Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1919, Too Doggy

Ye Chong was quite frightened.

However, he looked calm on the surface.

It's just that he really couldn't wait to get out of here.

If the tall man is not lying, it means that he may fall into a desperate situation at any time.

"Not far north from here is the entrance to the Mysterious Realm," the tall man continued, "Mr. Ye will see it with his own eyes, and he will know that what I said is true."

"What are they doing here?" Ye Chong asked.

"It seems that something happened in the Mystery Realm." The tall man said, "I'm just a demigod, so I'm not qualified to know what's going on."

"How many Gods of War have come from Wuwu this time? How many Gods of War?" Ye Chong frowned.

"There are more than a hundred people at the God level," said the tall man, "There are at least ten people at the Great God level."

"Ziwu is so strong?!" Ye Chong looked shocked.

"The number of people joining Ziwu from all over the world is increasing," the tall man continued, "The training base inside Ziwu is also training more and more high-level fighters.

In addition, the orcs provided a lot of resources for Ziwu, which is indisputable.

Of course, many high-level warriors in Ziwu have dual identities.

Therefore, it is not that so many high-level existences suddenly appeared in the world, but that they were already there. "

"You mean... usually they are lurking in various countries and have legal identities and status," Ye Chong nodded, "but their real identities are members of Ziwu.

Therefore, the gathering of high-level Ziwu officials in the secret domain this time is just a good opportunity to dig out these lurkers? "

"Hehe," the tall man grinned, "Mr. Ye, the news I told should be worth my life, right?"

"It's worth it." Ye Chong stretched his left hand forward.

"What are you doing?" The tall man's face changed drastically, "As an extraordinary person, but you backtrack on your promises, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?"

"Don't be afraid." Ye Chong smiled, "Besides, just because I said I won't kill you, doesn't mean I can let you go."

Soon came the next moment.

Ye Chong patted the tall man's shoulder with his left hand, and the latter disappeared instantly.

Also at this time.


A blinding brilliance suddenly erupted somewhere in the north. From a distance, it looked like an aurora hanging in the sky.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong immediately ran away to the south.

Go to the mysterious domain to see?

Take a look.

He doesn't want to die yet.

The dazzling brilliance that erupted just now is definitely a masterpiece of a god-level existence.

From this point of view, the guys from Hierro shouldn't be lying.

In the following time, while Ye Chong fled silently, he couldn't help but look back, panicking, looking extremely embarrassed.

But he can't control that much now.

As long as you can leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible, it doesn't matter if you are in shape or not.

Lives matter.

The blood feud has not yet been avenged, and he is not qualified to die.

What's more, his current deified state is an intermediate martial arts fighter, and he fled in a hurry after something happened, which is more in line with what this level should be like.

While fleeing all the way, Ye Chong was also thinking about what the guy from Ye Luo mainland said.

"What happened in the mysterious realm?

Ziwu gathered so many god-level beings and war gods at once, which shows that what happened inside is absolutely extraordinary.

More importantly, it seems that only Ziwu knows about this matter.

Otherwise, the great god-level existence of humans and beasts should also appear.

This is strange.

Is it because the guy from Hierro didn't have time to say it?

Or did the other party only know about Ziwu's situation, but he didn't even know if the top leaders of the human race and the orc race were here?


Is this really a secret that only belongs to the Free Warrior Alliance?


The possibility is still very high.

Otherwise, if the high-level people of the human race really came here, it would not be so peaceful, and even a big battle would break out.

However, nothing of the sort happened.

As for the brilliance that bloomed just now, it is obviously not the aftermath of the battle, but it is blessing or weakening something.

Forget it, it's useless to think about it.

Unless you see it with your own eyes, you will know the real situation.

One more thing.

It must be reported to the human race as soon as possible.

Now is the best time to dig out Ziwu who is lurking inside the human race.

Especially the God-level existence.

If there are lurkers at this level, the harm will be too great.


I don't know where he is now? "

Ye Chong suddenly felt that he was a bit too stupid, and felt a deep sense of shame, even a sense of humiliation, about returning to the human race.

Unexpectedly, after being desperate, the only way out is the human race.

But he quickly dispelled this thought, and then raised his left hand to look, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.


The Winter Bureau of the Imperial Martial Arts Department.

Chief's Office.

"Lao Ye, you've made me miserable," Dai Yulong complained while pouring tea, "I didn't say hello when I left Lindong. If something happens to you, my head will have to move." gone."

"Old Dai, don't scare me," Ye Chong picked up his teacup and hissed, "How can it be so serious?"

"You don't know," Dai Yulong lowered his voice, "the news about you has spread."

"What's the matter?" Ye Chong said, "I left Lin Dong?"

"No." Dai Yulong looked at the other party intently, "You don't know?"

"I don't know." Ye Chong put down his teacup.

"There are rumors," Dai Yulong paused, "something happened to the Night Palace in Night King City recently."

"Don't guess," Ye Chong said slowly, "I didn't do that."

At this moment, when the secret door opened, the tyrant king walked in: "You said you didn't do it, so you didn't do it?"

"Minister." Dai Yulong bowed slightly.

"I said I didn't do it, so naturally I didn't do it." Ye Chong looked calm, as if he already knew that the other party was here.

Wang Bao looked at Dai Yulong, and before he could speak, the latter bowed and said, "Minister, Mr. Ye, I still have other things to arrange, so I will leave first."

Soon, Dai Yulong left the office and closed the door casually, only Ye Chong and Bao Wang Wang Bao were left in the room.

"I also believe that you didn't do it." Tyrant Wang Bao shook his head, "Although I hope that this thing is indeed done by you."

"I've let you down," Ye Chong said, "I can't bear the charge of killing my father."

"Fake news?" The Tyrant King frowned and said, "Or have you been framed?"

"The matter of the Night King's Palace is true, and it is true that I was framed," Ye Chong said slowly, "The Night King is indeed gone."

"It's a pity." The Tyrant King sighed violently, "As far as I know, the Night King is one of the people who are most likely to take the last step among the god-level existences. Unexpectedly, he fell into his own blessing. , it is embarrassing."

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