Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 175 The Confidence of Mystery

When Ye Chong was thinking wildly, his body became heavier and heavier, his footsteps were sloppy, and his face showed exhaustion.

Thousands of beasts roared behind them again, wishing they could be the first to swallow this fresh delicacy of his.

To be honest, Ye Chong really couldn't hold on anymore.

Also at this time.


Suddenly something flew over from the big tree in the front left, as fast as lightning, heading straight for his face.

Ye Chong raised his left hand, and the Starry Sky Blade in his hand slapped on the guy's body, making a muffled sound.

Seeing the opponent falling sharply, Ye Chong touched the ground with his left foot, his body suddenly accelerated, and rushed forward to the right.

However, something unexpected happened.

The thing that just fell to the ground kicked its feet, and flew towards him again at a speed that was three minutes faster than before, aiming at the back of his head.

Ye Chong froze, drew his knife and slashed back, hitting the opponent's body with a click.

At the same time, the hula la of the beasts that followed him surrounded him.

Swish swish!

The blade of the starry sky slashed left and right, followed by a big roundabout.




The three mutated beasts near the side were all broken into several pieces, blood spattered and spurted wildly.

Immediately, all the mutant beasts surrounding him stopped attacking and roared at him.


This is?

Ye Chong narrowed his eyes and looked at the mutant beast that attacked him just now.

At first glance, it looks like a husky, but with a red head.

At this very moment, the monster's head was separated from its body, and there were still crystal lights flickering in a pair of faint green eyes.

Eye Crystal!

S1 level monster!

Ye Chong's face brightened.

Immediately, he moved his hands and put all the two fragments of the beast into the military nano bag.

The mouth of the military nanobag is very large, and there is a drawstring on it. Ye Chong pulled the rope, then lowered his head, and carried the military nanobag directly on his back.

At this moment, countless mutant beasts surrounded him. Although the beasts hadn't launched an attack yet, it was impossible for him to leave calmly.

no way.

Too much.

Big and big.


Ye Chong held the knife in both hands, and thought, at this time, it would be impossible not to kill a bloody path.

"The wages of avarice is death.

You are like this, but you haven't forgotten to pick up the materials of the monsters, so you are also a money-grubbing master.

Ha ha.

I just don't know if you are such a greedy person, do you have anything valuable on you? "

When the man in gray uttered the first sentence, he was still a hundred meters away, and when he finished the last sentence, he had already landed in the arena amidst the wild roars of the beasts.

Swish swish!

The blade of the starry sky in Ye Chong's hand slashed around, and he took a big step back, his face also changed a few times.

Heart Road:

"Why is this guy so fast?

It seems that there is no fear of the existence of these mutant beasts at all.

If he went all out just now, he might not be able to catch up with me.

Waiting until now to make a move, do you think I am at the end of my strength, or am I afraid that I will be torn to pieces by these mutant beasts, leaving him with nothing? "

Ye Chong stared at the other party without saying a word.

He knew very well in his heart that at this time, it was useless to say more words.

Everyone is not a child, and it is clear that the only way to solve the problem now is fists, not nonsense.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be quite smart, you know how to take advantage of the situation.

However, it is a pity.

Do you think you can get rid of me by letting these stupid little beasts follow you?

If you think so, it can only mean that you are still young and don't understand what it means to be a martial artist.


You don't see me standing here, is there any difference? "

Ye Chong narrowed his eyes, and saw the mutant beasts behind the gray-clothed man. For some reason, they were all retreating quietly. Their eyes were white and full of fear.

"These mutated beasts are just like ants in front of me. Don't you think it's too naive to use them to escape my pursuit?" The gray-clothed man smiled coldly, and pointed at Ye Chong with a gun in his left hand, " The gap between the realms of martial arts is like a chasm in the sky, and it cannot be crossed with a single passion."

"Childish?" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "It's been a long time since anyone said this to me. The person who said this to me last time has already turned into a pile of loess, right?"

"Hey, you seem to be very confident." The gray-clothed man had a playful look on his face, "You're so confident, it's incomprehensible."

"I don't know if I'm childish or not, I don't know if I'm confident or not." Ye Chong looked around with his lips curled up, "But I understand that in this forest, there are so many mutant beasts fighting on their own. The group suddenly formed a beast tide, and the movement made will definitely not be small."

When he said this, Ye Chong looked at the other party with a half-smile, and then said:

"Speaking of which, you are also a fan of self-confidence, which is very interesting.

How can you think that I launched the beast tide just for you?

Hehe, if an expert like you encounters a beast horde of this scale in the big forest, he may come and leave calmly without being affected in the slightest.

So, maybe you think too much?

And, you'd better think about it now.

Otherwise, there is probably no chance. "


The gray-clothed man's face changed suddenly, and he looked around instantly, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Ye Chong smiled slightly and said:

"Do you think these mutated beasts are ordinary beasts from before?

Don't you think that thinking like this is too underestimating their IQ?

Also, do you think these mutant beasts are just a bunch of mobs?

But have you ever thought that monsters above S1 level all evolved from these rabble?

Ha ha.

If I were you, I would think that the actions of these mobs would be noticed by people who are not mobs.

and so……

Do you think it is necessary to continue to pretend? "


The gray-clothed man pointed his spear forward, and said with a sinister smile:

"Sure enough, you are a master at cultivating spiritual power. You are dying, and you still want to mess with my mind. Okay, then I will send you on your way early, so as not to give me any trouble."

Immediately afterwards, I saw the man in gray holding the gun in both hands, shaking it slightly, and stabbing straight at Ye Chong.

Ye Chong was a little nervous.

The difficulty of this guy on the other side was far beyond his expectations.

Just now he wanted to disturb the other party's mind with words, but he didn't expect to be seen through in one fell swoop, and suddenly launched an attack.

At this moment, Ye Chong was already mentally and mentally exhausted, how could he dare to fight hard with the other party.

He knew very well in his heart that what the other party said was "difficult to bridge the gap between realms" is indeed a fact, and no one can defeat the strong with the help of passion.


Ye Chong frowned, and the blade of the starry sky slammed upwards. There was a loud bang, which made his arms go numb, and he took three steps back.

The mutated beast behind him stepped back, roaring.

At the same time, the man in gray was advancing instead of retreating. He swung his gun and slapped his head down in an instant, clearly showing a posture of head-on confrontation.

At this time, the mutant beasts around them broke up amidst howls.

The gray-clothed man suddenly turned around, and suddenly his face became a little ugly.

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