Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 161 Procurement

There are many weapons in the ordinary standard weaponry, such as knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, forks, hammers, sniper crossbows, combined bows, and some weird weapons that cannot be named at all.

These weapons are big or small, heavy or light, long or short, hard or soft. There are many types and different patterns. They give people a dazzling feeling when viewed from a distance.

Interestingly, in addition to these weapons, Ye Chong also discovered something that surprised him.


All kinds of gear.

Such as shields, marine boots, binoculars, night vision goggles, climbing ropes, defensive armor, field clothing and so on.

Looking at these things, Ye Chong couldn't help but smile slightly.

"It's quite interesting.

This is to move all the equipment of the Marine Corps before the spiritual recovery, right?

Speaking of it, it's really enough.

Anything you can think of, I'm afraid you can find it here.

Hehe, it's no wonder that in the arsenal of the Nine Martial Arts Academy, a common standard arsenal is specially set up.

It turns out that there are many things in it that can really be used. "

Da da da!

After Ye Chong wandered around the huge hall for half a circle, his eyes suddenly lit up and he stopped.

Soon, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he quietly looked at an item in the display window.

Military nano bags.

It looks black and is only the size of an adult's fist.

There are a few lines of small characters written next to it.

Name: Military nano bag.

Price: 10000 points.

Function: stretchable and stretchable 100 times, strong heat preservation, can store water and things.

"10000 points?

This thing is not cheap.

Still, at 100 times the size of your fist, it doesn't look too bad.

Even if one animal eye is the size of a fist, then this military nano bag can hold 100 animal eyes, that is, 50 mutant beasts.

Ma Dan.

This storage capacity is terrifying.

At least it's much better than the backpack I'm using now.

And, best of all, this military nano bag doesn't take up much space.

When not in use, simply put it in any pocket, or put it in a backpack.

Take it out when you need it, it can store water and things, which is very good. "


Ye Chong touched the display window sensor with his card, and the display window opened slightly, revealing the military nanobag.


The phone vibrates.

He picked it up and saw that there was a text message saying that 10000 points would be deducted for pre-authorization.

Ye Chong smiled slightly, shook his head, and said in his heart, it's cruel enough to deduct it so quickly.

"If you say that, this military nano bag is mine?

However, according to the reminder next to it, if I don’t like it and put it back in the display window, 9900 points will be returned on my card, and the 100 points deducted are the handling fee.


It turned out to be such a design.

This avoids messing around, and only when you encounter something you really like, will you try to deduct the loss of the handling fee and take it out for a look.

That's right.

Whether it is the arsenal, or people who visit and want to buy weapons and equipment, they are all acceptable, avoiding many unnecessary conflicts.

Even if a lot of people poured into the arsenal, it wouldn't be chaotic.

Because when a person swipes the card to take out the item, the item belongs to this person, and other people can only choose to watch and wait.

Or go grab it?

That is robbing private property, which will be severely punished by the ten disciplines of Jiuwu Academy.

Not bad.

So, now, what should my options be? "

With a smile on the corner of Ye Chong's mouth, he held the military nano bag over and over again to look at it, then squeezed it lightly with his hand, and the size suddenly became smaller again, then he reached into the bag and tugged it a few times casually.

"Student, the military nanobag is not completely yours now, so you'd better not touch it in this way," a male teacher who appeared to be in his 30s walked over, "Of course, you also You can tap confirmation on your phone and the transaction will be completed.”


Ye Chong stopped what he was doing, turned on the phone, and there was indeed another text message on it, which meant:

If you confirm the purchase now, click Confirm and the transaction is complete.

If it is put back in the window within 5 minutes, the system scans and checks that it is correct, deducts 100 points, returns 9900 points, and cancels the transaction.

If within 5 minutes, there is no click to confirm, nor is it put back in the window, the window will be closed automatically, and the transaction will be completed by default.

"Sorry, teacher, I didn't notice just now," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I will click to confirm."

After speaking, Ye Chong tapped his finger on the phone screen, and the window in front of him was closed quietly. The teacher in his 30s nodded, put his hands behind his back, turned and left.

Ye Chong held the black military nano bag with his left hand, and rubbed it hard a few times, as if he wanted to crush it, but when he let go, the small bag returned to its original appearance.

"It feels pretty good.

After you get home, try filling it with water, and then load it with something heavy.

Ma Dan.

Is it okay to spend so much money to buy things without letting them test it on the spot?

It is simply a monopoly, too domineering.

But there is no way, who said that this thing is only sold here?


After you go home and try it, if it is not as good as it says in the introduction, then come and return the product, and you can't let unscrupulous merchants make money. "

Although Ye Chong was thinking so wildly, he knew it very well in his heart, the main reason was that he spent 10000 points to buy a small bag, which was just a bit painful.

Speaking of which, the possibility of problems with the items in the Nine Martial Arts Academy's arsenal should be minimal, or non-existent.

Don't forget, its customers are the students of Jiuwu Academy, the true pride of heaven, the cornerstone and pillar of the future society, no one will offend this group for a little profit, unless they don't want to get mixed up.

After putting away the military nanobag, Ye Chong continued to explore.

It should be said that his current mood is full of excitement, excitement and anticipation. Before coming, he did not expect that there are so many practical equipment in the arsenal.

Soon, he came to a shop window not far away. Inside was a waistcoat, which looked dark, very thin, without a collar, and had many pockets on it.

The introduction next to the vest is also very attractive.

Military vest, the price is 5500 points.

Keep warm and cold.

Good water resistance.

Good buoyancy.


When Ye Chong saw this, his heart itched a little.

The clothes he wears now are all made of ordinary materials. Last time he was chased by a group of mutated wild boars, the clothes all over his body had no good place. He was so heavy that he drank several sips of water.

"This military vest only has 5500 points, but it has a lot of functions. Compared with the military nano bag, it is more worthwhile.

Ma Dan.

If I don't buy it, wouldn't I be sorry for myself and lose a lot of money? "

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