It was different with the man in gray.

One S3 brown demon bear is the main attacker, and four S2 brown demon bears are besieging. Although they have weapons of warriors in their hands, they are still outstretched and dangerous.

no way.

I can't fight and fight, I can't run away, and there is no one to help, so I can only resist hard.

You know, S2 level monsters are equivalent to intermediate martial arts fighters, and he is at the same level as him. The siege of four S2 level monsters is basically equivalent to four intermediate martial arts fighters ganging up on an intermediate martial arts fighter.

What's more, there is an S3-level monster equivalent to a high-level martial arts fighter as the main attack, so it's no wonder the man in gray is not in a hurry.

Even if he, as a human race, has practiced martial arts, has good combat skills, has a weapon of a warrior, and has rich experience in actual combat, but after all, what he is facing now is a physical condition that is not inferior to him, and even greatly surpasses it. The monster beasts of the beast race work together to besiege, support for a while, but after a long time, they will undoubtedly lose.


The man in gray glanced sideways at Ye Chong, full of indescribable complexities, and even... a hint of longing and expectation.

"Little brother, come here!

You immediately lure away the S3 monsters!

I will destroy the remaining brown demon bears as soon as possible!

At that time, we will work together to destroy the S3 brown demon bear, and we will share all the spoils equally.

Also, little brother, I assure you that after the matter is completed, we will not interfere with the river, and the Mou family will have nothing to do with you from now on! "

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Chong agreed casually, then slid his butt against the brown demon bear's buttocks, plucked out a bunch of hairs with his hand, and then fled to the distance.


The S2-level brown demon bear roared wildly, and rushed towards Ye Chong frantically with a ferocious expression, and heard him yell in panic, "Help!"


The gray-clothed man swayed, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Swish swish!

He tapped the spear forward three times in a row, forcing the S3-level brown demon bear back, and then flew up on tiptoe.


The brown demon bear besieging him was really too tall.

The shortest one is probably more than five meters high.

The gray-clothed man's posture is good, and he rises extremely fast, but the bear's paw, which is the size of a cattail fan, slaps from top to bottom faster.

For a moment, his body rushed upwards, and a bunch of bear paws slapped downwards covering the sky and the sun.


The gray-clothed man turned upside down, stepped on the bear's paw, and danced the spear with both hands, swishing, swishing, and the tip of the spear whirled, drawing a wound on the chest and abdomen of the four S2 monsters.



Immediately, the scene seemed to explode, and every S2 brown demon bear fell into madness and rage.

The S3 brown demon bear slapped its palms on its chest, then let out a crazy roar, and then rushed straight at the man in gray.

The latter had no way to go to the sky, no way to enter the earth, he couldn't help but burst out with blood, his eyes were red, he knew in his heart that it was time to desperately.

At this moment, it is no exaggeration to describe Ye Chong as running around with his head in his arms.

I saw him dodging left and right, staggering, as if he would be pounced by the brown demon bear who was chasing him at any moment.

However, it is also strange to say.

At the last moment, he was always able to speed up suddenly and get out of the opponent's bear's claws. After repeated times, the brown demon bear was completely enraged.

Originally, the brown demon bear stood on two legs no matter whether it was attacking or chasing. Later, what elegance and dignity was needed, it just landed on all fours and returned to its original state, and launched the most ferocious attack on Ye Chong, with a speed of Suddenly accelerated by three points.


What puzzled Xiong was that, looking at the situation just now, as long as he increased his speed a little bit, he would be able to shoot this damned villain in front of him into meat sauce. The time is still a hair's breadth away, and it will never be available.


This brown demon bear is considered crazy.

Not crazy.

mad as hell.

In the end, the brown demon bear's tongue drooped, foaming from its mouth, and it was exhausted.


The brown demon bear stopped chasing, and saw a mutated tiger next to it, sniffing its nose and trying to smell it, but it was slapped by its huge bear paw, and turned into a lump of rotten meat with a groan.

Ye Chong was also extremely tired, bent over, panting heavily.

However, there was a hint of sarcasm in his gaze towards the brown demon bear opposite, as if to say: "You bear thing, are you awesome?"

This brown demon bear is not an ordinary brown bear. After mutation and evolution, not only has its physical fitness been improved like a leap, but its IQ has also made great progress.

It is hard to say whether it can understand human speech now, but it is not a big problem to understand human eyes.

At this moment, the brown demon bear was panting heavily, while furiously furious:

"You damn human, my second uncle's feet were chopped off by you humans and stewed into bear paws.

Falk oil.

I'm going to catch you, little thing today, and eat your palm first, and then chew your little head and melon seeds.

Also, roast your meats as sarees.


I don't know if you have human eggs. It is said that it is a great tonic for us bears. It should be good to eat roasted. "

Ye Chong didn't know what the brown demon bear opposite was thinking, but turned his attention to the battle group in the distance.


He couldn't help frowning.

The gray-clothed man is indeed quite powerful.

In the battle scene in the distance, there was only one person left, one S3 brown demon bear and two S2 brown demon bears. The other two brown demon bears had already fallen to the ground, dead or alive.


Ye Chong glanced sideways at the brown demon bear not far away, and then the corner of his mouth curled up, and he rushed to another battlefield dozens of meters away.

The two brown demon bears lying on the ground were more than 30 meters away from the new battle location.

At this very moment, the gray-clothed man, the S3 brown demon bear and two S2 brown demon bears are chasing after each other without stopping for a moment.

From the outside, the gray-clothed man's complexion was pale, but there was a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth, which showed that he was seriously injured, and he might not last long.

Ye Chong bent down without hesitation, kaka kaka, and directly used the blade of the starry sky to dig into the eyes of the fallen brown demon bear.


Seeing this scene, the man in gray who was running away in a panic couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He roared silently in his heart, and the gaze he looked at the other party was filled with unbelievable complexity.

Ye Chong didn't care so much.

The wages of avarice is death.

Isn't it just death?

Ma Dan.

If you die with money, you will be happy at the last moment, right?

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong dug out the animal's eyes very fast.

Impossible to be unhappy.

The blade of the starry sky is very sharp, and he has dug out so many animal eyes, so he has a lot of experience.

What's more, they are now digging out the animal eyes of the S2 brown demon bear.

Speaking of it, this is not digging for fun, but digging points, wealth, and a bright future.

Can this not be fast?

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