Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 168 Go in and hide 1 hide

Ye Chong understood very well.

Now that he has already formed a relationship with a martial arts family like the Mou family, it is simply a dream to turn hostility into friendship.

Even if he wanted to be subdued, the other party would do everything possible to pinch him to death.

Instead of trying to survive in a humble way, it's better to be tough and have a fight with the other party.

What's more, his character is originally full of arrogance, afraid of a bird?

The Mou family made trouble for him time and time again, but this time they wanted to follow him and silence him.

Then why does he hesitate?

Originally, according to his idea, he just tried the blade of the starry sky and used these guys to perform blood sacrifices.

But on second thought, no.

Although this way of handling is happy, it is a temporary happiness, not a long-term solution.

What if someone behind these people wants to trouble him?

If it can't be wiped out all at once, I'm afraid that there will be constant troubles, and even walk around without food.

At the very least, he needs to know if anyone else is coming to trouble him because of the Mou family.

He is not afraid of an open and aboveboard battle, but at worst, he will be killed, and if he wants to blame it, he will blame himself for his lack of strength.

But what if someone wants to lay a black hand on him?

How to prevent this?

Hiding in a dark room all day and not coming out?

I'm afraid I can't prevent it.

"Who is the black shadow that appeared on the terrace of 3691 that night?

Why is this person outside my room?

Does this guy have anything to do with the Mou family?

If so, what was he trying to do at the time?

If it doesn't matter, why don't you dare to meet?


If you don't take this opportunity to find out the people behind the disciples of the Mou family, you will miss the opportunity.

Even if I think too much, I have nothing to lose.

The bloody aura of the human race is extremely strong, especially the people in martial arts, who are even more bloody. In this world of the orc race, I am afraid that it will soon attract countless mutant beasts.

At that time, there is no need for me to do it. It is estimated that these Mou family children will die without a place to bury them with their legs helpless.

I hope they can make a final struggle before they die.

Hey, I don't believe that these guys only have one mobile phone and no backup contact information?

They are the martial arts family, they shouldn't be so stupid, right? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong suddenly raised his head and looked up, and saw a dozen big birds hovering back and forth above the sky, maintaining an attacking state.

"All right.

I hope that these baits from the Mou family can not only draw out whether there is anyone behind me who wants to fight against me, but also help me attract an S1 level monster.

In that case, even if no black truffles were found, it would be a worthwhile trip to complete mission 007 and bring back some S1-level monster materials.

But the problem is...

It's better not to use the S1 monster bird in the air, right?

That thing doesn't look very easy to deal with. "


In the air, a big bird the size of a car folded its wings and swooped down.

Followed by.


There were frantic screams from under a big tree in the south.

In a short while, the big bird didn't even have a run-up, and it flew up from the spot, grabbing a thin half-human under its huge claws.

"Mu Ying?

That skinny guy who likes to perform Eagle Claw Kungfu?

Well, it's interesting.

Mou Ying was caught high in the sky by the mutated eagle. It looked like an eagle catching a young eagle. He had studied eagles all his life, and now that he was in the stomach of an eagle, he died a worthy death.

But the problem is, screaming is wrong, shouldn't it be happy? "

Seeing a mutated hawk catch its prey, the remaining dozen or so mutated hawks acted simultaneously.

Most of the mutated eagles swooped down and headed straight for the woods on the south side.

The remaining two mutated eagles viciously threw themselves at Mou Ying who was still struggling wildly.


Ye Chong opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Not suitable, right?

Under normal circumstances, or before the new era, birds of prey in the air, such as birds of prey such as eagles, eagles, and sea dongqings, ate food on the ground.

Because in that way, the prey can be fixed with the claws, so that the meat can be torn with the mouth without any effort, and can be eaten happily.

But now?

These mutated eagles are very unrefined, elegant and refined, and can even be said to be extremely barbaric.

The mutated eagle that was holding Mou Ying fluttered its wings and flew high, while lowering its head and violently pecking at Mou Ying's head.

Fuck, it feels like eating watermelon.

The other two mutated hawks attacked one after the other, one went straight to Mu Ying's plump buttocks, and the other went straight to Mu Ying's abdomen.

Ye Chong looked at it in a daze.

"My Nima!

It turns out that these guys like life so much, they can't wait to find a place to eat slowly.

The key is……


what is that?

Where did you get the rope? "


Ye Chong didn't know what to think of, he opened his mouth wide, so as not to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Soon, he lowered his head, not daring to look up.

Can't see.

So disgusting.


Looking from a distance, Mou Laosan's remnant body has left the edge of the forest, with his hands on the ground, he is galloping out in the valley.

Don't look at just walking with two hands, the speed is really not slow.

Swish swish!

It should be a little faster than ordinary people running.


There are many things that follow him.

The three mutated eagles don't need wings any more, they throw off their claws and run forward. Looking at them at this time, they look a bit like emus, but they are several times bigger than ordinary emus, and they can be arrogant to describe the giant bird.

However, these three birds are not the only ones.

There is also a group of tall and wide mutant wolves.

too big.

It was much larger than the original Avorika's bison, with its fangs exposed and menacing.

This group of mutated wolves didn't care about rounding up Mou Laosan at all, but all rushed towards the three mutated eagles.




The three mutated eagles were also afraid, and almost took off several times.

But whenever they saw the meat balls not far away exuding a tempting aroma and flying, they gave up their plans to leave.

no way.

Life is really wonderful.

For the sake of life, let yourself go and fight for it.

Mou Laosan ran forward desperately, and his two calves and feet were already thrown away.

If he hadn't used his left calf to attract the attention of the pack of wolves with his quick wit, and then threw his right calf to the mutant eagle, then he wouldn't have had the chance to escape victoriously amidst the screams.

Although I don't have two calves now, it also reduces the burden, doesn't it?

The most important thing is that the mutated wolves and mutated eagles are fighting each other. If we don't speed up at this time and escape the crisis in one fell swoop, when will we wait?

Swish swish!

Mou Laosan's eyes sparkled, and he suddenly accelerated.

I am running.


There is a hole in front?

Go in and hide?

Before Mou Laosan could make up his mind, the big hole in front of him rushed forward and swallowed Mou Laosan with a whoosh.



Ka Ka Ka!

The three mutated eagles and a group of mutated wolves all braked suddenly.

They looked at a huge snake that was tens of meters long and thicker than a water tank in front of them, with a dazed look on their faces.

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