Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1906, Pulse of the Times

That night.

Ye Chong lay sprawled on the big bed in the inn room, his eyes squinted, half asleep and half awake.

From time to time, the corners of his mouth would twitch a few times. Could it be that he was excited or excited?

Not long after, he rolled over and sat up, taking out a cigarette casually.


The cigarette was lit, and he soon drowned himself in a thick cloud of smoke.

Speaking of which, the culture of the Orcs and Kazakhs is prevalent, learning from the good ones, and also learning from the bad ones, and the bad ones learn faster and look better.

For example, smoking is a common phenomenon in Yuanci City. You can smell flue-cured tobacco, mixed tobacco, foreign flavor and big cigars everywhere.

However, since the new era, tobacco has been improved, and thousands of toxic substances in it have been eliminated. On the contrary, many substances that are beneficial to spiritual growth and physical strengthening have been added to it.

These changes have changed the phenomenon of smoking from everyone's screaming to a new fashion trend.

This is true in the human race, and even more so in the orc race.

Some people say that smoke is the pulse of this era.

Some cultivators even take a slanted sword and breathe out specific smoke to achieve the purpose of leap and progress.

Call ~

Ye Chong spit out a smoke ring.

Smoke rings rise up, become bigger and bigger, become fainter, and finally return to nothingness.

Soon, smoke rings gushed out one after another, constantly struggling to keep the shape, but finally dissipated under the pressure of time.

Ye Chong's mouth twitched for no reason.

Suddenly there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, like water vapor, rippling and lingering.

At the next moment, Ye Chong waved his hand lightly, and the smoke immediately dispersed like birds and beasts, and the clarity returned.

"This time I went to Yuanci Trade City to find the right place.

Not only collected a large number of Yuan magnets, but also got a lot of other things.

Especially some exotic flowers, exotic herbs and secret fruits are really eye-opening.

I hope that after these things are cultivated in the small mole space, there will be a good harvest.

It seems that there are still abundant supplies in the depths of the northern border.

But speaking of the biggest harvest of the day...

Ha ha.

Of course it's still there. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and quickly immersed his consciousness in the little mole on his palm.

At this moment, on Origin Stone Island, next to Xiaotian Mountain, there are many metamagnets piled up.

These metamagnets display colorful light, which brings a sense of vitality.

Among them, the cyan and blue metamagnets accounted for the majority, and there were also some purple metamagnets, exuding aura full of brilliance.

In the following time, Ye Chong used his mental power to weave a house, covering Xiao Tianshan and all the Yuan magnets, and then there was a rattling sound in the void, and the power of space was generated out of thin air, and it sank into the mental power house There is no trace of it.

at the same time.


Xiao Tianshan trembled incessantly amidst the roar.

Brings a sense of urgency.

at the same time.

Under the effect of the power of space, those colorful metamagnets seemed to come alive all of a sudden, and began to spin wildly around Xiaotian Mountain in a counterclockwise direction.

As a result, it didn't take long before a colorful mist completely submerged Xiaotian Mountain.

Take a break!

An inexplicable sound came out.

The entire house woven by spiritual power also expands and contracts, and bulges non-stop, as if something is about to break out of the cocoon.

Time passed by minute by minute.


A seemingly invisible crack sounded.

Like an eggshell quietly cracking open.

At this moment, the colorful mist and the houses woven by spiritual power all disappeared, leaving only the small Tianshan Mountain still swaying clockwise.

Ye Chong was stunned, not knowing what happened.

Speaking of which, this is different from his original idea.

The reason why he put the acquired magnetites next to Xiaotian Mountain was not because he did it on purpose, but because Xiaotian Mountain was like a huge magnet, attracting them.

Now that this kind of phenomenon happened, he naturally wouldn't take it lightly, but took advantage of the situation to trap Xiao Tianshan and Yuan Magnet in the spiritual power house, and used space energy to help him, but he didn't expect it to become what it is now .


As soon as Ye Chong's consciousness moved, there was a slight breeze in the space, and the slag powder under Xiaotian Mountain immediately flew with the wind, and fell into the nearby flowers and plants, disappearing without a trace.


Not long after, Xiao Tianshan stopped moving, and stood there in a daze, silently, as if nothing had happened.

"Little Tianshan..."

Ye Chong was a little dazed.

There is no doubt that those Yuan magnets have been absorbed by Xiao Tianshan.

However, it doesn't seem to have changed much, and it feels like the Yuan Magnet has been wiped out.

This point can compete with the Five-colored Golden Pill and Five-colored Golden Lotus in my mind.

But soon after the next moment, Ye Chong frowned slightly and let out a light sigh.


The current Xiaotian Mountain gave him a strange feeling.

But where the blame is, it is unclear.

In short, it is a kind of pressure.

When Ye Chong looked inside Xiao Tianshan, the pressure on him increased significantly.


Can't let Xiao Tianshan out to see what happened? "

Ye Chong looked around and shook his head.

I'm afraid that if Xiao Tianshan is taken out and shaken casually, the whole inn will collapse in an instant.

Compensation, he is not afraid.

But in case of being targeted by the beast god in the city, it will be troublesome.

At that time, whether to fight or not is a problem, and the bigger problem is that because of the commotion in Yuanci City, the Tyrant King Wang Bao may infer that Ye Chong has left Lin Dong.

Of course, this kind of thing is not what Ye Chong wants to see.

Just when he was thinking wildly.

Winter winter!

There was a knock on the door.

Ye Chong was stunned.

I came to Yuanci City alone, do I have any acquaintances here?

Soon at the next moment, the figure of Tyrant King came to mind.

This made him suddenly tense.

Don't be nervous.

If the Tyrant King Wang Bao gets rid of him here without anyone noticing...

Not impossible.

Moreover, no one would doubt the Tyrant King.

Moreover, the conflicts within the human race caused by him, Ye Chong, can be stopped.

The most important thing is that getting rid of his human flag in the land of the orcs will not only blame the orcs, but also inspire the elites of the human race to unite as one, fight against the orcs with high morale.

This is just an analysis of the interests of the human race and the orc race.

If you consider it from the perspective of personal interests...

Tyrant Wang Bao kills him, there is no doubt that he can gain a huge amount of wealth while gaining insight into the secrets of his body. Personally speaking, this temptation is absolutely irresistible.


Ye Chong broke out in a cold sweat.

Winter winter!

The knock on the door was still ringing.

Ye Chong stood still, his body tensed, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who?"

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