Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1921, Waiting for the desired result

Ye Chong couldn't help but tilt his nose, and said with a smile, "Which one do you think I am?"

"Actually, it's all the same." The Tyrant King smiled violently, "The important thing is that your influence continues to grow, and everything you do will have a wide-ranging impact."

"So," Ye Chong said, "When I make decisions in the future, I must first start from the perspective of the world, instead of just considering my own position and emotions?"

"No way." The Tyrant King laughed violently, "This world created you, and your every move is changing the world, and at the same time, it is also determining whether you are the chosen one or the messenger of darkness. "

"If the Tyrant King has anything to say, let's just say it straight." Ye Chong looked at the other party quietly.

"There are many considerations," said Bao Wang Wang Bao, "every decision you make in the future, you still have to discuss it with everyone."

"Hehe," Ye Chong couldn't help laughing, "Including what I ate, what I drank, who I met, what I said, and where is it convenient?"

"Lao Ye, don't be so serious." The Tyrant Wang Bao said, "This is all for your own good."

"Okay," Ye Chong grinned, "It seems that you really want to take care of my food and drink and sleep."

"What?" Wang Bao asked, "Regret to come back?"

"Yes." Ye Chong nodded, "I originally set my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch."

"Wrong." The Tyrant King shook his head violently, "You are the bright moon of the human race, bringing light and hope to the human race in this dark world, so we must ensure your safety.

All right.

Tell me why you came back this time.

Know that I will come to winter because of the Night Palace? "

"No, I believe that you never left here at all," Ye Chong continued, "otherwise, you, the head of the Imperial Martial Arts Department, would be too tired to live."

"Hehe, you're thinking too much," the Tyrant King laughed violently, "I did go back to the imperial capital, and this time I'm coming back to Winter, besides the matter of the Night Palace, there are other things."

"What's the matter?" Ye Chong asked casually, and then smiled, "Forget it, I'd better not ask, so as not to make people suspicious again."

"There's nothing to hide from you," the Tyrant King smiled violently, "Because this matter was meant to take you there."

"Oh?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback.

"There is a vision happening in the mystical realm of the extreme north," said Tyrant Wang Bao, "I need to go to see what happened, I think you will be interested too."

"So you already knew about this." Ye Chong nodded, "I ran back for nothing."

"You also know about this?" Bao Wang Wang Bao had a look of surprise on his face.

"I happened to hear this news when I was passing through the Far North," Ye Chong said.

"Passing by? Heard?" The Tyrant King smiled violently and shook his head, "It turns out that the world is really such a coincidence. However, I'm curious, why didn't you just say that?"

"Because we were talking about other things." Ye Chong replied, "Besides, I'm waiting."

"What are you waiting for?" Bao Wang Wang Bao looked at the other party with interest.

"I'm waiting," Ye Chong watched the other party quietly, "Are you in a hurry to go to the mysterious realm?"

"Then what did you wait for?" Tyrant Wang Bao asked.

"I waited for the result I wanted." Ye Chong said, "So, can I say it now?"

"Okay." Tyrant Wang Bao nodded.


Ye Chong flicked his left hand to one side, and a tall man from Ye Luo Continent suddenly appeared out of thin air and fell to the ground.


Amid the sobs, the tall man looked around in a daze: "Where am I? What happened just now?"

Speaking of which, there is a reason for Ye Chong to release the other party only now.

According to the tall man, there are a large number of god-level existences and great god-level existences of the Free Warrior Alliance gathered in the mysterious domain, and many of them obviously have dual identities.

Therefore, as soon as Ye Chong returned to Lindong, he immediately came to the Winter Bureau of the Imperial Martial Arts Department. He wanted to see with his own eyes whether Dai Yulong was there.

If not, then Dai Yulong would become the object of suspicion of the lurkers.

If it is, it means that the other party is likely to be safe, and you can inform the other party about the situation of the secret realm, so that effective measures can be taken to grasp the lurker's movements.

Unexpectedly, I saw the Tyrant King Wang Bao again here.

Then naturally it is necessary to judge whether there is a problem with the existence of this great god.


King Bao Wang Bao didn't hurry to go to the secret realm, but was more concerned about the Yewang Palace and Ye Chong's affairs, which made him feel relieved.

"Calm down." Ye Chong looked at the tall man, "I said I would not kill you, so you are still alive, but if you tell a lie next, I will make you mutilated.

Understood? "

"Understood." The tall man shivered and immediately fell silent.

"Okay." Ye Chong nodded, "Tell me about the situation at the entrance of the Mystical Realm, don't miss a single word."

"Yes, Mr. Ye." The tall man swallowed, "Ziwu..."

In the following time, the tall and tall man narrated the relevant situation. The King of Tyrant had a heavy face, his brows were furrowed, and he hid himself in the smog, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

Soon, Dai Yulong came in and led the tall man out.

When the latter begged for mercy, Ye Chong reminded Dai Yulong, "I promised him not to kill him."

Dai Yulong said: "Don't worry, I know how to do it."

After the door was closed, Wang Bao drove away the smoke in front of him: "The Free Warriors Alliance gathered so many people at once, which shows that what happened in the Mysterious Realm is very important.

I still wanted to take you there.

But now it seems that it is better for me to go there by myself. "

"Afraid that I will be discovered?" Ye Chong asked.

"No." Bao Wang Wang Bao said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to escape if you are discovered."

"Is it okay without you?" Ye Chong asked.

"No." The Tyrant King shook his head violently, "Because I will definitely be discovered, and, in front of so many god-level existences, it's hard to say whether I can leave myself."

"Okay." Ye Chong nodded, "Then I won't make trouble."

When he said this, Ye Chong frowned slightly, and then said: "Among those who have been self-armed, there are probably many lurking in the human race, and now may be a good opportunity to eradicate them."

"No, it's not time to do it yet." The Tyrant King shook his head violently, then smiled, "They've been lurking for so long, so let them continue lurking, everyone is safe and sound, isn't it good? "

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up involuntarily, as if he understood something.

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