Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1904, False feeling



The wind is messy.

Blow your mind.

Ye Chong finally left Lin Dong, but suddenly hesitated.

I don't know if I'm doing this right or wrong?

If the information of his departure is confirmed, he will be easily labeled as a defector.

And once you put on this hat, it might be impossible to take it off again.

Still, it's fine.

Except for a god-level existence like Bao Wang Wang Bao, others should not be able to find him leaving.

Regarding this point, Ye Chong is confident.

But he also knew that if he didn't show up for a long time, it would definitely attract the suspicion and attention of all parties.

The first to bear the brunt is the Winter Bureau of the Imperial Martial Arts Department.

At that time, it's hard to say how they should characterize this matter.

He had done what he had to do.

The rest can only go with the flow.

In the following time, Ye Chong first followed the grass forest, headed northeast of Ling Dong, and after about half an hour, he turned and headed west again.


Ye Chong broke out from a weedy ground, and then he looked in the direction of Yuanci City and moved quickly.

Speaking of which, after Ye Chong knew his life experience, it was impossible for him to choose to remain indifferent.

Now he really wants to see who his parents are?

And why did he leave him in the world to fend for himself?

Did he do something wrong in his infancy, or were his parents not human?

"not human?"

When Ye Chong thought of these words, his heart suddenly felt bitter and tears filled his eyes.

His parents were certainly not human.

He is not human either.

Unexpectedly, the word "person" that he didn't care about at the beginning is like a castle in the air, unattainable at this moment.

No matter what a person does out of the ordinary, he is still a human being, and at most he will bear the infamy of not being human.

If he is not human, no matter what he does, he will not be able to change the fate of not being human.

However, these are no longer important to Ye Chong.

The facts have not changed.

He just wants to know the answer now——

Answers about biological parents.

Otherwise, these will inevitably become nightmares and obstacles on his future development path, making him stagnate.

Ye Chong knew very well that it was useless to find the Tianlong clan.

He had no idea where it was.

Therefore, his only choice now is to go to Night King City.

That's where the Night King is.



"Ha ha."

Ye Chong couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Back then, when he was called Birdman, he was quite happy in his heart.

Even when he was in the Leqing Mountains, he was determined to establish Ye Niaomen, hoping to carry forward his bird-man temperament and image, and become a unique bright pearl in the world.

Unexpectedly, there is God's will in the dark, and it turns out that he is really a beast.

"This world is so strange."

"Why does it give me a fake feeling now."

"It's as if everything was designed."


"I'm fake?"


While thinking wildly, Ye Chong's speed was very fast. Before dawn, he had already entered the Yuanci Valley where the last battle of god-level existences took place.

But the strange thing is that the geographical and landform features in the Yuanci Valley are obviously different from before.

He also found no trace of the aftermath of the war.

Speaking of which, Ye Chong deviated slightly from Yuanci City, and came here first, hoping to pick up some remains of the beast gods from the last war.

Even though those things had been in dilapidated condition for a long time, whether they were disassembled and disposed of in a small mole on the palm of their hands, or directly sold at the Animal Material Trading Center, they could still make him a fortune.

"Have they been taken away?"

Ye Chong frowned, feeling a little disappointed.

But he also knows that the possibility of the human race coming here to collect the remains of the beast god is very slim.

Yes, it should be done by a god-level existence.

On the contrary, the orcs in the nearby Yuanci City are very likely to come here to take away those things.

Ye Chong walked around in the Yuanci Valley, and accidentally found two Yuanci mine pits, which were scattered with some low-grade Yuanci stones, which looked like they had not been mined for a long time.

Ye Chong bent down to pick up a Yuan magnet, looked at the black and not slippery, and shook it on the ground on the other side.


A smaller meta-magnet flew up in an instant and collided with the meta-magnet in his hand.

Ye Chong separated them with his hands, played with them casually, and found that if they approached with different sides, instead of attracting each other, the two metamagnets would generate a strong repulsive force.


This thing is a bit like the magnets I played with before.

However, the magnetic forces between the two are vastly different.

The magnetic force of the magnet is like pure water, which is tasteless and tasteless.

The magnetic force of Yuanci is like fine wine that has been stored for an unknown number of years. It is mellow and soft, but strong and domineering, which makes people have a long aftertaste.

Yuan magnetic...

Not bad. "

Ye Chong smiled slightly, and conveniently sent two Yuan magnets into the small mole on his palm.

After leaving the Yuanci Valley, he went around the nearby Yuanci Forest, but unfortunately, he only found two shriveled sweet roots, which he casually put into the small mole on his palm.

Yuan Magnetic City.

East Gate.

Ye Chong, deified as a low-level beast general and a super fox orc, swaggered into the city.

Soon, he found an inn to live in.

However, he didn't stay in the room for too long. Instead, he bought some food at the Ciba shop next to the entrance of the shop, and then wandered around Yuanci City.

Not to mention, the glutinous rice cake tasted so good that he couldn't help but twitch his index finger and whet his appetite. He felt that he bought less just now.

"Ha ha.

I'll buy some when I go back later.

Anyway, there are a lot of origin stone coins, so keep them. "

As a result, after he hadn't gone far, he was attracted by the inexplicable fragrance again, and couldn't help but step forward, walking deep along a small street.

Both sides of the small street are full of food stalls, just like the snack street in Winter City.

The strangest thing is that the food sold here is actually the common delicacy of the human race, even stinky tofu, and it smells and tastes quite authentic, filled with a strong dry toilet smell.

"The Kazakh culture is terrible. The orcs are learning from the human race in almost every aspect."

Ye Chong looked around, his heart was beyond shocked.

Looking around, everywhere you look, not to mention the food, even the buildings, various decorations, characters, voices, and people coming and going, all have a high degree of similarity with the cities of the human race.

Speaking of which, if he hadn't preconceivedly known that this was the city of the orc race, then he would definitely have regarded it as a city of the human race.

In the following time, Ye Chong was not polite, and ate all the way along the snack street.

While he was feasting his mouth, he was also feasting his eyes.

Yuanci City is much more free and open than a human city. At least [-]% to [-]% of the pedestrians are not wearing clothes, or they might as well not be wearing them, and you can see people looking at them with gusto anytime, anywhere. Exercises.

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