Ye Chong perched on the giant tree, of course he saw the scene of Mou Laosan rushing into Shekou.

Speaking of which, when he saw everything clearly, his body trembled for a while.

S1 level monster!

That big snake must be an S1 level monster.

Its size is much larger than the mutated siren snake encountered during the Yingdao trial. If it wasn't an S1 level monster, how could an ordinary mutated snake grow so big?

Most importantly, under the reflection of the sun, the guy's eyes flickered with crystals.

Eye Crystal!

In each eye, there is an eye crystal.

This is enough to prove that that guy is an S1 monster.


A group of mutated wolves howled a few times, then turned around and fled in a desperate manner, and each wolf left with its tail between its legs. From time to time, they would turn their heads to look, as if they were afraid that they would accidentally suck the other into their mouths. middle.

The mutant eagle has a fast reaction speed and a high IQ.

The moment he saw the S1 monster snake, he rushed out sideways, took off on the momentum, and swat into the sky.

The huge S1 monster snake sat cross-legged on the spot, with its head held high, quietly looking at the dense forest in the valley.

Although Mou Laosan had two calves cut off by Ye Chong, his fat body weighs nearly three hundred catties. Although the S1 monster snake is big, he has to digest and rest for a while after eating such a large amount of food of.

At least you have to burp and fart, otherwise it will be inconvenient to move.

Ye Chong took a long breath, then shrank his neck, and cursed secretly:

"Damn it.

How did you attract such an S1 monster?

Speaking of it, I really don't want to deal with this kind of thing.

His whole body is slippery and covered with a layer of scales. He is indestructible and has amazing mobility. Once he is entangled, he can't even get out.

The key is that the snake's mouth is difficult to entangle.

The mutated siren snake encountered during the Yingdao trial also had fangs, but the number was small, like two upper and lower ones.

The current end, from a distance, looks like a fucking crocodile's mouth, full of fangs, criss-crossing.

The key is that the snake letter that it spits out from time to time, how come it looks more and more like a jet of sharp sword?

Forget it.

Forget it.

I'd better follow the traces of those mutated wild boars, first look for black truffles, let's talk about the S1 level monsters and so on.

There is still time, isn't it? "

Just as Ye Chong was about to descend from the tree, he suddenly subconsciously glanced at a big tree in the distance, his eyebrows frowned, and hesitation appeared on his face.

"Mou Bao's ability is still there, and he has a lot of experience.

He has been hiding in that tree, and used potions to eliminate the bloody smell, fearing that ordinary mutant beasts would not be able to discover his existence.

With this ability alone, it is not surprising that he survived.

But, do I just let him go?

Or go up and make up for it?

Or just wait a little longer and see if he recruits a follower?


Wait for other mutant beasts to discover him, and then destroy him?

In short, the matter has come to this point, and it is impossible to let him go. "

At this time, the big snake in the valley on the south side suddenly moved, and turned to look southeast.

The weeds that were as tall as a man were divided, and a big man with a spear walked out of it.

This person was dressed in gray clothes, of medium build, neither fat nor thin, and even had a slightly elegant face, but it gave people a sense of arrogance and domineering might.

Even at such a distance, Ye Chong could still feel the murderous aura emanating from the other party.


The big snake immediately raised its head high, and kept poking forward, as if it would attack at any time.

The man in gray holds a gun in his left hand, the handle of the gun is tucked under his armpit, and the point of the gun points upwards obliquely. The whole person stands still, like a mountain standing forever.


Ye Chong narrowed his eyes.

With this momentum, it is estimated that he is at least an intermediate martial arts fighter.


I don't know where the master is?

It would be great if it was a teacher from Jiuwu Academy, maybe we should make friends with him.




Now that I have just eliminated the disciples of the Mou family, the matter of making friends will be avoided, right?

However, it is also good to appreciate the rare good show of the battle between humans and snakes.

I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with S1 monster snakes?


The gun in his hand should also be a warrior's weapon, right? "


The big man fumbled in his pocket with his right hand, took out his mobile phone, glanced at the big snake, and connected the call.

Ye Chong couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, thinking, it's good to be strong. When the battle between humans and snakes was at a critical moment, he still had the time to answer the phone, obviously he didn't pay attention to the S1 monster snake.

It's true to say that, seeing the big snake as if facing an enemy can also explain the problem.

At this time, Mou Bao's voice sounded from the big tree tens of meters away from Ye Chongda.

"Teacher, I'm in the forest, my legs are broken, come and save me."

"Okay, I'll kill this little snake and go there." The gray-clothed man glanced sideways at the dense forest expressionlessly, with a meaningful look in his eyes, "You... hold on for a while, and you'll be fine soon."

After the gray-clothed man put down the phone, his body swayed, and the spear in his hand buzzed and slapped the big snake.

At the same time, the latter opened his bloody mouth and bit the gray-clothed man fiercely, sending out a foul smell.

Ye Chong frowned, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

After the recovery of aura, due to the evolution of the human body and the change of the media, people's hearing and smelling abilities have been greatly improved.

Mou Bao's voice was very low, but Ye Chong could hear him clearly.

Although the man in gray was far away, he could hear everything he said.


Uh teacher from Nine Martial Arts Academy?

Or the teacher of the Mou family, a martial arts family in the martial arts world?

What the hell!

There seems to be no difference?

The key point is that Mou Bao is very familiar with this gray-clothed man.

Could it be that this master is the successor of the Mou family's children?

not good!

It's over! "

At this time, Ye Chong didn't have the guts to appreciate the battle between humans and snakes, only to see him flying down the tree with a swish.

Followed by.

Swish swish!

A few rushed to the tree where Mou Bao was hiding.

"What are you doing? My teacher..."

In the middle of Mou Bao's speech, he saw the long knife in Ye Chong's hand slashing through the air.


The blade of the starry sky is so powerful that it cuts people and trees in two.


Ye Chong put the saber back into its sheath, and then headed straight to the northeast without looking back. Along the way, dead branches and trees rattled.

After walking straight for a hundred meters, Ye Chong suddenly lowered his voice, turned around lightly, and began to move quickly towards the northwest.

At this time, there was a strange roar from the valley to the south, which made people's scalp tingle when they heard it.

Not a moment later, under the broken tree where Mou Bao was hiding, the gray-clothed man held a gun in his left hand and tilted his back, looking at Mou Bao who had fallen dead on the ground, standing still and silent.

Soon, he looked to the northeast, and then an intriguing smile appeared on his face, as if a monkey met a dog, and like a dog met a cat.

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