Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 176 I Want To Die

I saw six brown-black giant bears standing there dozens of meters away.

They all have white hair on their chests, each of them is more than 5 meters tall, and their eyes are shining brightly.


S3 level monster!

An S3 monster!

There are also four S2 level monsters!


When he saw everything in front of him clearly, the expression of the man in gray changed completely.

Ordinary mutant beasts are like ants in front of him, even if it is a horde of ordinary mutant beasts, he doesn't care.

S1 level monsters are not worth mentioning in front of him.

Even if there are three or five S1 monsters attacking at the same time, he won't show much fear.

However, S2 monsters are different.

They are already equivalent to the level of intermediate martial arts fighters of the human race, and they are equal to him.

It is impossible to be careless in a battle with such a monster of the same level.

However, since he has a warrior's weapon in his hand, fighting with an S2 level monster will at most take a little more time, so there is no problem.

But if you are fighting with several S2 level monsters, it will be a bit troublesome.

If you fight desperately and kill all the S2 monsters, it's not a big problem.

However, it is inevitable that his body will be injured, and it is even possible to suffer serious injuries.

However, the problem now is not only that.

You know, S3 level monsters are equivalent to the existence of high-level martial arts fighters of the human race. Compared with S2 level monsters, they are much stronger.

Relying on the weapon of a warrior, he can barely deal with an S3 level monster.

But if you want to fight with one S3 monster and four S2 monsters, you will definitely lose.

Swish swish!

Before the gray-clothed man could react too much, the six brown demon bears surrounded him.

Ye Chong's expression also changed.

He wanted to run, but he dared not run.

The man in gray didn't even run away, so what?

I am afraid that whoever runs first will become the target of public criticism, and it is impossible to run.

"What the hell!

Why do these giant bears have several crystals in their eyes, and the tallest one should have three.

S3 level monster!

The rest are S2 level monsters!

Ma Dan.

The reason is that triggering a beast swarm can attract several monsters above S1 level to entangle this damn gray-clothed man, so that I can escape calmly.

However, who would have thought that there would be so many S2-level monsters, and there was an S3-level monster inside.

Such a powerful enemy, I am afraid that this guy who wants to kill me will not be easy to deal with, right?

Most importantly, these giant bears don't seem to have low IQs.

This can be seen from the way they look over.


Are they discussing something? "

Ye Chong frowned, and subconsciously grasped the blade of the starry sky.

I saw five S2 level monsters surrounded by S3 level monsters, constantly communicating with each other with their eyes, and from time to time there were whispers of animal language.

"If you don't want to die, join hands with me." The man in gray suddenly glanced at Ye Chong, his face had already turned pale and bloodless, "Otherwise, you will definitely die."

"Well, I know, if I die, you won't die," Ye Chong said with a blank expression on his face, "You can still eat bear's paws in the end."

"..." The man in gray gave Ye Chong a cold look, "That's right! If I fight alone, it will be difficult for me to escape. The brown demon bear is very strong and has a developed IQ, so we must unite, boy, You don't want to die, do you?"

"Think!" Ye Chong shook his head expressionlessly, "It's a death anyway, such a good opportunity, why not die?"

"I died at the hands of the brown demon bear. I was a fighter. If the Nine Martial Academy knew about it, they would appreciate me. That is an honor.

Die in your hands, that is called ambiguity.

It is estimated that with your means, it is possible for me to completely disappear from this world from now on.

If you compare it like this, I seem to be more valuable to die in the mouth of a bear, right? "


The gray-clothed man shook his body, frowned and said:

"I won't kill you today, I'll find a way to get out of here first, what's the problem, we'll talk about it later, what do you think?"

"What? You won't kill me today?" Ye Chong squinted at the other party, "You mean to kill me after getting fat?"

"I..." The gray-clothed man's eyes flashed coldly, and when he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed.

The S3-level brown demon bear grinned and walked towards him swaggeringly, followed by the other three S2-level brown demon bears.

"I won't kill you in the future, how about it?" The gray-clothed man raised his voice, obviously with a trace of haste, "If we don't unite again, we will die together."

"How do you want to unite?" Ye Chong was also a little apprehensive, especially when he saw the giant bears approaching, his face couldn't help changing for a while, "You stop them, I run?"

"..." The gray-clothed man's eyes flashed fiercely, and he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, "You go and distract the S3-level brown demon bears, I will deal with the five S2-level brown demon bears first, and then kill them together." The S3 brown demon bear, listen to me! Otherwise, it will all be over!"

"Shall I lure away the S3-level brown demon bear?" Ye Chong gave him a confused look, "Well, that's a good idea! However, I have a better idea, how about letting me get into its belly If you feed it enough, it probably won’t eat you anymore.”

At this moment, the S3 brown demon bear raised a pair of huge bear paws, slapped its chest a few times, let out a growl, and then rushed straight at the man in gray.

Da da da!

Ye Chong immediately took a few steps back.

no way.

You have to distance yourself from the man in gray.

Otherwise, what if the blood splashes on the body and stains the clothes?

Swish swish!

The other five S5 brown demon bears were not idle either, four of them rushed at the man in gray, and one of them rushed at Ye Chong.

"I go.

These guys have an okay eye.

It was obvious at a glance that my strength was too weak, so only one S2 monster rushed towards me, and the rest rushed to the man in gray.



Then go to war. "


Ye Chong thought so in his head, his feet are not obedient.



Swish swish!

Between the crossing of the two feet, he dodged the attack of the brown demon bear, and then showed his body skills, spinning around against the brown demon bear's body.

It doesn't work if you don't stick to it.

The opponent's speed is fast and his explosive power is strong, and he is a little physically weak now. If there is a real distance, he will be rubbed on the ground by the opponent in a short time.

The brown demon bear who attacked Ye Chong was really mad.

Heart Road:

"What's going on here?

Why is this bear man rubbing against me all the time?

And it's not all about the parts?

Interested in me?

Still trying to take advantage of me? "

The brown demon bear was angry and attacked violently, but he couldn't hit the opponent at all, but hit himself more often, as if he was masochistic.

Ye Chong's movements are simple, practical, efficient and economical.

To put it bluntly.

Like a fly.

You can clearly see it right in front of your eyes, but you just can't hit it, you can't catch it, it makes people feel upset and irritable, and their anger jumps upwards.

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