowing discord.

Especially if you do it, you will receive the opposite effect. "

"Night King doesn't want me to take revenge?" Ye Chong asked.

"Ye Chong, do you know that you are facing a great god-level existence," the Tyrant King Wang Bao said, "Even if I am in front of him, I may not be sure of victory.

Going to him desperately is tantamount to hitting an egg against a rock.

Ye Chong, no matter what angle you look at, the human race doesn't want to lose you. "

"The Tyrant King, I must avenge this revenge." Ye Chong's voice sounded hollow, "Although I can't kill the Mantis King now, it doesn't mean I will never be able to.

If he dares to frame me, he and his clan must pay a sufficient price.

Take it easy, tyrant.

Before I kill him, I will first let the truth come out to the world. After the great division of the orc clan, it will be the death of King Mantis. "

"It seems that you have decided to leave the human race?" the Tyrant King Wang Bao said slowly.

"Why did the Tyrant King say that?" Ye Chong frowned slightly, "Revenge doesn't seem to conflict with me being in the human race."

"Ye Chong," the Tyrant King smiled violently, and turned to look at Ye Chong, "Do you know what you mean to the human race when you have the strength to kill Mantis King?"


Ye Chong was stunned and didn't speak.

"Hehe," the King of Tyrants laughed violently, "If an existence comparable to a great god really kills the Mantis King, it will definitely cause a stir among the orcs who respect the strong.

Combined with your true identity, you will bloom unparalleled glory within the beast clan, thus laying a broad foundation and possessing a prominent position.

At that time, as a hot figure, after you have a broader prospect, will you still put your heart on the human race? "

"The Tyrant King is afraid that I won't be able to control me when I become stronger?" Ye Chong's expression was calm.

"It's about the development of the human race and its status in the future world," Wang Bao took a cigarette in his hand and paused, then smiled wryly, "Actually...it's not me who is worried, but the Global Martial Arts Federation.

Ye Chong, do you know that you are the winner of this world.

Whoever really gets you, the balance of the world may tilt to that side.

And the one who can't get you, the only choice he can make is to destroy you.

just now……

Saying this is useless.

In short, you remember that everything about you will attract the attention of many parties. "

"Why do I feel that I have a feeling of losing my freedom." Ye Chong frowned slightly, "And you treat me as the winner, don't you take the elites of the human race and the orc race too seriously?"

"Ye Chong," Bao Wang Wang Bao said, "Do you know that your name is known all over the world?"

"Hehe," Ye Chong couldn't help laughing, "It's because of this that you think of me as the winner?"

"Of course not." Baowang Wangbao continued, "Because many unknown events that happened around the world are related to your name."

"What do you mean?" Ye Chong was stunned.

"Some people say that you are the chosen one who decides the future destiny of the world." Tyrant Wang Bao lit the cigarette in his hand and took a puff, "Some people say that you are the dark messenger of world disasters. Your existence makes this world so unsettled."

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