Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 162 No chance to return

When Ye Chong thought of this, he touched the card on the sensor, took out the military vest, looked it up and down twice, and then put it on, his face couldn't help being overjoyed.

"I didn't expect that this waistcoat fits well and is very comfortable.

Best of all, this thing is light and the pockets are incredibly deep.

Even if you put the military nanobag you bought just now into it, it's fine.

Moreover, there is a fully enclosed waterproof pocket inside the vest. In the future, I can put the campus card in it, which is convenient and safe. "

While stuffing things into the military vest, Ye Chong inadvertently drew a satisfied arc at the corner of his mouth.

Swish swish!

The slight sound of the window opening attracted a lot of attention.

"This person has already bought one thing just now, and now he buys it again. It's really not bad money."

"You don't know him? Crazy Ye Ye Chong, during the double selection yesterday, this guy made a big fuss in the double selection of the Martial Arts Department, but was awarded 20 points by Director Bao. He is really not short of money."

"He bought a military nano bag just now, and now he is interested in military vests. These are all things I like, but I am not willing to buy them. Hehe, let's save the points for weapons."

"It's not appropriate to change weapons.

I think it is most important to use points to improve your hard power.

Using it to buy equipment and weapons is really not as good as exchanging for a few better pills before breaking through, so that you can safely break through to a warrior, and then stabilize your realm. This is the most important thing.

After all, the realm is what truly belongs to oneself.

Hehe, I think that all behaviors that do not use points for breakthroughs are unwise impulses.

That's the devil, you can't help it. "

"A better pill?

Are you sure that with this few points, you can buy top-grade pills?

I'm afraid that even if there are high-grade pills in the elixir of the Martial Arts Refining Department, we can't afford them with just a few points.

Let's be more pragmatic. "

"You are stealing the concept.

I have never said that a better pill is a top-grade pill.

No matter what level of pill, as long as it is top-grade, the price will be sky-high. Of course, we can't afford it, and there is no need to buy it.

For breakthrough warriors, primary middle-grade pills are enough, and their price is only one-fifth of the price of similar primary top-grade pills.

As long as we don't waste points randomly, it's still affordable. "


Although Ye Chong heard the discussion nearby, he didn't pay attention to it. Everyone has their own ideas and plans. There is no right or wrong, as long as it fits their own reality.

However, when he suddenly saw the male teacher in his 30s approaching, he quickly clicked on the screen of his mobile phone, and then looked at the closing window.

The male teacher in his thirties passed by blankly, and walked towards another person who opened the window.


There was a slight commotion all around.

Obviously, Ye Chong's move to purchase two items in a short period of time brought them a lot of excitement.

Now that he had bought the vest, Ye Chong was not polite, he took off his coat and put the vest inside.

Then he tidied up the items on his body again, put all the things that could be put into the vest, and then took a few steps forward, a faint smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

There is not a small space in the ordinary standard weapon arsenal. Ye Chong has already bought two things, but he only visited a little over a third of them.

However, he really enjoyed the feeling of leisurely strolling, and would stop in front of a certain window from time to time to quietly admire the items in it.

After ten minutes.


Ye Chong looked astonished, and looked at a window next to him.

There is a piece of clothing hanging inside. At first glance, it looks like a one-piece overalls, and it is also a black color. I don’t know if the maker likes this color, or it is for the sake of invisibility.

In small print next to it read:

Military wing suit, the price is 13500 points.

Military Wingsuit, also called Military Wingsuit or Military Wingsuit, belongs to special skydiving equipment, which can help the human body to fly down from high altitude by itself.

Insulation and cold protection.

Good water resistance.

Good buoyancy.


Lightweight and practical.

Easy to carry.

"Interesting, there is such a thing.

I'm afraid it's inconvenient to wear, and it's easy to be caught off guard in an emergency.

Another one, I bring a lot of things, it will inevitably be cumbersome.

Also, the price doesn't look too pretty, it's expensive.

Ma Dan.

When will I be able to become a real master and be able to fly in the air without relying on these external things? "


Ye Chong still couldn't hold back, and directly touched the card to the sensor, and the window immediately began to open slowly.

Several male and female students nearby made noises at the same time.

No wonder.

Once you open the window, you really want to buy it, otherwise, who wants to be deducted points for nothing?

"Ye Chong's shopping is too casual, isn't it? With a little effort, he bought three things, and they are all dispensable military equipment. He really doesn't know how to live."

"Hehe, Xiao He, why don't you try to persuade him? It's best to let him take care of points, money, etc. in the future. Our Xiao He will definitely be able to take care of it in an orderly manner, right?"

"Fuck you, Yilin, I think you should come forward and talk to him, hee hee, since you entered the armory, your eyes have never left his house, you are always blushing, are you ashamed?"

"Xiao He, I see you talking nonsense..."



Just as the girls were laughing, a male teacher in his 30s walked over and shouted in a low voice:

"If you don't want to stay here, get out!"


The scene immediately fell silent.

Ye Chong couldn't help laughing.

However, he didn't dare to really laugh, for fear that those girls would cry.

Seeing the fierce male teacher in his 30s looking at him again, Ye Chong clicked on his phone without hesitation. When the window began to close, he stuffed a stack of general wingsuits into the military vest.

Don't say it, you can really squeeze it in.

I just wonder if the military wingsuit made of this light and thin material can help people to fly by themselves?

Ye Chong understood in his heart.

If this kind of thing is bought as a fake, then there is no chance of returning it.

After wandering around the ordinary standard weapon arsenal for another ten minutes, he still resisted the urge to purchase and left here.

There is no way, if he continues to buy and buy like this, he will become very cumbersome.

Another point.

The male teacher in his thirties stared at him lingeringly, which made Ye Chong afraid even if he wanted to buy something.

Ma Dan.

The teacher's eyes are wrong.

When he took a look at her, even her cheeks ached.

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