Ye Chong galloped along the trail left by the mutated wild boar.

Soon he crossed the gap in the small valley and entered the dense forest.

The forest he was in now was not the sparse woods it had been not long ago.

The trees here are high and low, and the interior is gloomy and gloomy. Coupled with the mist and strange noises from time to time, it can't help but give people a feeling of fear and uneasiness.

Before entering this forest, Ye Chong had an urge to return to the capital city.

But there is a problem.

It’s definitely not possible to go back the same way. The teacher Mou Bao said is probably looking for him everywhere, isn’t he looking for death if he takes the initiative to throw himself into his arms?

Turning from the northwest to the southwest and going back and forth will not work either.

There were some violent roars coming out there all the time, probably there were many monsters above S1 level.

With the help of the Starry Sky Blade, he is not afraid of S1 monsters with one or two heads, but what if there are a group of them?

At that time, I am afraid that there will be no chance to escape.

It would not work to break out from the northeast and then circle back to the capital city.

It happened to be the route that the teachers and students of the Nine Martial Arts Academy passed through in the legend. It might not be safe, and if you want to detour there, you have to go through several dangerous places that were previously inaccessible. He is not interested in exploring there.

You can't retreat, you can't go around, Ye Chong can only move forward now, and he dare not slow down.

The gray-clothed man's ability to kill an S1 monster snake in such a short period of time already speaks for itself.

It is estimated that this guy was an intermediate martial arts fighter at the very least, and he had to be in peak condition.

Otherwise, even with the weapon of a warrior, it would not be so easy to kill the S1 demon snake.

Such a master is not only high in strength, but also in body skills, speed, marksmanship, experience and various skills.

It's not that easy to slip away from such a person's nose.

Ye Chong understood in his heart.

Things have come to this point, and there are not many choices in front of him.

The only correct choice that can be seen now is to continue to go deep into the big forest in front of him, and first find a way to get rid of the man in gray.

For the next period of time, Ye Chong kept advancing along the zigzag route, and accelerated his speed.

It's just that there are too many mutant beasts in this big forest.

Big and small, all kinds of strange things, and the combat power is not low.

It's not easy to avoid these guys.

Since you can't avoid it, you have to fight. In this way, there will be a lot of movement.

For an expert like the man in gray, he might be able to hear it from a long distance, it is like his guiding light.

"It can't go on like this.

It's a deadly rhythm.

If you don't go far, you will run into a damned mutant beast.

Even if you don't fight against each other, you can't hold back the yelling and chasing.

With such a loud noise, it was impossible to avoid the pursuit of the man in gray.

If it goes on like this, it may even attract monsters from the depths of the forest.

When the time comes, I will not be able to escape in this big forest where I am not familiar with life.

But then again, what if the man in gray didn't come after me at all?

Then what am I afraid of?

Is there any point in running around like a headless chicken like now? "

When thinking of this, the corners of Ye Chong's mouth twitched, and he thought, I can't lie to myself, so I better stop talking.

When Mou Bao called him at that time, a lot of information was revealed between the words of the two parties.

Basically, it can be judged that the reason why the gray-clothed man entered the Leqing Mountains this time was probably to kill him, Ye Chong.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a coincidence.

In the following time, after Ye Chong managed to escape the pursuit of a group of mutant beasts that looked like groundhogs, he suddenly came to a giant red forest.

"It's very quiet here.

Maybe I should find a place to rest.

If he continued running like this, even if the gray-clothed man didn't rush over, if he encountered a monster above S1 level, he might have no way to escape.

Really fighting with high-level monsters here, the movement is even more important, and it will cause even greater troubles.

and so……

Maybe it's time to find a place to hide from the limelight. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong looked around, and quickly used his hands and feet to climb towards the top of a giant tree about 60 to [-] meters high, which was as thick as five people surrounded by people.

Sure enough, there is indeed a natural tree hole at a height of more than 30 meters from the ground.

After Ye Chong stepped in, he couldn't help but look happy.

Very smooth.

About three square meters.

The height is two meters.

There is no problem lying down or sitting cross-legged in it.

The most important thing is that this tree hole is hidden among the branches and leaves. If you don't observe carefully, you may not be able to find it.

What the hell?

There is no way.

There is no better choice now.

After Ye rushed into the tree hole, he specially adjusted the branches and leaves outside to make the tree hole more hidden.

In the following time, he put the blade of the starry sky to his side, then lay down with his hands on the pillow, and quickly closed his eyes.


The feeling of running away is the worst.

However, with my current strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand a single blow in front of the man in gray.

not running?

That is courting death.

And it's not a good way for me to stay in this tree hole now.

I can bear with eating, drinking and lassing.

However, it will definitely not work after a long time.

Not to mention anything else, the smell of a human body is really irritating to the orcs. Even if I deliberately cover it up, sooner or later the mutated beasts will detect it.

It doesn't sound good.

This is like eating salted fish in the past. It is estimated that there will be flies coming from nowhere when it is placed on the table.

Hey, I'm not a salted fish, but the current situation is similar.

I will emit a smell like a salted fish, attracting the attention of mutant beasts and even monsters.


Running is not a long-term solution for me.

For me, hiding is also a helpless move.

It seems that only by improving my strength can I live a better life. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong's hand touched the blade of the starry sky, and his mind began to flash and change constantly.

"Sword technique?

With the blade of the starry sky, it is impossible for me to use it as an ordinary knife.

It is pure blasphemy and waste to use the sword technique in martial arts to control the weapons of warriors.

What I have to do now is to find a good sword technique from the information on the dark website to practice.

Only in this way can my strength improve in a short period of time.

It's just a pity that there are not many martial arts skills related to sword skills deep in my memory.

Speaking of which, if you practice the Starry Sky Blade as a sword, there are quite a few corresponding skills.

However, swordsmanship?

Forget it, it's not for me.

And the knife technique...

There are only three books I can see.

The first is "Lightning Eight Swords".

The second book is "A Sea of ​​Swords".

The third book is "Destruction of Heaven and Earth".

Among them, "Lightning Eight Swords" emphasizes on the basis of fusing body skills with quick strikes. In the process of practicing sword skills, one is also sharpening one's body and body skills. This knife skill has good practicality.

The other book "Sword Sea Cross Flow" is actually a group attack knife method, which is intended to eliminate those close enemies during the process of being besieged.

The name of the third book "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" sounds domineering and arrogant, but it is by no means so simple and rude. "

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