Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1905, The Coolest Boy on the Street

Ye Chong was also drunk.

When the body is drunk, the heart is also drunk.

The eyes cannot turn.

Full of happiness.

He was a little ashamed and embarrassed at first, but gradually, it didn't matter.

Think about it too.

Yuanci City was originally a city of beasts. Although Kazakh culture prevails here, freedom is its motto.

Beast races thrive, no matter in season, summer, autumn or winter, they don’t have the habit of wearing clothes to cover their bodies. Even the livestock and pet beast races in the living area of ​​the human race have never seen many people wearing clothes. Yes, it’s for keeping warm, and Not a mask.

That being the case, it was natural for the beast people in Yuanci City to let themselves go completely, but he, a foreigner, was rare and strange, which seemed a little abnormal.

Soon, Ye Chong scolded his eyes, and finally began to eat quietly with his head down.

In the process, he also discovered a very unexpected thing.

The wine and drinks here taste quite good.

In particular, there is a drink, which is very similar to kvass, sour and sweet, which makes people unable to stop drinking.

There is also a kind of wine, clear and mellow, almost comparable to bird vodka, but with a hint of richness and fragrance of semi-dry red, one sip will make people soft and warm, as if there is a drink in their stomachs. The fire of love is burning brightly.

"I go."

Ye Chong didn't dare to drink anymore.

He found that his eyes began to become a little hazy, and his eyes were not quite right when watching the live broadcast.

He knew that if this went on like this, he would lose control and become the coolest guy on the street.

Ye Chong stood up and walked forward unsteadily. Before he had gone far, a fox girl with a vicious face on the side of the street twisted her body and walked forward, putting her hands on his shoulders, Jiao smiled and said, "Brother, are you drawing a lottery?"

"What?" Ye Chong asked confusedly, "What prize?"


Amidst the coquettish laughter of the fox beast girl, she buried her head in his arms, and whispered softly: "Brother, you are good or bad."


Ye Chong didn't tense all of a sudden, so he didn't spit out his stomach full of good wine.

But soon at the next moment, he seemed to understand something, grinned and said: "Hahaha, sister, you don't think you are the prize, do you?

Got it.

I just like how pitiful you are.

Come, let Gexiang have one. "


For a moment, the sound of charming laughter flew around, and the air became hotter.


Ye Chong didn't dare to mess around.

He quickly launched a limited self-defense counterattack, and then got rid of the entanglement of the fox girl, and walked forward staggeringly.


Yuanci Trade City.

It's a bit like the animal material trading center in Winter City.

It is also a bit like a wholesale market for daily necessities.

In short, if you want to buy and sell things in Yuanci City, coming here is a good choice.

Ye Chong went round and round all the way, and he worked hard.

Soon, a small shop selling metamagnets came into view.

Ye Chong went in and took a look, and was immediately attracted by the exquisite Yuan magnets.

Speaking of which, he originally thought that Yuan magnets were all black, but unexpectedly, they were colorful, with all kinds of colors.

"Sir... what do you want to buy?" The store owner smiled and came forward, looking solid, not knowing which beast clan he came from.

"Find a few stones," Ye Chong looked around, "You have a lot of goods here, can you introduce them?"

"Okay, sir," the store owner pointed to some black metamagnets near the door, "you can see that you are a distinguished customer. I won't talk about these low-grade metamagnets."

Immediately afterwards, he pointed to the black and red metamagnet next to him and said: "Although these are also low-grade metamagnets, the enrichment of metamagnetism is much higher, and naturally they will be much more expensive." few."

"Well," Ye Chong nodded, "Tell me about the price."

"28 origin stone coins per kilogram." The store owner smiled, "Sir, if you want a large quantity, you can get a little cheaper."

"Kilograms? Sell by weight?" Ye Chong asked.

"Yes, sir," the shop owner pointed to the large and small Yuan magnets, "These raw ores can be sold as they are mined, and they cannot be cut, otherwise, the Yuan magnetism will be lost."

"Oh, so that's the reason." Ye Chong nodded, "How big is a kilogram?"

"Hehe, it seems that you don't often come into contact with metamagnets," the shop owner casually picked up a goose egg-sized metamagnet, weighed it, and said, "This is about 1100 grams, which is one kilogram and two taels." .”

"Then how can I know how rich the Yuan magnetism is in the Yuan magnet?" Ye Chong took the Yuan magnet handed over by the other party, and also weighed it up and down, "There is more.

The metamagnetism in different metamagnets should have different textures, right? "

"That's right." The shop owner nodded, "The metamagnets are different in appearance, mainly defined by the quality and quantity of the metamagnetism contained in them.

As for how to judge the phase of the Yuan magnet, it is actually very simple, as long as it is judged from their color.

Black metamagnets are generally of low quality, while red, orange, red and green are of medium quality, cyan and blue are of high quality, and purple is the ultimate metamagnet, which is very rare. "

"Hehe, I've gained a lot of knowledge," Ye Chong said with a smile, "However, I see that some metamagnets in your store are not the same color, and many of them are even colorful. I don't know how to define their appearance?"

"This is very simple," said the shop owner, "It is possible to accumulate different qualities of metamagnetism in the same metamagnetism, which will lead to different colors displayed.

As for how to define the appearance of this colorful metamagnet...

Ha ha.

Under normal circumstances, it is not defined, and they are simply called colorful yuan magnets.

In fact, if you have to define it, in my opinion, the color of the highest quality is naturally the main color, but in terms of actual price, the multi-colored magnets are much worse than the real high-quality magnets. "

"So," Ye Chong nodded, "Pure-color high-grade metamagnets are more valuable."

"That's right," the shop owner said with a smile, "after all, the purer and higher-grade metamagnet, the higher the efficiency, success rate and stability in the application process."

"What are the specific applications?" Ye Chong looked at the other party, "Boss, why don't you talk about it?"

"Hehe, the demand for metamagnets is increasing, precisely because its scope of application is constantly expanding," the shop owner continued, "One of the largest and most common application directions is naturally casting."


In the following time, Ye Chong had a general understanding of the situation of the entire Yuan Magnet.

However, he didn't make a lot of purchases in this store, but bought two low-quality Xiangyuan magnets symbolically, and left in a hurry.

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